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Nothing but only family is responsible for moral degradation

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Family is super important when it comes to teaching us right from wrong. Parents, grandparents, siblings – they all play a big role in shaping our values and behaviors. From saying "please" and "thank you" to learning about honesty and kindness, our family is where we first learn about morals.

But here's the thing: It's not just about family. There are lots of other things that can influence our morals too. Think about school, friends, and the media. They all have an impact on how we see the world and what we think is right or wrong.

For example, at school, we learn about things like teamwork and respect for others. Our friends also play a big role – they might have different values than our family, and that can affect how we behave too. And let's not forget about the media – TV shows, movies, and social media can all send messages about what's okay and what's not.

So, is family the only thing responsible for moral degradation? Well, not exactly. It's more like a team effort. Family is super important, but so are all these other influences. They all play a part in shaping our morals and values.

Yes, family is a big part of it, but it's not the only factor. It's all about finding a balance and being mindful of the influences around us. By being aware of how different things affect our morals, we can make better choices and be the best versions of ourselves.

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