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Terrorism is by product of corruption 

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Corruption creates inequalities and injustices that can push people to extremes. When people feel like they're being treated unfairly or that the system is rigged against them, they might turn to terrorism as a way to fight back or gain attention for their cause.

Additionally, corruption can weaken governments and security forces, making it easier for terrorist groups to operate. When officials are more concerned with lining their pockets than protecting their citizens, it leaves gaps in security that terrorists can exploit.

Terrorism is a complex issue with many factors at play. While corruption may contribute to it, it's not the only cause. Ideological beliefs, social grievances, and geopolitical tensions also play significant roles.

That being said, tackling corruption is still crucial in the fight against terrorism. By promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance, we can create a more just and stable society where extremism finds less fertile ground to grow.

Corruption may fuel terrorism in some cases, it's not the whole story. We need to address the root causes of terrorism from all angles, including social, economic, and political factors. By working together to combat corruption and promote justice and equality, we can build a safer and more peaceful world for everyone.

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