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Mobile phone

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A mobile phone is a very useful device for us. Without the wire, it works like a telephone system. A mobile phone system is changing after a certain time. Call rate, internet speed, get up, facilities are changing day by day. Now we can find anything or any news from google within a very short time via mobile phone. People can communicate at home or abroad through it. Wonderful wonders of science mobile phones add a new dimension to our lifestyle. 

Through the mobile phone we get news, and knowledge, play games, can record audio and video, and share feelings. Not only this, we pay a bill, receive money, and send money via mobile phone. Every equation has the opposite reaction. So, the mobile phone has some injurious effects. Our young generation is slowing down due to the overuse of it. The addiction to the internet affects their youth. When they should pass time by playing on the field they pass time on a mobile phone. Terrorism, crime, bad addiction, pornography, etc. are increasing day by day.

A mobile phone is a wonderful blessing for human beings. Every time it is changing and updating. We come closer to each other. With increasing, internet speed phone call bills also increasing. To stop money and time wastage behind the mobile phone we should take care of its use and abuse. To get a harmless world we should use a mobile phone in the right way.

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