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Early rising

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There is a proverb which tells us about the benefit of early rising: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”.

Early rising is a good habit. It leads to improvement of health and prolongation of our life. It is the best time for prayer to God. The greatest advantage of early rising is that it gives a good start of a hard day’s work, while the others are still in bed. We can complete the day’s work without having to rush through it.

A little exercise at this time will keep the early riser fit for the day. Walking in the open air at this time is also very pleasant. The birds sing, the air is fresh and there is serenity all over. Nature which is fresh and peaceful has a beauty of its own at this time.

All these refresh the mind and body of an early riser and make him fit for working hard. Early rising should be made a regular habit as it leads to happiness and good health.

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