Group Discussion

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Our population is not a liability but and asset

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Having a large population can come with its challenges, like putting pressure on resources and infrastructure. But here's the thing: our population is also full of potential and opportunity.

Think about it this way: more people means more brains, more ideas, and more creativity. It's like having a big team where everyone brings something unique to the table. With the right support and investment in education and healthcare, our population can be a powerhouse of innovation and productivity.

Plus, having a diverse population can enrich our society in so many ways. Different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives make for a vibrant and dynamic community. It's what makes our country unique and special.

And let's not forget about the economic side of things. A larger population means a bigger market for goods and services, which can stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities.

So, while it's important to address the challenges that come with a growing population, let's not overlook the potential and opportunities it brings. Our population is not a liability – it's an asset that, with the right support and investment, can help us build a brighter future for everyone.

Yes, our population may pose challenges, but let's focus on harnessing its potential and turning it into a positive force for progress and prosperity.

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