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Students politics

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Introduction: Student life is the time to acquire knowledge and to prepare oneself for the challenges of future life. The main job of a student is to study. Being aware of the social, economic, and cultural matters of one’s country is also important for a student. It is necessary for a student to have proper knowledge about problems related to his society and country and to prepare himself for solving those problems in a constructive way.

Justification of Student Politics: Whether student politics is justified is a matter of debate. Student politics has played a pivotal role in the liberation movement of this country. Still, considering the role of student politics in the present situation of Bangladesh one can hardly support student politics. It should not be an exaggeration to say that student politics has been criminalized in Bangladesh. Students are consistently being used in criminal and terrorist activities. Student wings of the political parties have become a safe haven for evil-doers. Considering this situation, it is reasonable to assume that student politics is not admissible in a country like Bangladesh.

Present Condition of Student Politics: There are many reasons behind the lamentable condition of student politics in Bangladesh. First of all, political leaders are misleading students in the name of politics and using the students to fulfill their narrow interests. The leaders provide money and arms to the students and take them away from active study. Secondly, the educational system of the country has failed to provide proper education and guidance to the students.

History of Student Politics: We have a glorious history of student politics. Under the occupation of the British and the Pakistanis, the students of the country have always worked actively to safeguard the interest of the mass people. They were like the conscience of the nation. They had remarkable contributions to the movements of liberation against British rule and the later Pakistani rule. The language movement of 1952 was basically organized by the students. Many people including students died in the movement to uphold the dignity of the mother language on the 21st February 1952.

Corrective Measures: The following measures may be undertaken to purge student politics. They may be as follows:Student wings of the political parties should be abolished and students should be dissociated from the affiliation of political parties.The scope and activities of student politics should be kept limited to personal awareness programs, and non-political student unions in the educational institutions.Measures should be taken to prevent students from taking part in the crime. To this end, the environment of educational institutions and the quality of education need to be improved. Besides, the overall law and order situation of the country also needs improvement.

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