Essay Writing

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The Sundarbans, located on the coast of the Bay of Bengal in the southwest part of Bangladesh and in West Bengal, India, is one of the largest mangrove forests in the world. Spread across an area of about 3,900 square miles and comprising thousands of streams, creeks, rivers, and estuaries, it is a unique blend of natural beauty and biodiversity.

The name of the forest is derived from the abundant Sundari trees that grow within its boundaries, making it an ideal habitat for a wide variety of species, including the Royal Bengal Tiger and the spotted deer.

The Sundarbans has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and it attracts visitors from all over the world who come to admire its beauty and observe the wildlife that calls this place home. Additionally, the forest also provides valuable resources for wood-based industries, making it a critical part of the national economy in both Bangladesh and India.

However, this stunning natural treasure is facing a serious threat in the form of river erosion, which is causing the forested coastline to retreat by up to 200 meters a year. If erosion continues at this alarming rate, the Sundarbans will disappear in the next 50 years in Bangladesh and within 20 years in India, along with the majestic tigers and other wildlife that inhabit the area.

It is therefore imperative that we take urgent action to protect this unique and valuable ecosystem before it is too late. This is not just a local issue, but a global concern that requires a concerted effort from all of us. The world needs to come together to save the Sundarbans, the Royal Bengal Tigers, and all the other species that call this forest home.

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Punctuality is a most important characteristic that everyone must have to be a successful person. It makes a person capable enough to complete all the required tasks at already decided time. The word meaning of punctual is ‘on time’. It is very necessary for everyone to be on time. What will happen if a doctor gets late to the operation theatre, student gets late to the examination hall, etc. Everything will get messed up, a student can be out of examination hall and a patient can be dead.

Importance of Punctuality in Student’s Life

It is very necessary for a student to be punctual all time in order to achieve what he/she wants in life. It is one of the noblest virtues which make students more civilized and cultured. Students need this quality to develop as a habit to do things in correct time. Being punctual proves this proverb ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means doing tasks within time saves time and unnecessary troubles.

Punctuality is of great values to the students as it teaches them discipline also. Using this, students can be on right time everywhere such as in school, in lab, in class, in library, at home, in examination hall, in project, etc. They can perform better at both place home and school. It helps in removing laziness and negative attitudes of the students. A disciplined and punctual student always gets respect, recognition and social acceptance in the school and society. They appreciated a lot by the teachers and parents.

Punctuality is the key to success for all the punctual students. Students should follow all the great world leaders to achieve fame and success. It provides students various golden opportunities to do better in life in many areas. No one of us has born with the virtue of punctuality; everyone has to develop it on their own. It makes certain the path of success.


Punctuality is a necessary trait for all. It needs to be developed by all especially youths of the nation as they are future and have to lead their country. The rate of development in any country depends on how people of that country are punctual and disciplined to their job. So, punctuality is a key to success for everyone.

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Political Unrest in Bangladesh

Political unrest in Bangladesh, marked by protests and violence, stems from tensions between major parties like the Awami League and the BNP, allegations of corruption, and disputes over elections. Human rights abuses and limitations on freedom of expression exacerbate the situation. The Rohingya refugee crisis adds strain. Efforts to address unrest face challenges due to deep-rooted mistrust and external influences. Despite this, there's resilience among the people, shown through civil society movements. Addressing unrest requires inclusive governance, accountability, and respect for human rights to pave the way for a more stable and democratic future.

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Our Culture

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Bangladesh has its own culture and tradition. Bangladeshi culture reflects the behavior of individuals, there dresses, occasions, languages, livelihood, festivals, etc. The people of Bangladesh are greatly influenced by the faith. The prime religions are Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism. Though each religion has different cultures and festivals, people live in peace and harmony with each other. A strong brotherhood prevails among them. Their way of living, food habit, clothes, values, etc. are almost same though they belong to different religions, regions and have different dialects. Every occasion is celebrated with the participation of each and every religious people. Bangladesh has a golden history. We have 21st, February (International Mother language day), 26th, March (Independence day), 16 th, December (Victory day), Pahela Baishakh (First day of Bengali New year), etc. People celebrate some of these days withe due respect and solemnity, and some other with joy and festivity. Bangladeshi culture and traditions are entirely reflected in these days. Bangladeshi people have the strong tradition of food. Rice is the staple food here. They usually take rice three times in a day with delicious dishes curry. Bangladeshi men wear lungi and women were saree. Different types of arts and crafts are seen in Bangladesh. Weaving pottery, terracotta, Nakshi kantha etc. are traditional in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi culture is enriched, but now the cultures of foreign countries are intruding into our culture. So, we should be careful and try to uphold our own cultures to the world.

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Nuclear Family

The concept of family is one that has been deeply ingrained in human culture for centuries. It is a fundamental unit of society, and it comes in many shapes and forms. Two of the most common types of families are the nuclear family and the extended family. A nuclear family typically comprises parents and their children, whereas an extended family includes multiple generations, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, living together or in close proximity.

Nuclear families are becoming increasingly common in modern society, in large part due to the rising trend of urbanization. In a nuclear family, the parents are the primary caregivers, and they provide for their children’s emotional, social, and financial needs. The smaller family unit allows for easier management of finances and decision making, and it provides greater opportunities for individualized attention for each child.

An extended family, on the other hand, offers many advantages that nuclear families do not have. With more caretakers available, there is less pressure on any one individual, and family members can rely on each other for support, be it emotional or financial. This kind of arrangement also promotes closer social ties between family members, and the strong social networks can help buffer against stress and provide a sense of belonging.

Both types of families have their advantages and drawbacks, and choosing which one to adopt is a deeply personal decision that should be based on individual preferences and circumstances. No one size fits all, and different cultures around the world have different ideas of what constitutes a family.

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New Technology developed our country

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echnology has evolved remarkably over the past few decades. The beginning of modern technology could be seen in early 1800s – the start of industrial revolution and since then there has been no looking back.

Gone are the days of waiting for months to receive a letter from your friend or relative residing in a distant place. At the click of some buttons you can talk to anyone sitting in a remote part of the world. Earlier people used to flock to library for research work or pleasure reading which has now been replaced with e books and search engines.

Some 100 years back, people could not predict the incoming hurricane, its position and time of attack but now anyone with a mobile phone can find these details and interpret it accurately. The outdoor activities have now been replaced with computers and Play Station. Now a days, kids prefer spending time on what their virtual friends are up to rather than spending quality time with their family or friends.

Technology is advancing with a speed of light making it difficult to cope up with. It has transformed our lives and has turned the world into a global village. Its potential is limitless and awaits great discoveries in the near future.

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Natural Calamities Of Bangladesh

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Bangladesh is a land of natural calamities. Flood, cyclone, drought, famine etc. destroy life and property almost every year. People live here

fighting against these frequent natural disasters.

Of all these natural calamities, flood is the most common here.

Every year during the rainy season, many parts of the country get submerged. Floods in our country are caused due to many reasons. Heavy rainfall is the main cause of flood. It causes sudden increase of water level in the rivers and canals, which overflows their banks and causes flood. Flood lasting for a long time is a curse to the people of our country as it causes huge loss of life and property. The crop fields, houses, roads and streets go under water.

Crops and vegetables are damaged, and thousands of people become homeless. They face scarcity of food, drinking water and shelter. Various types of waterborne diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, and typhoid break out during floods. Cyclone is another natural calamity in our country.

During the last few years, several devastating cyclones hit Bangladesh and caused immense sufferings to the people. In Bangladesh, it usually originates from the Bay of Bengal and is often associated with thunders and heavy showers. It takes away the lives of many people and animals.

Cyclones also create the scarcity of food and spread different kinds of diseases like dysentery, cholera, fever, etc. in all the affected areas. However, the losses in natural calamities can be reduced to some extent by using modern technology of weather forecasting and prior warning. And flood can also be prevented by building embankments and barrages and by developing a well-planned water passage system.

The river beds should be dredged for carrying more water. Effective measures should be taken by the concerned authorities to mitigate the sufferings of the victims caused by natural disasters.

In a nutshell, it can be said that natural calamities hinder the overall development process of developing countries like Bangladesh. So, steps should be taken to mitigate the adverse effects for the greater interest of the country.

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My secret Love

My secret love is a tender whisper in the depths of my heart, a treasure I hold close yet dare not reveal. It's a delicate dance of emotions, a mixture of joy and longing that fills my days with warmth and my nights with dreams. Though kept hidden from the world, it remains a cherished part of who I am, a silent companion on life's journey. In its secrecy lies both exhilaration and challenge, a sweet reminder of the mysteries that lie within the human heart. And while it may remain hidden for now, I hold onto the hope that one day, its light will shine bright for all to see.

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My Dream

Everyone wants to be successful and rich. I also dream of becoming successful in the field I choose although I am still indecisive about the career path I will choose. But I know whatever I choose I will work hard, stay focused and make it big.

I also dream of doing something for my country. There are so many problems in the country such as poverty, illiteracy and casteism to name a few. Our country was once known for its rich cultural heritage which is all robbed now. The crime rate in the country is at an all time rise and so are various other issues. While there are a lot of loopholes in the India political system that has led to these problems however we cannot blame it all on the government. Each one of us should contribute our bit towards our country’s development. I am a firm supporter of each one teach one and have been teaching my maid’s child since the last two years.

As I grow up, I aim to join an NGO to empower the poor and needy. I dream of eradicating poverty and social inequality from our country and will do my best in this direction. If we all join hands we shall certainly be able to free our country from these evils.

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Manage system of Bangladesh

The management system of Bangladesh encompasses various sectors, including government, education, healthcare, and economy. In government, it operates under a parliamentary democracy with the Prime Minister as the head of government and a President as the ceremonial head of state. The country is divided into administrative divisions and districts for efficient governance. In education, there's a focus on improving access and quality, with initiatives to enhance literacy rates and modernize curriculum. Healthcare management aims to expand healthcare services, improve infrastructure, and address public health challenges. Economically, Bangladesh focuses on sustainable growth, industrial development, and poverty reduction through policies and initiatives promoting trade, investment, and social welfare programs. Despite challenges, Bangladesh continues to progress in its management systems to foster development and improve the quality of life for its citizens.

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