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It is the students not the teachers who maintain the educational atmosphere in the educational institutions

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The dynamics within educational institutions are often influenced by a myriad of factors, with the role of students being paramount in maintaining the overall educational atmosphere. While teachers play a significant role in imparting knowledge and guidance, it is the students who contribute significantly to shaping the environment within these institutions.

Student-Centric Factors:

Peer Interactions and Relationships: Students are the primary architects of their social milieu. Interactions among peers, the formation of friendships, and the development of a collaborative learning culture all hinge on the active engagement and choices made by students.

Academic Integrity and Ethical Standards: Upholding academic integrity is a responsibility that lies heavily on the shoulders of students. The commitment to ethical standards, such as avoiding plagiarism and promoting fair play, contributes to a positive educational atmosphere that fosters genuine learning.

Participation in Extracurricular Activities: The vibrancy of educational institutions often stems from students' involvement in extracurricular activities. Whether it's clubs, sports, or cultural events, students drive the diverse and dynamic nature of these extracurricular pursuits, contributing to the overall educational experience.

Respect for Diversity and Inclusivity: Students play a pivotal role in fostering an inclusive and diverse atmosphere. The acceptance of different perspectives, backgrounds, and ideas creates a rich learning environment that goes beyond the confines of the curriculum.

Responsibility for Institutional Resources: Students are stewards of the institutional resources provided for their education. Responsible use of facilities, libraries, and technological resources contributes to a positive atmosphere that benefits the entire academic community.

Teacher-Student Collaboration:
While students hold a crucial role in maintaining the educational atmosphere, it is essential to acknowledge the symbiotic relationship between students and teachers. Effective collaboration between educators and students enhances the overall quality of education, creating a positive feedback loop that reinforces a healthy learning environment.

In educational institutions, the assertion that it is the students, not just the teachers, who maintain the educational atmosphere underscores the agency and influence students have in shaping their own educational journey. Emphasizing the significance of student engagement, responsibility, and collaboration fosters a holistic approach to education, understanding that the vitality of the learning environment relies on the active participation and choices made by the students themselves.

What Is A Student-Teacher Relationship?
A student-teacher relationship in the classroom is a positive relationship between the teacher and the student in efforts to gain trust and respect from each other. This relationship may consist of getting to know your students better, providing choice and encouraging the students to become stronger learners everyday. By doing this teachers are showing respect to their students, valuing their individuality and being polite. Having a positive relationship with your students helps them become more successful in the classroom as well as makes your classroom a safe and welcoming environment for all.

Ways To Build A Student-Teacher Relationship
There are many tips and tricks that can be used to build a strong student teacher relationship. One way that a strong student teacher relationship can be created is by making it apparent that the teacher cares about the students (“6 Ways to Build Strong Teacher-Student Relationships with SEL”, 2022). This can be done by talking with your students, such as asking about their day. Another way could be by listening to your students, this can be done by hearing their opinions, taking into account their interests, and by learning each student’s unique learning styles (“6 Ways to Build Strong Teacher-Student Relationships with SEL”, 2022). As well you can develop mutual trust with your students, such as providing them with choices and always having their best interest in mind (“6 Ways to Build Strong Teacher-Student Relationships with SEL”, 2022). In addition, you always have to be respectful and fair with each and everyone of your students (“6 Ways to Build Strong Teacher-Student Relationships with SEL”, 2022). You can ensure this by not picking favorites and having the same corrected behavior for each student. Furthermore, you can get to know your students and their families. This can be done by paying attention to your students during class and offering them opportunities to talk or share what they want about their families. Lastly, by giving your students positive words of encouragement and constructive criticism (“6 Ways to Build Strong Teacher-Student Relationships with SEL”, 2022). This is important due to the fact that it creates trust with your students, as they know they can rely on you to be honest. Of course, there are many other alternative ways to build a positive student teacher relationship, but these are some great examples of how to start.

Advantages of a Student-Teacher Relationship
Student- teacher relationships have displayed many advantages in the classroom. To start, students who share a positive relationship with their teacher develop stronger social-emotional skills. In addition, these students are more likely to absorb an increased amount of academic knowledge (Positive teacher-student relationships have cascading benefits, 2021). The result of a strong student-teacher relationship is that it allows students to feel confident through exploration and taking risks in their academic tasks. In short, students who have a positive student-teacher relationship demonstrate a stronger performance in the classroom (Positive teacher-student relationships have cascading benefits, 2021). However, one of the most important impacts of a positive student-teacher relationship is the production of an environment that incorporates mutual respect. One way an educator can produce a strong relationship with a student is to explicitly define learning goals and expectations in a positive manner. This could look different for groups of students or individual students. The strong relationship will allow for educators to be aware of their students’ learning and adjust their learning goals and expectations as needed (Admin, 2017). In the same manner, the educator should allow opportunities for students of all learning styles to participate in class discussions through oral and written communication. In addition to academic advantages, positive student-teacher relationships improve mental health and assists students in developing self-worth (Admin, 2017). Oftentimes, students look up to their educators as mentors. With this in mind, students are likely to feel pride when the educator encourages them in their learning and social interactions. Social competence, problem-solving abilities, autonomy, and a feeling of a bright future or purpose are protective elements that boost resilience, these all can be developed in a supportive teaching atmosphere (Bondy et al., 2007). As noted, students benefit from positive student-teacher relationships. Likewise, educators benefit as well. While creating strong relationships with their students, educators are strengthening their own interpersonal and professional skills (Admin, 2017). By strengthening their interpersonal communication skills, educators are more likely to respond effectively to stressful situations. In addition, educators are able to form relationships with parents and coworkers. In summary, it can be noted that students and educators equally benefit from the creation of positive student-teacher relationships.

The Importance Of Student-Teacher Relationships: Short and Long Term
As stated, student-teacher relationships are highly essential in an effective classroom. Specifically, student-teacher relationships are important for students in their short term and long term education. Student-teacher relationships are important in the short term because it creates a thriving classroom environment, helps students develop self worth and improves student mental health (Buffet, 2019). In the same manner, these positive relationships may decrease behavioral problems and promote academic success. Student- teacher relationships help foster the academic success of students. With this being said, student-teacher relationships assist students in the short term. These relationships support students for the specific year they spend in that educational setting with the educator (Buffet, 2019). Likewise, a positive student-teacher relationship is very important in the long term because it gives students confidence as well as ensuring that they know that their ideas are valuable. In turn, this allows students to carry this confidence throughout their future years pursuing academics. Also, this confidence and recognition of self-worth can be seen in social and emotional aspects of the students life. Another long term effect is that positive teacher relationships teach students that mistakes are an indication that they are learning. Learning is ongoing and students are able to identify this through the production of positive student-teacher relationships. This type of relationship will foster confidence in the long-term for the student.

Causes of Poor Student Teacher Relationships
Poor teacher-student relationships result from the instructor’s lack of awareness. Some students require tailored educational approaches since they do not respond to learning in the same way as others. When a teacher fails to regard an individual student’s educational needs, relationship problems between teachers and students arise. Each student’s ability to learn and interact with educators is influenced by their personality, family backgrounds, mental processes, learning styles, priorities, maturity levels, and academic ambitions (Tucker, 2021). When possible, teachers should treat each student as an individual who deserves one-on-one attention and specialized, concentrated education. In addition, a poor student-teacher relationship will develop if the educator’s main or only priority in the classroom is academics (Tucker, 2021). In correspondence with academics, students need to feel cared for and have the chance to feel strong emotions. Educators are responsible for building relationships with students that are not surface level or academically focused. Students should feel that their educator is someone they can trust and communicate freely with. The lack of empathy displayed by an educator can result in a poor student-teacher relationship.

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