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The pet I like most

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I have a pet cat. I call her Mini. She is my pet animal. I like her very much. She also likes me. Her fur is white and clean. She looks very beautiful.

Mini is good in her habits. She does not steal any food. She does not even touch any food if left uncovered. Whenever I take my food, it comes to me and sits next to me until I finish my meal. Sometimes it mews and twinkles its eyes as a symbol of modesty.

Mini is neat and clean by nature. She does not go out of the house and dust her body. She sleeps on my bed. If I am angry, she can understand. Then she mews softly and looks at me tenderly. So, I cannot beat her and drive away.

Most of the time by day it remains idle and sometimes it sleeps. But it remains awake all night to catch its prey. Sometimes it catches mice and cockroaches. It is a good hunter.

Mini is very fond of taking fish, meat, and milk. When it becomes hungry, it tries to steal fish and milk from the kitchen. For this, my mother is often angry with her.

Mini is liked by other members of my family. It plays with my little brothers and sister. They often walk about taking her in their arms. She never bites or scratches them. So, it is liked by all.

Mini kills rats, whenever she sees a mouse, she chases it and kills it. Thus, she does some good for us.

When I come back home, it becomes very cheerful and utters mews. It sits down under my table when I read in the evening. Sometimes it runs here and there and soon returns. It goes to my bedroom with me and jumps on my lap as if it wanted to sleep with me. After all, I like Mini very much.

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