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Food Adulteration

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Food is called human fuel. This is one of the fundamental needs of human life. To grow up and survive on the earth, every human being needs food. But, unfortunately, some dishonest businessmen are responsible to make this life-leading food into an adulterated product. Food adulteration has become nowadays a national issue. When a substance is added to any food item to increase its quantity, not quality is called food adulteration. Any kind of food item including fruits, vegetables, oil, fish, milk products, fast foods, and baby foods is being contaminated with poisonous chemicals.

The main reasons behind this food adulteration are high profit and to remain a fresh good look for a longer period. Some greedy, immoral and dishonest businessmen are behind the behind-scene in this social crime. Contaminated foods contain destructive substances such as Aldrin, DDT, formalin, Chlordane, etc. Several kinds of research there are hardly any food products from vegetables to milk, meat to fish, juice, or biscuit that are not adulterated.

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