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A Young Leader Can Provide Better Leadership Than an Older One

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Young leaders bring a stronger spirit of inquiry to every encounter.

Older leaders have such a deep and broad base of experience to draw from, its more likely they are tapping that base than listening carefully to the current issue being raised.

Young leaders have to develop that expertise and therefore are hungrier to learn from every encounter.

Older leaders have had the chance to enjoy rewards and recognition, and the hunger for these is less strong.

Older leaders will typically have vast experience and wisdom, both in the arena of politics and without. They are also coupled with patience, verve, and no short order of connections. They’ve been playing the game long enough to know all the players, the rules, and the field.

Younger leaders lack a lot of those traits, but they make up for it with tenacity, enthusiasm, idealism, and energy. They can also relate to the bulk of the nation, age and life experience wise, better than someone who is much older and from several generations ago.

What I mean is that the world Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, etc etc grew up in is much different than the world 99% of the U.S. did

They experiment more and open to take risk and try new things.

In my training days, once a senior person from leadership group visited our class. He asked one question from us. Why do we hire freshers when we have to give training and everything to you guys and during that period company do not get any revenue from you guys. Seems very simple question. Isn't it?

The simplest of all is they do not give more salary to freshers(service based company) and after training company can utilize the resource and cover up the money/loss.

But that day he told us something which got stuck with me. He gave us one example. What will happen if I give new sport/racing bike to you guys or senior person like me?

In most cases the senior person will ride that bike safely and will not utilize its features and abilities fully. In short he plays safe safe and does not experiment. But the same bike given to any youngster, he will ride that bike fast, experiment on it and will know each and everything about that bike like maximum speed, capacity, mileage,engine stability etc.

Same way a young leader infuses fresh ideas, energy in the team. Of course there are some drawbacks too but here we are only discussing about advantages.

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