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Increasing rate of divorce

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Marrying someone and starting a family is one of the main purposes of many people. However, it seems that more and more people have a difficulty in continuing their marriage. Increasing divorce rate is becoming a serious issue in some countries. This essay will discuss the reasons why this is happening and put forward several solutions for this issue.

In my opinion, the biggest cause of divorce is harsh work conditions. Employers are demanding long working hours with a very low salary. Therefore, people do not earn what they really deserve and it affects their mental health adversely. They do not have enough leisure time for themselves and their family, and they frequently cannot spend their money to enjoy a little luxury. People can only afford the fundamental needs to survive. Another important reason is that people want to marry not because they fall in love with a person, but to stop feeling lonely. This is because, number of people who feel lonely has raised since the advent of the Internet. People started to show a tendency to spend their time on watching TV series, playing online computer games and using social media. Therefore, they had less time to form strong relationship with people and could not find the person whom they would truly love. All of this adds up to an unhappy family life.

Fortunately, there are things that can be done to solve some of these problems. Firstly, people should accept these bad conditions and try to use it to strengthen their connections to each other rather than give up. Changing people’s mindset is likely to help save a marriage. Couples may try to go for therapy to replace their negative thoughts with positive ones. They can also try to look for more fulfilling job opportunities, if their current jobs are stressful and demanding. Secondly, some people may try to spend less time in front of their computer or mobile phones and socialize. For instance, they may try to start to learn how to play an instrument and meet new people.These things require changing one’s lifestyle, but they can lead to a happier marriage and family life.

Working life is demanding and family life inevitably suffers due to the demanding conditions. Besides, technology has some negative impacts on people’s relationships. As a result of these reasons, a rise in divorce rates is observed in some parts of the world. However, some changes in people’s perspective and lifestyle may be a cure for this problem.

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