Group Discussion

Only intelligence, not hard work makes a man successful in life.

Intelligence can be a valuable asset. It can help us understand complex concepts, solve problems, and make informed decisions. But here's the thing: success isn't just about being smart. Hard work, determination, and resilience also play a huge role.

Think about it this way: even the most intelligent person won't get far without putting in the effort. Success often requires perseverance, grit, and the willingness to push through challenges, even when things get tough. It's about setting goals, taking action, and persisting in the face of setbacks.

Moreover, hard work can sometimes compensate for a lack of natural talent or intelligence. Someone who is willing to put in the hours, learn from their mistakes, and keep pushing themselves can often achieve great things, even if they don't start out as the smartest person in the room.

Plus, success isn't just about individual intelligence or hard work – it's also influenced by factors like opportunity, privilege, and support from others. Not everyone has access to the same resources or opportunities, which can impact their ability to succeed, regardless of their intelligence or work ethic.

So, while intelligence certainly has its advantages, it's not the only factor in determining success. Hard work, determination, and a willingness to keep going, even when things get tough, are just as important.

Yes, intelligence can help, but it's hard work that often makes the difference between success and failure in life. Let's remember to value both qualities and understand that success is achievable for anyone willing to put in the effort.