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Increasing rate of divorce

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Marrying someone and starting a family is one of the main purposes of many people. However, it seems that more and more people have a difficulty in continuing their marriage. Increasing divorce rate is becoming a serious issue in some countries. This essay will discuss the reasons why this is happening and put forward several solutions for this issue.

In my opinion, the biggest cause of divorce is harsh work conditions. Employers are demanding long working hours with a very low salary. Therefore, people do not earn what they really deserve and it affects their mental health adversely. They do not have enough leisure time for themselves and their family, and they frequently cannot spend their money to enjoy a little luxury. People can only afford the fundamental needs to survive. Another important reason is that people want to marry not because they fall in love with a person, but to stop feeling lonely. This is because, number of people who feel lonely has raised since the advent of the Internet. People started to show a tendency to spend their time on watching TV series, playing online computer games and using social media. Therefore, they had less time to form strong relationship with people and could not find the person whom they would truly love. All of this adds up to an unhappy family life.

Fortunately, there are things that can be done to solve some of these problems. Firstly, people should accept these bad conditions and try to use it to strengthen their connections to each other rather than give up. Changing people’s mindset is likely to help save a marriage. Couples may try to go for therapy to replace their negative thoughts with positive ones. They can also try to look for more fulfilling job opportunities, if their current jobs are stressful and demanding. Secondly, some people may try to spend less time in front of their computer or mobile phones and socialize. For instance, they may try to start to learn how to play an instrument and meet new people.These things require changing one’s lifestyle, but they can lead to a happier marriage and family life.

Working life is demanding and family life inevitably suffers due to the demanding conditions. Besides, technology has some negative impacts on people’s relationships. As a result of these reasons, a rise in divorce rates is observed in some parts of the world. However, some changes in people’s perspective and lifestyle may be a cure for this problem.

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If you become President of Bangladesh

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Who does not want to be great? Every man on earth wishes to be something that he is not. This is his instinctive nature. He can be whatever he likes to be in the world of imagination. I am a student. But I wish I were the president of Bangladesh.

The post of the President is the highest position in the country. He holds great power. He has many duties and responsibilities to the people of the country. He has to look after the interest of the whole nation and ensure the safety of the state.

To serve the country and her people is a noble task. And to perform this task the post of the President is the best of all the posts of the country. This is why I wish to be the President of Bangladesh.Bangladesh is a small country. But its population is very large. So, the country fails to meet the basic demands of its people with its limited resources. But If were the President of Bangladesh. I would do my best to improve this condition of the country. I would take the following measures:

  1. I would take the necessary measures to control the rapid growth of population.
  2. To remove the unemployment problem of the country, I would set up more mills and factories.
  3. I would take proper steps to stop political unrest.
  4. I would try my best to improve the country’s law-situation for the security of the people.
  5. I would encourage the agricultural sector of the country for better production of food by giving more facilities.
  6. In communication, I would bring a tremendous change.
  7. I would ensure a better education for all of the country to make an educated nation.
  8. Above all, I would take all possible steps to bring down the prices of essential commodities to relieve the people of the heavy burden of expenditure.

If I were really the President of Bangladesh, I would do my duties and responsibilities earnestly to the country and its people. I would employ all my energy and faculties to ensure a happy and prosperous life of the people.

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If you become hero

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If I were to become a hero, I imagine it wouldn't be through a sudden transformation or the acquisition of extraordinary powers. Instead, it would be a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, fueled by empathy, determination, and a desire to make a positive impact on the world around me.

My journey to heroism would likely begin with a moment of awakening – a realization that there are injustices in the world that demand my attention and action. It might be witnessing someone in need on the streets, hearing about a social issue in the news, or simply feeling a deep sense of empathy for those who are suffering.

From that moment on, I would embark on a path of self-reflection and self-improvement, seeking to cultivate the qualities and skills necessary to effect meaningful change. This would involve educating myself about the issues that matter most to me, whether it's poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, or any other pressing concern facing our society.

But becoming a hero isn't just about acquiring knowledge; it's about putting that knowledge into action. I would actively seek out opportunities to contribute to positive change, whether it's through volunteering, advocacy, fundraising, or simply spreading awareness about important issues.

I envision myself working tirelessly to make a difference in the lives of others, whether it's by providing food and shelter to the homeless, advocating for the rights of marginalized communities, or fighting to protect the environment for future generations. I would strive to be a voice for the voiceless, standing up against injustice wherever I encounter it and using whatever means necessary to effect positive change.

Of course, the path to heroism is not without its challenges. There will be obstacles to overcome, setbacks to endure, and moments of doubt and uncertainty along the way. But true heroes are defined not by their lack of fear or adversity, but by their ability to persevere in the face of it.

In the end, if I were to become a hero, it would be because of my unwavering commitment to making the world a better place for all who inhabit it. It wouldn't be about seeking recognition or glory, but about knowing that I have done everything in my power to leave a positive impact on the world and leave behind a legacy of compassion, kindness, and hope for future generations.

In conclusion, if I were to become a hero, it would be through a journey of self-discovery, empathy, and action. It would be a journey marked by determination, perseverance, and a deep-seated desire to make a difference in the world. And while the path may be challenging, I would embrace it wholeheartedly, knowing that the rewards of heroism are measured not in accolades or praise, but in the lives that are touched and the world that is changed for the better.

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If I were a Millionaire

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If I were a millionaire, first of all, I would travel around the world, I would visit all the famous places and stay in each country to learn its customs and languages. Guided tours would not be for me because they do not allow me to get to know a place really well. I would tour the world on my own time and at my own pace. It would probably take me a few years to accomplish the tour but I am sure the time will be well spent. At the end of the tour I would have a rich knowledge of our planet. Then my life would be really rich, knowledge-wise at least.

Back home, I would build a mansion on a large piece of land. The mansion would be designed by me and it would have enough rooms to accommodate the large family that I intend to have. It would also contain a well-equipped gymnasium. On the grounds, I would have a beautiful garden surrounded by majestic trees. In the middle of the garden would be a fish pond cum fountain. In the evenings my family and I would stroll along with the lush green lawn and enjoy the beauty of the garden. Elsewhere I would have a swimming pool, a tennis court and a vegetable garden. Yes, a vegetable garden because I love to eat home-grown vegetables. Besides being fresh I know that they will not have the pesticides so often used indiscriminately by modern farmers.

Of course, I would not have to do all the work of looking after the mansion and its grounds. I would hire enough staff to keep the place in tip-top condition. Once in awhile I would potter around the garden and help around in other things and that is only when I feel like it. I am the boss and I do as I please. However please do not think of me as arrogant. I am not so, but a boss has to maintain a certain distance from his staff, otherwise, things can get out of hand and no work can be done.

For society in general, I would try to do many things to improve it. I would build a large community hall where people of all races can come to make use of. It will contain sporting facilities for badminton, squash, tennis, ping-pong, gymnastics and other equipment for keeping fit. There will be qualified instructors around to make sure that the users get maximum benefit. It would be pointless just to build the hall and hope that it would run by itself. In no time the place would be reduced to a wreck and probably become a haunt for undesirable elements.

Talking of undesirable elements makes me think of drug addicts, the scourge of society so many young people just wasting away. I would set up a centre for helping these addicts; “help” meaning getting them out the addiction AND giving them a meaning to life. In most of the cases, it means getting respectable jobs for them and making sure they keep them. They have to be taught to love life again. I know that such a task is formidable but it is not impossible. It takes time and a lot of care from genuinely interested people. If I could help some of them become useful human beings again, my efforts would not have been in vain. Most important of all, I will not allow my centre to degenerate into a semi-prison as some centres have.

For the intellectually inclined, I would give out scholarships to help bring them to the fore, especially the less fortunate ones who may have the brains but not the financial means. In tapping this potential, our country would benefit greatly in terms of having more well-educated and capable people contributing to its well-being. I would also set up a centre where such capable people can gather regularly to discuss the ways and means by which society as a whole can be improved. There would be no room for glory-seekers tr I will be there to weed them out. Only genuine people will be welcomed.

Last but not least, I will have to make sure I remain a millionaire. In other words, I must make sure my sources of money are not diminished. This will require that I keep a firm hold of the business I am involved in. Only then can I be sure that I remain a millionaire. Why would I want to remain a millionaire? Simple, if I were not one, all the things that I have started will come to nought and all my efforts would be wasted.

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If I get green card in ISSB

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If I am fortunate enough to receive a green card in the ISSB (Inter Services Selection Board), it would mark a significant milestone in my life and career. This achievement would represent not only my personal dedication and hard work but also my commitment to serving my country with honor and integrity. With the green card in my possession, I would be eager to embark on the next phase of my journey, ready to undergo further training and development to prepare for my role within the armed forces. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the defense and security of my nation and to uphold the values of service and sacrifice.

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If I become a politician

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Politics have become a career for many people; our national politics is in the hands of the wrong people who engage in corrupt and immoral acts to fulfill their selfish interest without caring about those who elected them. Many politicians in our country are self-centered; politics is driven by corruption without considering the welfare of those who elected them. Instead of being a public servant, politicians are behaving like they are the master and treated people in the way they like. In other words, politicians have failed to live up to their expectation leading the nation to a disastrous situation. I have given it a thought to take the initiative to bring about changes that why I want to be a politician. If I become a politician, I would be different from others; I would become a people’s person rather than a political deceiver.

Being a politician is not easy, but it can be rewarding because it gives me the chance to make a difference in my community by serving my people honestly. To be a good politician I need to work hard and smart and focus on running a successful campaign to in an influential position to represent my people at the national level by making the necessary changes that would improve their lives. My first step will be to expose the selfishness, favoritism, nepotism and corrupt practices. I would also prevent them from exploiting common people with mischievous deeds by serving their interests. I would show people my resourcefulness by fighting corruption at all levels. I will also create awareness for people to know their rights and privileged and encourage them to reject the dirty politicians. My other duty would be to clean up the bureaucrats and ensure that all public institutions serve common people but not politicians. It would be my sacred duty to ensure that all resources are well utilized to benefit the common people, but not a few greedy individuals who like exploiting the poor.

I will ensure that I hold forums with my electorates to identify their problems and prioritize the problems in every sector. I would initiate long term and short-term projects based on available funds and other resources. However, my priority would be education. If I become a politician, I will upgrade local schools by renovating the schools and ensuring that the learning environment is conducive to attract many children. If I were to be a politician, a lot of money would go toward education the needy children in the society and empower young people to become responsible citizens.

Education is key to success for any nation thus I would ensure that most money meant for development will be channeled towards the education sector. To succeed in my mission as a politician, I would encourage investors, and other liked minded individual who believes in development to invest in my community. I believe that many people would want to help others in the community if only they could work with trusted people like me. With all these ideas in my mind, I would serve my country to the best of my ability, and I will not forget to serve those people who helped me to be elevated to this position. With these many good ideas, I am sure that I would be elected by my people to serve them for another term if I save them honestly no one would ever stand the chance of standing against me because people would not vote for any other person who does not respect their rights

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Since the beginning of history, during the stone age period man hunted animals for food to live and to utilize other parts for clothing and other daily needs . But today in the modern world men still hunt animals for food but also for the sake of interest and to show off. The question is, is hunting right? Is it not a crime to kill such an innocent animal for just a sake of entertainment?

Earlier there was not much development in agriculture, animal husbandry and manufacturing of processed food so people were completely dependent on hunting. Even their source of income was through hunting. Hunting is important for them as it provides their families with food, clothing, and shelter. Noble people hunt animals to show their bravery. Hunters love to hang the faces of animals in their living room for display. In the medieval period people used hunting as a business for selling animal fur, skin and also claws.

But today in these modern times societies hunting needs for survival have decreased because there are many sources of food and also income. Hence hunting is not the need of today’s generation.

Animals shouldn’t be hunted for the selfish needs of man. Hunting of animals should be banned as it disturbs the food chain and creates imbalance in the environment. Example: Extinction of tiger. Animals are killed for no reason. Humans showed their cruelty by killing these innocent animals.

Finally the government has to pass certain regulations to limit the hunting of animals. Because of abundance hunting some species began to disappear, like tigers. Certain regulations came into effect that started the national parks and sanctuaries which protected the wild life.

Hunting is a controversial topic amongst hunters. Some of the hunters do not want there to be regulations so that they could hunt anytime. But abundant hunting could lead to some animals going extinct. Although some hunters want the regulations so that the populations of the animals are not disturbed. There needs to be regulations also for the safety of the hunters. Because of abundant hunting animals could go extinct or animals could become overpopulated. So there should be a limit to everything.

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Holidays can likewise be called as pressure busters for the people. The normal surge of life needs a few days to relax. The holidays are welcomed and waited for all.

What could one get from the Holidays?

There are numerous advantages of holidays. One could derive a source of satisfaction and joy from the times of relaxation. How about we look at the great advantages of holidays.

  • Mental Peace: One could derive mental harmony and calm by being at home and spending some time with friends and family. The time can be spent on trips, and other recreational exercises give a sentiment of joy and calm.
  • Social Activities: One could appreciate with their loved ones by arranging a gathering or visiting some friends’ place. The sentiment of being around with individuals of a similar wavelength is energizing the minds.
  • Family Trip: People can plan a family excursion with their loved ones. Guardians can plan a visit to an entertainment park or similar activities for their children.

Each individual needs some time for recreational minutes; gaining money is significant for livelihood; however, for the smooth working of life, a break is required. The psychological pressure can be discharged constantly of relaxation. A holiday is significant for students and working individuals both. The two get some an ideal opportunity to go through with their family and finish their unfinished works.

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Hearing a sad news

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When I heard the sad news, I felt really down. It was like a heavy weight on my heart. I couldn't believe what I heard, and it made me feel upset and confused. But even though it was tough, I knew things could improve with time and that there's still hope. It's important to remember that we're not alone, and there are people who care and can help us get through difficult times. So, even though it's hard, we can hold onto hope and keep moving forward, knowing that better days are ahead.

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