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Morning exercise

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Morning walk is an ideal exercise with little physical labor. It is easy to practice. The habit of morning walk is equally good for people of all ages. It frees our minds from tension and keeps us aloof from the cares of our daily life.

In course of the walk, anybody feels light and relaxed, free and fresh, and enjoys it in a leisurely mood. A daily walk in the early morning is a good source of good health. The walk helps us inhale fresh air with oxygen in full. It lends us a cheerful mind that keeps our bodies fit.

A man who walks regularly in the morning gains some energy and can perform his day’s work perfectly. The walk usually begins early in the morning, especially before sunrise. This is why a walker can view and enjoy all the morning beauties of Nature. He hears the singing birds, sees the rising sun and looks at the vast blue over his head.

A simple morning walk every day can help us to control blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. A 30-minute early morning walk helps us to keep the body weight under control and reduce the risk of heart disease. It is not only good for physical health but also boosts your mental and emotional health. Morning walk is a healthy habit and should be practised more and more.

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Moonlit night

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The moon is the queen of night and a splendour among starry heavens. A walk in a moonlit night is really a refreshing and fascinating experience. Strolling in a moonlit night is pleasant and delightful in ways more than one.

Walking in the moonlit night does not only remove the weariness and boredom of the hectic day but also it elevates our spirit, enlivens our soul and refreshes our mind.The atmosphere during a moonlit night is reigned by calmness and quietness if we walk through the countryside, which is away from humdrum, noise and clamour of cities. Moreover, the cool air and the cool beams of the moon, kissing each and every object of nature, present a charming sight. 

One really feels thrilled and relieved. One feels a sense of joy. There comes the freedom of mind, thoughts and ideas. A moonlit night delights our heart and soul. The tranquil surrounding in the countryside or distant landscapes present a lovely sight.

The moon shines like a lighthouse to guide us in the night. And in such a night, away from the din and dust of cities, when we are in the company of our dearest friends, cutting jokes and chatting with them it is an alluring pleasure. The stars in the presence of the moon make it the guardian of all the stars.

The entire nature is clothed in the shining silvery robes of the moonlit night. Every object appears to be cheerful and mirthful. The flowers emitting sweet fragrance, the petals dancing to the tune of soothing and cool wind and the trees whispering in the breeze really render a fascinating spectacle.

The green fields, flowers and fruits dance in a coherent rhythm because of wind and moonlight. Indeed, moonlight is a feast for eyes. The superb sights scenes and sounds of nature are enhancing.

To play, sing and talk would be some of the coveted pleasures of a moonlit night. The memories of a moonlit night are still fresh in my mind and still hurting my mind. A Walk in a moonlit night is a good experience because we come close to mother nature.

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Mobile phone

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A mobile phone is a very useful device for us. Without the wire, it works like a telephone system. A mobile phone system is changing after a certain time. Call rate, internet speed, get up, facilities are changing day by day. Now we can find anything or any news from google within a very short time via mobile phone. People can communicate at home or abroad through it. Wonderful wonders of science mobile phones add a new dimension to our lifestyle. 

Through the mobile phone we get news, and knowledge, play games, can record audio and video, and share feelings. Not only this, we pay a bill, receive money, and send money via mobile phone. Every equation has the opposite reaction. So, the mobile phone has some injurious effects. Our young generation is slowing down due to the overuse of it. The addiction to the internet affects their youth. When they should pass time by playing on the field they pass time on a mobile phone. Terrorism, crime, bad addiction, pornography, etc. are increasing day by day.

A mobile phone is a wonderful blessing for human beings. Every time it is changing and updating. We come closer to each other. With increasing, internet speed phone call bills also increasing. To stop money and time wastage behind the mobile phone we should take care of its use and abuse. To get a harmless world we should use a mobile phone in the right way.

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Micro credit system

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‘Microcredit’ means a very small amount of credit. However, this small amount of money can be very important for an extremely poor person. But it is difficult for a poor man to get any amount of loan from a bank without any security. Dr. Muhammad Yunus thought about this problem and invented a system through which thousands of people are getting microcredit without any kind of mortgage or security. It is also amazing that the rate of loan repayment is very high. It is about 98.85%.

The poverty of the people of Bangladesh made Dr. Md. Yunus sorry. He noticed that many active people could not become self-reliant for want of a small amount of money. He began to think to find a way of extending loans to the extremely poor people without any security. At that time he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Chittagong. He went to a local branch of Janata Bank near the University of Chittagong and asked the manager of the bank to extend loans to some poor people in the locality without any security. But the bank refused to extend the loan without any security. Then he personally stood as guarantor for those people. Those people were from a village named Jobra. Within six months the poor villagers repaid the loans. He expanded his work to some other villages. Then he prepared a project proposal for extending loans to poor people without any security and submitted the proposal to Bangladesh Krishi Bank. In 1976 the project started as a branch of Krishi Bank named Bangladesh Krishi Bank Experimental Grameen Branch but the overall authority of the branch was not given to Dr. Yunus by the board of the bank. From that project after overcoming many problems and managing Bangladesh Bank, the Minister of Finance and the Government, ‘Grameen Bank’ started as a bank on the 1st October 1983. At first as the Experimental Grameen Branch, then Grameen Bank Project, and at last, the scheme started operating as the Grameen Bank. In the beginning, the loan was extended to 42 people from the personal fund of Dr. Yunus. The number multiplied soon. At first, the government had 60% ownership of the project and the poor people had 40% ownership.

Grameen Bank has, so far, distributed about 29,000 crore taka as loans. The loan recovery is about 99%. The major portion of the borrowers is the poor village women. In this way, this micro-credit is playing an important role in ensuring women’s empowerment and gender equality. Now Grameen Bank has 2,226 branches. The members have 93% ownership and the rest 7% ownership goes to the government. In the beginning, the scheme operated with the personal fund of Dr. Yunus. Then the project ran for six years with government funding. From 1982 to 1995 loans and aid were taken from the donor agencies. In 1998 Grameen Bank took a loan from the local bank by issuing bonds through a government guarantee. Now Grameen Bank operates fully on its own money. The bank ensures development locally with the money of the local people. This idea of poverty alleviation through microcredit has become very popular and is being implemented in more than one hundred countries of the world.

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Metro Rail

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Dhaka Metro Rail is a rapid transit system that is currently under construction in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The project was launched in 2016, and it is expected to be completed by 2023. The total length of the system is 21.26 km, with 17 stations on the route. The Dhaka Metro Rail is designed to provide a modern and reliable transportation system for the growing population of Dhaka. The city has been facing significant traffic congestion and air pollution due to the rapid increase in population and economic activity in recent years. The metro rail system is expected to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, making the city a better place to live. The project is being funded by the Government of Bangladesh with financial assistance from development partners such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The total cost of the project is estimated to be around $2.8 billion. The metro rail system will consist of both elevated and underground sections and will be capable of carrying up to 60,000 passengers per hour. The fare for the Dhaka Metro Rail system has not been announced yet, but it is expected to be affordable for the general public. The benefits of the Dhaka Metro Rail system are numerous. The system will provide a safe and reliable mode of transportation for the general public, particularly for those who do not have access to private vehicles. The system is also expected to generate employment opportunities during the construction phase and after its completion. The Dhaka Metro Rail is a much-needed project for the city of Dhaka. It will provide a modern and efficient transportation system, reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, generate employment opportunities, and support economic growth and development.

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Love marriage

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Love marriage, a concept that has gained considerable acceptance in contemporary society, is a marriage based on mutual affection and commitment. Unlike arranged marriages, love marriages are built on the foundation of shared experiences, compatibility, and profound understanding. Historically, marriages were primarily arranged, serving socio-economic purposes rather than personal fulfillment. However, the rise of individualism and personal liberty led to the evolution of love marriages. They symbolize the freedom to choose one’s life partner based on emotional connection rather than societal norms. Love marriages come with a plethora of advantages. The couple, having spent considerable time together before marriage, understands each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and life goals. This understanding fosters compatibility, reducing potential conflict. Furthermore, love marriages often promote equality as the relationship is not burdened by societal expectations. Despite the advantages, love marriages can face various challenges. They may encounter societal resistance, particularly in traditional societies. Additionally, the initial romantic love may fade over time, potentially leading to disillusionment. Love marriages, while not without challenges, offer a path to a fulfilling life partnership based on mutual respect, understanding, and shared life goals. As society continues to evolve, it is crucial to respect individual choices, be it love marriage or arranged, acknowledging that the essence of a successful marriage lies in mutual commitment and understanding.

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Life partner

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Everybody has their own choice of person whom they want to be with. For myself, my ideal partner should be the one who has good and best important personalities.
My ideal partner will be someone who is confident, someone who believes in family values and understands the importance of family and who has the spirit to take up challenges and overcome them”.
My Life Partner should have is love and caring nature and who is more responsible enough and who can hold me in his loving and caring hands. I feel where there is trust and understanding there will be the divine existence and happiness throughout the life. Life Partner should not be money minded.
I am looking for a good mature life partner who will love me, care for me n understand me.In any relation a good friendship is essential. So partner should be my good friend also, as I will be hope for the best.I want a friend who understands me, a friendly soul who can add a meaning to my life and to whom I can say -You make My Life simple.
I am looking for a partner who will be a friend, willing to stand by me at every stage of my life.
Besides,he is the guy whom truly love me, accepting all your negative habits and faults, willing to share the joy and sadness,unhappiness or happiness. In my opinion, sharing is one of the most important thing in family life. It will help us overcome those difficulties in life & find the best solution to resolve them. That's the base help our relationship will remain to the end .
In conclusion,these things that i mention above are base personalities of my partner and i hope i will meet her soon.

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Learning from youtube

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YouTube has become one of the most popular and significant platforms across the internet in the current era. It offers an immense range of benefits to its users, including entertainment, education, and social networking, among many others.One of the major advantages of YouTube is its entertainment factor. It is the biggest source of visual entertainment online, offering real-time streaming of videos of different genres. Users of YouTube can access a wide range of video categories, including music, movies, TV shows, gaming videos, and many more. With such a vast collection, there is something to suit everyone's preference, making it a great tool to unwind and relax after a long day.YouTube has also become a vital tool in education, allowing users to access an abundance of information in various subjects. It can be a valuable source of learning for students of all ages, offering relevant and up-to-date information on many topics. For instance, educational videos can help with language learning, technical computing, personal development, and even career advancement.Additionally, YouTube has empowered people to share their unique skills, talents, and experiences with the world at large. The platform has allowed creators to build their brands, showcase their art or hobbies, and share important messages with their followers. Many people have created a living from YouTube as it has helped them to reach a broader audience, and people can subscribe to their channels to follow their idols and to learn from them.Another way in which YouTube helps is by promoting social interaction and networking through the comments section. Viewers can converse and share their opinions with others, building personal relationships with like-minded people worldwide.Finally, YouTube can also open up new opportunities for business and marketing, as it enables companies to showcase their products and services to millions of people worldwide. It is a platform that provides a global reach, and the video content can help businesses to attract new customers and expand their outreach.In conclusion, YouTube is a valuable tool that has become integral to our daily lives. It entertains, educates, promotes social interaction, and assists entrepreneurs in reaching wider audiences. Its contribution to the world cannot be overemphasized, and it has empowered people to access information and entertainment at the touch of a button.

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International mother language day

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21st February is a red-letter day in the history of our nation. It is also a mourning day for us. It is a day of historical importance. The day reminds us of our language movement and the sacrifice of our heroic sons. Now we observe the day as international mother language day, formerly regarded as saheed dish. The day is a national holiday. UNESCO declared the day as international mother language day in November 1999. It is not observed in our country but is regarded as an international mother language day worldwide. One day in 1952, the Pakistani wanted to impose their undue language as our state language. They tried to take away our mother tongue. Then our heroic sons of Bangladesh established the Bangla language as the state language sacrificing their blood and lives. On the day. We pay homage to the shaheed minar with flowers to show respect for their sacrifice. We bow down, singing a traditional song, "Amar vai er route Mangano ekuse February, ami ki value pair." All Government and Government organizations bring out rallies very early in the morning, singing songs; they go to shaheed miner. All people go to the shaheed minar with flowers to show respect to the language martyrs. So the day and language martyrs will be remembered forever in the history of our Bengali nation.

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Independence Day

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During the Partition of India on August 14, 1947, Pakistan gained independence from Britain and became separated from India. After this, the area now known as Bangladesh was referred to as East Bengal but later called East Pakistan.

However, in 1970, the country was led by President Yahya Khan, from the minority West Pakistan region. After the general elections, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who was from East Pakistan (Bangladesh), won the elections. The government refused to hand over power to Rahman.

This led to a demand for independence by the people of East Pakistan. The East Pakistan government began arresting army personnel who were from East Pakistan, leading to forced disappearances. On the night of March 25, 1971, the Pakistan Army declared “Operation Searchlight,” a military operation that was essentially Bengali genocide, leading to approximately 3,000,000 Bengalis being killed indiscriminately.

Finally, on the morning of March 26, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the independence of East Pakistan from West Pakistan. Unfortunately, the story didn’t end there. For nine months following that day, a liberation war raged between both regions, leading to many people dying. The war, which became known as the “Bangladesh War of Independence,” finally came to an end on December 16, 1971. Pakistan finally surrendered.

In Bangladesh, independence celebrations are characterized by parades, speeches, fairs, and ceremonial events designed to commemorate the country’s liberation. On the morning of the day, a thirty-one gun salute is shot.

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