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Computer narrows down the outlook of our youth

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Computers are changing how young people see the world. They affect how they learn, talk to others, and find jobs.

In schools, computers help students learn in new ways. They can find information online, take online classes, and use educational apps. This makes learning more fun and helps students understand better. Computers also help students who can't go to school because they're sick or live far away. They can join classes online and keep learning.

Computers also help young people talk to each other. They can use social media, chat apps, and video calls to connect with friends all over the world. This helps them make new friends, share ideas, and learn about different cultures.

When it comes to jobs, computers open up many possibilities. Young people can find jobs online, work from home, or start their own businesses. They can learn new skills through online courses and find freelance work. This gives them more freedom to choose what they want to do.

But computers also have challenges. Too much screen time can be bad for health, and some people use computers to bully others. Also, not everyone has access to computers and the internet, which creates a gap between those who do and those who don't.

Overall, computers have a big impact on young people's lives. By using them wisely and making sure everyone has access, we can help young people succeed in the digital world.

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