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Fruits of Bangladesh

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Bangladesh is a green country. It is full of trees, flowers, and fruits. Many types of fruits are available here round the year. Some of the fruits are sweet and some are sour. Some fruits are big and some are small.

Summer Fruits: The summer is called the season of fruits. Many delicious fruits are available in Summer. Among them mango, jackfruit, lichi, blackberry, and watermelon are famous. The mango is very delicious. It is called the king of fruits. The best types of mango include Langra, Fazli, Gopalbholg, Mohanbhog, Double-V, Sosa, and Himsagar. They grow well in Rajshahi, Bogra, and Dinajpur. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. It is very tasty. Its seeds are also used as vegetables. It is found everywhere in the country, especially in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Watermelon is a juicy fruit. It is very refreshing on hot summer days. It grows well in sandy seashores. It is grown in plenty in the northern districts of the country.

Fruits of the Rainy Season: Pineapples, guavas, and hog plums are available during the rainy season. Pineapple is a jucy fruit. It grows well in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Comilla, and Sylhet. The guava is a tasty fruit. It grows well in Chittagong and Barisal.

Winter Fruits: Orange is a winter fruit. It grows only in Sylhet in Bangladesh. The plum also ripens in winter. Some plums are sour and some are sweet.

Fruits of all Seasons: There are some fruits that are available throughout the whole year. They include banana, papaya, and coconut. The banana is a tasty fruit. There are many kinds of bananas. Sabri, Sagar and Bangla are the best among them. Banana grows almost everywhere in Bangladesh. Papaya is also very tasty and is found everywhere in this country. Coconut has tasty carnal and water. It grows well in coastal areas.

Other Fruits: There are many other fruits available in Bangladesh. Among them are custard apple, wood-apple, star-apple, pomegranate, palm, and date worth mentioning. Lemon, tamarind, shaddock, lime, and olive are sour fruits.

Fruits are very rich in food value and vitamins. Regular intake of fruits can keep us healthy and free from diseases. Various types of food such as jam, jelly, pickles, mixed fruits, custard, cake, and juice are made with fruits. We should try to grow more fruits.

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