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Corruption is increasing due to the lack of proper imposition of law

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Laws are like the rules of the game, right? They're supposed to keep everyone playing fair and square. But when those rules aren't enforced properly, some people start bending them or even breaking them altogether. And that's when corruption sneaks in through the back door.

When people see that they can get away with breaking the rules, it kinda sends the message that corruption is okay – and that's a slippery slope. It can start small, like someone paying a bribe to skip a line, but then it can snowball into bigger stuff, like politicians taking kickbacks or companies dodging taxes.

But here's the thing It's not just about having tough laws on the books – we need to make sure they're actually being followed. That means holding people accountable when they break the rules, no matter who they are. When peopl see that there are consequences for corrupt behavior, they're a lot less likely to try it in the first place.

So, how do we tackle this? Well, it's gonna take a team effort. We need honest leaders who are committed to fighting corruption, a justice system that works for everyone, and a society that says "nope" to shady dealings. It won't happen overnight, but with a little bit of elbow grease and a whole lot of determination, we can start turning the tide against corruption.

At the end of the day, corruption hurts everyone – it undermines trust, slows down progress, and holds us back from reaching our full potential. But if we stand together and demand accountability, we can build a brighter, fairer future for all of us.

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