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All-Rural Development Should Get Priority in the National Budget

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The heart and soul of Bangladesh lie in its villages. With a significant portion of the population residing in rural areas, the importance of rural development cannot be overstated. Givinh more attention to rural development in the national budget is not just about fairness; it's about tapping into the vast potential of these areas to contribute more significantly to the national economy and improve the quality of life for millions.

Rural areas in Bangladesh face numerous challenges, including limited access to quality education and healthcare, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of employment opportunities. By allocating more resources to these areas, the government can make substantial improvements in the lives of rural inhabitants. Improved infrastructure like roads and bridges can facilitate better market access for farmers, enhancing their livelihoods. Investments in education and healthcare can lead to a healthier, more educated workforce, contributing to the overall development of the country.

Moreover, focusing on rural development can also help mitigate the rapid urbanization problem facing Bangladesh. As people migrate to cities in search of better opportunities, urban areas are becoming increasingly overcrowded, leading to a host of social and environmental issues. By making rural areas more livable and economically viable, the pressure on cities can be reduced.

The wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi, who emphasized the significance of villages in a nation's identity and economy, is particularly relevant here. He believed that the true development of a country lies in the prosperity of its villages. Following this philosophy, Bangladesh can achieve more balanced and sustainable growth by ensuring that rural development is a top priority in its national budget.

Enhancing rural development also aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to poverty reduction, education, and health. By focusing on rural areas, Bangladesh can make significant strides toward achieving these goals, ensuring a brighter future for all its citizens.

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