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Facebook is main cause increasing rate of divorce

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Facebook has become a huge part of our lives. We use it to connect with friends, share updates, and stay in the loop. But sometimes, all that connecting can lead to trouble in relationships.

You see, Facebook makes it easy to reconnect with old flames and strike up new friendships. And while that can be great for staying in touch, it can also spell trouble for marriages. Sometimes, those innocent messages or interactions can cross a line and lead to infidelity or trust issues.

Not only that, but spending too much time on Facebook can also strain relationships. Instead of spending quality time together, couples might find themselves glued to their screens, scrolling through their newsfeeds or chatting with friends.

Facebook isn't the sole cause of divorce. It's just one piece of the puzzle. Relationships are complex, and there are usually a lot of factors at play when things go wrong.

That said, it's important to be mindful of how we use Facebook and other social media platforms in our relationships. Setting boundaries, communicating openly, and Spending more quality time together can go a long way in keeping relationships strong.

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