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Exporting manpower is harmful for our country

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Exporting manpower! It's a big issue that's got people thinking about how it impacts our country.

When we send our skilled workers to other countries for jobs, it can cause some problems back home. We're losing out on talent that could be helping our country grow and develop. Just imagine if all our doctors, engineers, and other skilled workers decided to leave – who would be left to build and improve our country?

Not only that, but when someone leaves to work in another country, it can be tough on their family and loved ones. Even if they're sending money back home to help out, it's not the same as having them around.

And let's not forget about the brain drain. When our brightest minds leave to work abroad, we're missing out on their skills, ideas, and innovation. That's not good for the future of our country.

Exporting manpower isn't all bad. For some people, it's a chance to escape poverty and make a better life for themselves and their families. And the money they send back home can actually help boost our economy and improve living conditions for everyone.

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