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Coast patrolling.

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 Mr. Asad is a Coast Guard officer. His duty is to protect the coastal area from the pirates and smugglers. Mr. Asad and his troops are patrolling in the coastan area. He is very sincere about his duty.

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Outdoor teaching

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Mr. Miran has been taking botany class for five years. But he is not satisfied with the indoor teaching setup as it does not give any idea of how living things work. So one day he arranged a study tour to the Botanical garden for enhancing knowledge.

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Agriculture trainer, School master teaching outdoor, entertaining friends on a camping tour.

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Visit to the liberation war museum with family members.

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Hassan has graduated from Dhaka University. He has been planning to visit the liberation war museum with his nephew and other members. Now the time has arrived and all of them were stunned to see the photographs during the liberation war.

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It is Adiba’s first time in Shimla. He rode on horses through the mountains to witness the apple garden situated 3000 meters from the sea ground. After arriving there, she was amazed to see the beautiful scenery there and the apples were good as well.

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Spending holiday.

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Mr. Abrar and Mrs. Promi are spouses. Today is their weekly holiday. They have come to visit a park. They sat undee a tree and were gossiping.

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In a border village plagued by violence, Army officer Tanjim, recognizing the urgency, rallied his team to persuade the fleeing villagers to stay. Offering reassurance and pledging government intervention, they decided to live among the villagers until the situation improved. Tanjim escalated the matter to higher officers, initiating meetings with government officials to address the escalating deaths due to shootings and bombings. Presenting alarming statistics and acknowledging similar concerns from the neighboring country's villages, they brokered a crucial meeting between both governments. After negotiations, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed, designating border areas for military use and compensating affected families. The resolution brought joy to the villagers, marking a collaborative effort towards peace and security.

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Ramesh doesn't want to give dowry for her sister who is standing behind but mother is saying that it's a good family we should give our daughter to be happy throughout her life. But Ramesh makes her mother understand that the dowry system should not be practiced. It's a bane to our society. Marriage is about forming a pious relationship but not a business contract. At last he found a perfect groom for his sister and got her married.

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Grandson taking care of his grandmother.

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Rakib is now 15 years old. He badly misses the days when his grandmother used to tell him stories before going to bed. Now Rakib’s grandmother remains sick most of the time, Rakib never misses the chances to take care of his grandmother. He always tries to feed the prescribed medicines on time. His grandmother blesses him for his unconditional love.

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Md. Abdul Kalam is a job Seeker. Everyday he reads the newspaper. He thinks that it is a good habit. He can read news from home and abroad.He is tensed about this. Today he is reading the newspaper very attentively. Because today the newspaper contains a lot of job advertisements. Some leading companies of our country are seeking some young, energetic and well educated employer.So, he makes the decision for apply the suitable post.

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