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Frustration due to unemployment problem is the cause of our unsocial activities 

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1. Introduction: Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, unemployment problem is a great one. Unemployment means the state of being without any work both for the educated and the uneducated for earning one’s livehood. The problem has spread its evil clutch all over the country. It is going from bad to worse. Thousand of people in our country are jobless now. All are getting concerned with this problems.
2. Types of unemployment: There are a few types of unemployment: 1. Involuntary (most common) 2. Voluntary 3. Transient
3. Types of unemployment:  Involuntary is where someone can not gain employment even though they are trying. Here a few:  Lack of skills  Lack of available jobs  Lack of entrepreneurship  Voluntary Unemployment is someone chooses not to work.  The benefit system in place is too generous  Too wealthy to need to work  Criminal behaviour and also criminal record  Transient, means that they are currently between jobs and will have a month or two off between one job and the next.
4. Causes of unemployment: Population growth Industrial backwardness lack of investment. Limited cultivable land Narrow productive work Lack of socialization Defective education system Lack of skills
5. Causes of unemployment: Mental/Physical Disabilities Laziness Attitude of our educated Youngman Mental stress Lack of self esteem Poor personality Drug addiction Kidnapping, Snatching, traffic jam and various types of social crime Abuse of political power
6. Unemployment situation in Bangladesh: According to a study of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the rate of growth of unemployment in Bangladesh currently is 3.7 per cent. The ILO figures also show Bangladesh in the twelfth position among the top twenty countries in the world where unemployment is rising. The number of the unemployed in Bangladesh now is estimated at 30 million. The way the rate of unemployment is increasing, it is feared that at this rate unemployment would soar to some 60 million by 2015. According to another estimate, every year some 2.7 million young persons are becoming eligible for jobs whereas only about 0.7 million of them are getting employment.
7. Unemployment rate: about 40% of the population is underemployed; many participants in the labor force country 1996 2001 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Bangladesh 35.2 35 40 40 40 2.5 2.5 5.1 4.8 work only a few hours a week, at low wages Source: CIA World Fact book
8. Effect of unemployment problem: Unemployment is a great social evil. It makes a man idle. There is a proverb, that an idle brain is the workshop of a devil. An idle person always indulges in mischief. So unemployment leads people to various unsocial activities which hamper the normal course of social life. Besides, lack of opportunities for employment makes people frustrated to take education.
9. Solution of unemployment problem: To solve the problem some measures may be taken. The first necessary thing for the solution of the problem is that a large number of mills, factories and firms should be set up throughout the country so that the unemployed can work there. Vocational training should be introduced and students should have some training in it. Our students and youths should be encouraged to respect manual labor and choose an independent career. The government should be honest and sincere in their plans and policies. Above all, the growth of population should be kept within reasonable limit.
10. Conclusion:  Unfortunately, there is no one conclusion to unemployment. Chances are that countries will always have a rate of unemployment - even in prosperous times such as after the Second World War, there was still a rate of unemployment, although it was very low. Some economic theories such as Keynesianism suggest that the government of a country should hold employment as its top priority. Other theories such as Monetarism suggest that, by focusing government attention on strict controls on the amount of money circulating within a country's economy, unemployment will also come down.

Tamanna Tabassum Moulee Sec-BBA (4D) NUB

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