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Western Culture

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Culture is the way of life. It embraces the philosophy of life, taste, tradition, mentality, skills, etc. Actually, a society or community’s culture is reflected in its art, music, literature, etc. It is also a superior work of intellectuality and is regarded as a social distinction. At present, two sharply distinguished cultures-Eastern and Western- are dominating in two parts of the world. The Eastern culture is based on religions like Islam, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. These religions exercise such an impact upon its followers that they are too reluctant to accept or follow any other dictate, culture and instruction. Eastern culture dominates over the countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Burma, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Middle East. 

On the other hand, the western culture is that of the USA, the UK, the European countries and so on. Western culture is based on individual’s rights, needs, privileges, attitudes and ways of life having more scientific and materialistic notions. Now Western culture is intruding and influencing Eastern culture through globalization and satellite TV channels. The violence, fighting, wrestling, boxing, band music, pop music, indecent dance sequences and especially obscene on TV through the satellite channels have an irresistible attraction for the young generation of these countries. Thus, religious values, truth, work and moral virtues are getting destroyed day by day. So the time is up to be serious against this evil power and to protect our traditional religious values. Otherwise, we’ll be swept away by this evil power. But we must take up the good things and thus enrich our culture.

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