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Educated people are more corrupt than illiterate people

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Being educated doesn't automatically make you more honest or ethical. Education gives you knowledge and skills, but it's how you use that knowledge that really matters. Yes, educated people might know how to navigate systems and find loopholes, but that doesn't mean they're more likely to be corrupt.

On the flip side, being illiterate doesn't necessarily mean you're immune to corruption. It's more about the values and integrity you hold, rather than how much schooling you've had. Corruption can happen anywhere, whether it's in the halls of power or on the streets.

What's important is fostering a culture of honesty and accountability, regardless of education level. That means holding everyone – educated or not – to the same standards and ensuring that there are consequences for corrupt behavior.

At the end of the day, it's not about whether you have a degree or can't read – it's about doing the right thing and treating others with fairness and respect. So let's focus on building a society where integrity is valued above all else, no matter how many diplomas you have on your wall.

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