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Only by active anti-corruption commission can remove corruption from society

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Having an anti-corruption commission is definitely important. Its job is to investigate and punish corrupt behavior, which is crucial for maintaining fairness and justice in society. When corrupt individuals are held accountable for their actions, it sends a strong message that corruption won't be tolerated.

But here's the thing: Removing corruption isn't just the job of one organization. It's a team effort that requires cooperation from all levels of society – from government officials to ordinary citizens.

For starters, laws and regulations need to be in place to prevent corruption in the first place. This means having transparency in government operations, strong enforcement of anti-corruption laws, and harsh penalties for those who break them.

But it's not just about laws – it's also about changing attitudes and behaviors. Education and awareness campaigns can help people understand the consequences of corruption and the importance of honesty and integrity.

And let's not forget about the role of ordinary citizens. By speaking out against corruption, reporting suspicious activities, and refusing to participate in corrupt practices, we can all help combat corruption in our own communities.

So, yes, having an active anti-corruption commission is important, but it's not the only solution. Removing corruption from society requires a comprehensive approach that involves everyone – from government officials to ordinary citizens – working together towards a common goal of transparency, integrity, and fairness.

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