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Banning of student politics will create leadership problem in Bangladesh in future

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Student politics in Bangladesh. You might have heard some discussions about whether it should be banned or not. Well, let's dive into why banning student politics could actually lead to a leadership problem in the future.

First off, what exactly is student politics? It's basically when students get involved in activities like forming groups, organizing events, and voicing their opinions on issues that matter to them. It's a way for young people to learn about democracy, leadership, and social responsibility.

Now, why would banning it be a problem? 

Student politics is like a training ground for future leaders. When students engage in political activities, they learn valuable skills like communication, negotiation, and teamwork. These skills are super important for any leader, whether in politics, business, or any other field.

Additionally, student politics gives young people a voice. It allows them to speak up about issues affecting them and their communities. Imagine a world where students aren't allowed to express their opinions or fight for what they believe in – that's not a world we want to live in!

Another thing to consider is that banning student politics could create a void in leadership. If students aren't given the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, who will step up to lead in the future? We need strong, capable leaders to guide our country forward, and student politics helps nurture those leaders.

Of course, it's important to acknowledge that there can be problems with student politics, like violence or corruption. But instead of banning it altogether, we should focus on finding ways to address these issues and make student politics more constructive and beneficial for everyone involved.

So, there you have it – banning student politics could actually do more harm than good. Let's keep encouraging young people to get involved, speak up, and become the leaders of tomorrow. After all, the future belongs to them!

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