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Poor parenting is the primary cause of the violence of children behavior 

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Parents have a big influence on their children. They're the ones who teach them right from wrong, set boundaries, and provide love and support. So, it's true that if parents aren't providing a safe and nurturing environment, it can affect how their children behave.

But here's the thing: blaming poor parenting as the sole cause of children's violent behavior is a bit too simplistic. There are many factors that can contribute to a child acting out violently. Things like exposure to violence in the media or in their communities, mental health issues, or even just difficult life circumstances can all play a part.

Plus, it's important to remember that parenting isn't always easy. Some parents may be dealing with their own challenges, like stress, financial difficulties, or lack of support. It's not always fair to blame them for their children's behavior without considering the bigger picture.

That being said, good parenting does make a difference. Providing children with love, guidance, and positive role models can help them learn how to manage their emotions and behave in a respectful and non-violent way.

So, while poor parenting can certainly contribute to children behaving violently, it's not the only factor at play. By addressing the broader issues that can influence children's behavior and providing support to parents, we can work towards creating a safer and more nurturing environment for all children.

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