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Birds of Bangladesh

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Introduction: Bangladesh is a country full of trees and forests. These trees and forests are the abodes of thousands of birds. These birds give us much joy and make our country beautiful.

Different Types of Birds: There are different types of birds we find in this country. These birds have been described in the following categories:

1. Some Familiar Birds: The crow is one of the most familiar birds. We find it everywhere in the country. Though we dislike it for its black color and harsh voice, it is very useful to us. It cleans our environment by eating up dead animals and dirty things. The sparrow and pigeons are also very familiar birds. They build houses in the nooks and crannies of our houses.

2. Song Birds: There are many songbirds in Bangladesh. Among them the cuckoos, the nightingale, the robin, the Bulbuli, Bau Kotha Kau, the Mayna, and the Shyama are famous.

3. Tailor Birds: There are some birds that can build their nests skillfully. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, the Babui, the Tuntuni, and the Bulbuli are tailor birds.

4. The Game Birds: The heron, the stork, the water hen, the quail, and Pankauri are well-known game birds. They are hunted for their flesh.

5. Birds of Pray: The kite, the hawk, and the vulture are birds of prey. They have keen eyesight and sharp paws. They live on flesh and fish.

6. Domestic Birds: There are also some domestic birds in Bangladesh. They include the hen, the duck and the pigeon. Domestic birds give us eggs and meat.

7. Migratory Birds: Bangladesh also provides shelter to a great number of migratory birds. Most of them come from Siberia in winter and take shelter in our lakes and forests.

Conclusion: Birds are charming to look at. They are very important for maintaining ecological balance. They eat up insects and help our agriculture. They also help in the pollination of different species of trees. So we should protect our wealth of birds.

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