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My bitter experience

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Bitter experiences are tough times we face in life that are not pleasant but teach us important lessons. Imagine you are playing with your favorite toy and it breaks because you were not careful. You feel sad and regret not taking good care of it. This is a bitter experience. It’s like tasting a bitter fruit. You don’t like the taste, but it makes you realize that not all fruits are sweet. Similarly, not all experiences in life are happy or fun. Some are bitter, and they teach us to be more careful and responsible. Just like the broken toy teaches you to take better care of your things. Sometimes, we make mistakes, and we face problems because of them. These problems are our bitter experiences. But remember, these experiences are not bad because they help us learn and grow. They make us stronger and smarter. So, next time when you face a bitter experience, don’t be sad. Instead, think about what it teaches you and how you can avoid making the same mistake in the future.

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