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Only Drivers are main responsible for road accident

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The idea that drivers are solely responsible for road accidents. It's a common belief, but let's dig a little deeper into it.

Sure, drivers have a big responsibility when it comes to road safety. They're the ones steering the wheel and making decisions on the road. Speeding, not paying attention, or disobeying traffic rules can definitely increase the chances of accidents happening.

But here's the thing: Road safety isn't just about drivers. There are other factors at play too. For example, road conditions and infrastructure play a huge role. If roads are poorly maintained or if there are unexpected hazards, it can make driving more dangerous, even for careful drivers.

And let's not forget about the condition of the vehicles themselves. If a car has mechanical issues, like bad brakes or worn-out tires, it can make accidents more likely, no matter how cautious the driver is.

Plus, there are other road users to consider, like pedestrians and cyclists. If they're not following the rules or being cautious, it can also lead to accidents.

So, while drivers definitely have a big responsibility, they're not the only ones to blame when accidents happen. Road safety is a team effort that involves everyone – drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and even city planners- working together to make our roads safer for everyone.

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