Group Discussion

Using man power right way we can reduce unemployment problem in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has a huge workforce, with millions of people eager to work and contribute to the economy. By providing them with the right opportunities and training, we can harness this manpower to drive economic growth and create more jobs.

One way to do this is by investing in sectors that have the potential to generate employment on a large scale, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. By supporting small businesses and industries, we can create a ripple effect that boosts job creation and reduces unemployment rates across the country.

Additionally, we can focus on developing skills and expertise that are in demand in the global marketplace. By providing vocational training and education programs that align with the needs of industries both at home and abroad, we can empower workers to compete in the global economy and secure stable, well-paying jobs.

But it's not just about creating more jobs. We also need to ensure that these jobs are of good quality and provide fair wages and decent working conditions. By promoting labor rights and enforcing labor laws, we can protect workers from exploitation and ensure that they are able to support themselves and their families.

Moreover, we can encourage entrepreneurship and innovation by providing support and resources to aspiring entrepreneurs. By fostering a culture of entrepreneurship, we can empower individuals to create their own opportunities and become drivers of economic growth and job creation.

At the end, by using manpower wisely and investing in sectors with high potential for job creation, we can reduce the unemployment problem in Bangladesh. By providing workers with the right opportunities, skills, and support, we can create a brighter future for all. So, let's work together to unlock the full potential of our workforce and build a more prosperous and inclusive society.

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Student politics should be banned from the nation politics

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Student politics can sometimes get messy. It's supposed to be about student issues and making campus life better, but sometimes it spills over into national politics, and things can get pretty heated. This can distract from what really matters and lead to unnecessary drama.

Another thing is that student politics can be divisive. Instead of bringing people together, it can create rifts and conflicts that make it harder to work together towards common goals. Plus, it's not fair to expect students, who are still learning and growing, to handle the pressures of national politics.

But wait, there's more! Some people worry that student politics can be a breeding ground for corruption and power struggles. When young people see their peers climbing the political ladder, they might think it's okay to cut corners or bend the rules to get ahead. This sets a dangerous precedent for the future of our nation.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "But shouldn't students have a say in politics?" Absolutely! Student voices are super important, and there are plenty of ways for students to get involved in issues that matter to them without diving into the murky waters of national politics.

Student politics has its place, maybe it's time to keep it separate from the big leagues. Let's focus on creating opportunities for students to get involved in meaningful ways that don't put them in over their heads. After all, they're the future leaders of our nation, and we want them to succeed. So, let's give them the support and guidance they need to make a positive impact without getting caught up in the chaos of national politics.

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Smuggling is the main threat to our national economy

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Smuggling happens when people sneak goods into or out of a country without paying taxes or following the rules. This might include things like drugs, counterfeit products, or even illegal weapons. You see, when goods are smuggled, the government misses out on taxes and revenue that could be used to help our country grow and thrive.

But that's not all. Smuggling also hurts local businesses by flooding the market with cheap, illegal goods. This makes it hard for honest businesses to compete and stay afloat. Plus, it can lead to job losses and economic instability in our communities.

Another thing to consider is that smuggling often involves organized crime groups and gangs. These groups can bring violence and corruption into our neighborhoods, making them less safe for everyone.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "What can I do about smuggling?" Well, the truth is, we can all play a part in fighting it. By reporting suspicious activities to the authorities and refusing to buy smuggled goods, we can help protect our economy and our communities.

Smuggling poses a real threat to our national economy. It robs the government of much-needed revenue, hurts local businesses, and fuels crime and instability. But by working together and staying vigilant, we can stand up against smuggling and build a stronger, more prosperous future for all of us. So, let's keep our eyes open and do our part to keep our economy safe and sound.

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Sexual education should be compulsory in primary education

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Sexual education helps kids understand their bodies and feelings. It teaches them about things like puberty, reproduction, and relationships in a way that's easy to understand. This knowledge is super important for staying safe and making healthy choices as they grow up.

Another thing is that sexual education promotes respect and understanding. By learning about different genders, identities, and boundaries, kids can develop empathy and kindness towards others. This helps create a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone.

But wait, there's more! Sexual education also helps prevent things like unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and sexual abuse. When kids have accurate information about sex and relationships, they're better equipped to make informed decisions and protect themselves.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. Some people worry that sexual education is too sensitive or inappropriate for young kids. Sexual education can be taught in a way that's age-appropriate and respectful of cultural beliefs and values. It's all about providing kids with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the world safely and confidently.

Making sexual education compulsory in primary schools is a smart move. It equips kids with essential knowledge, promotes respect and understanding, and helps keep them safe. So, let's give our kids the tools they need to grow up healthy, happy, and informed.

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Satellite Channel Should be banned to save our own culture

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The debate over whether satellite channels should be banned to protect our culture is a contentious one. Proponents argue that satellite channels, often broadcasting foreign content, pose a threat to traditional cultural values. They contend that exposure to foreign media can lead to the erosion of local cultural identity and values.

On the other hand, opponents argue that banning satellite channels would infringe upon freedom of expression and access to diverse sources of information and entertainment. They emphasize the importance of cultural exchange and the enrichment it brings to society.

While it is crucial to preserve and promote local culture, outright banning of satellite channels may not be the most effective solution. Instead, efforts should focus on promoting and supporting local content creation and cultural initiatives. Additionally, media literacy programs can help individuals critically analyze and navigate the vast array of content available, empowering them to make informed choices about what they consume.

Ultimately, striking a balance between preserving cultural heritage and embracing cultural diversity is key. By fostering an environment that values both local traditions and global perspectives, we can enrich our cultural landscape while respecting individual freedoms and rights.

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Present educational system is responsible for unemployment 

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Bangladesh is a country with a growing population of over 160 million people, and a large pool of youthful and educated individuals. However, despite the advancements in the education system, the country's unemployment rate has reached an all-time high of 6.91% as of November 2021, according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

In 2022 and 2023, the rate went from 5.40% to 4.70%, which decreased due to the surge of economic needs. But it is predicted in 2024, the rate will rise by 5.60% with annual increase of 1.19%. This high rate of unemployment, coupled with a mismatch between the skills graduates acquire through the education system and those required by employers, has left millions of young graduates without jobs. Unfortunately, the situation is expected to continue in 2023 and beyond unless sustainable solutions are implemented.

The education system in Bangladesh has undergone significant reforms over the past decade. However, despite these efforts, graduates are still struggling to find employment due to the mismatch between the skills they acquire through the education system and those required by employers. According to a report in The Daily Star, around 30% of Bangladesh's graduates are unemployed, and this is partly due to the education system's emphasis on theoretical knowledge, which neglects practical skills necessary for employability.

The lack of job opportunities in the country is also contributing to the unemployment problem. Despite economic growth, the job market has not kept pace, and the demand for skilled labor has not been met. In February 2022, the Dhaka Tribune reported that the youth unemployment rate in Bangladesh was at 11.4%, which is significantly higher than the overall unemployment rate of 6.91%. This disparity highlights the challenges faced by young graduates who are struggling to find work despite having acquired an education.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated the unemployment problem in Bangladesh. According to Trading Economics, the country's unemployment rate reached a peak of 6.86% in 2020, up from 4.19% in 2019. The pandemic has caused widespread job losses and layoffs, affecting many sectors, including manufacturing and the service industry.

To address the unemployment problem in Bangladesh, a multi-faceted approach is needed. The government should reform the education system to ensure that it provides practical skills and training that align with the requirements of the job market. In addition to this, the government should focus on promoting entrepreneurship as a means of job creation. In 2022, the government launched the Bangladesh Startup Act, which provides incentives for entrepreneurs and startups to establish new companies. The act also aims to create a more business-friendly environment and encourage foreign investment in the country.

The private sector can also play a vital role in reducing unemployment in Bangladesh. It can provide training and internship opportunities for young people to gain practical skills and experience, which will enhance their employability. The private sector can also create new jobs through partnerships in infrastructure development, such as transportation and communication networks, which can facilitate the movement of goods and services across the country.

Furthermore, the government can focus on developing the manufacturing sector, which has the potential to create a large number of jobs. According to Macrotrends, the unemployment rate in Bangladesh was at its lowest in 2015 when the manufacturing sector was at its peak, contributing 18% to the country's GDP. To achieve this, the government should encourage foreign investment in the manufacturing sector, which will bring new technology and expertise to the country.

In conclusion, unemployment in Bangladesh is a significant challenge, and it is expected to persist in 2023 and beyond unless sustainable solutions are implemented. The education system needs to be reformed to provide practical skills and training that align with the requirements of the job market. The private sector should work in collaboration with the government to create a business-friendly environment that promotes job creation. The government should focus on promoting entrepreneurship, infrastructure development, and the manufacturing sector to create new job opportunities. By taking these steps, Bangladesh can reduce its unemployment rate and achieve sustainable economic growth in the future.

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Present educational system is responsible for unemployment

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The present educational system's role in unemployment is a matter of debate. Critics argue that it falls short in preparing students for the workforce, emphasizing theoretical knowledge over practical skills. This mismatch between education and industry needs can lead to unemployment due to a lack of relevant skills. Additionally, rising education costs and student debt may discourage individuals from pursuing higher education or vocational training, further exacerbating the issue. However, unemployment is influenced by various factors beyond education, including economic conditions and structural inequalities. To address unemployment effectively, a comprehensive approach is needed, which includes education reform to better align with labor market demands, as well as policies that promote economic growth and equitable access to opportunities. By addressing these multifaceted challenges, we can work towards reducing unemployment and fostering a more inclusive and prosperous society.

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Poverty causes population explosion in Bangladesh

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Poverty can contribute to crime in various ways. When people struggle to meet their basic needs like food, shelter, and healthcare, they may resort to illegal activities out of desperation. Additionally, limited access to education and employment opportunities can push individuals towards criminal behavior as they see no other way to survive.

However, it's essential to understand that poverty is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to crime. Other factors, such as social inequality, lack of access to justice, and cultural influences, also play significant roles.

Moreover, not everyone living in poverty turns to crime, and not all criminals come from impoverished backgrounds. Many people living in poverty are law-abiding citizens who work hard to make ends meet despite their challenging circumstances.

Furthermore, crime is a complex issue with multiple underlying causes, including individual choices, social dynamics, and systemic factors. While poverty may create conditions conducive to criminal behavior, addressing crime requires a comprehensive approach that tackles its various root causes.

So, while poverty can contribute to crime, it's not accurate to label it as the sole cause of all criminal activity. By addressing poverty alongside other contributing factors and implementing effective crime prevention strategies, we can work towards creating safer and more equitable communities for everyone.

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Poor parenting is the primary cause of the violence of children behavior 

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Parents have a big influence on their children. They're the ones who teach them right from wrong, set boundaries, and provide love and support. So, it's true that if parents aren't providing a safe and nurturing environment, it can affect how their children behave.

But here's the thing: blaming poor parenting as the sole cause of children's violent behavior is a bit too simplistic. There are many factors that can contribute to a child acting out violently. Things like exposure to violence in the media or in their communities, mental health issues, or even just difficult life circumstances can all play a part.

Plus, it's important to remember that parenting isn't always easy. Some parents may be dealing with their own challenges, like stress, financial difficulties, or lack of support. It's not always fair to blame them for their children's behavior without considering the bigger picture.

That being said, good parenting does make a difference. Providing children with love, guidance, and positive role models can help them learn how to manage their emotions and behave in a respectful and non-violent way.

So, while poor parenting can certainly contribute to children behaving violently, it's not the only factor at play. By addressing the broader issues that can influence children's behavior and providing support to parents, we can work towards creating a safer and more nurturing environment for all children.

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People are not getting proper treatment due to lack of quality doctors

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 It's true that having enough quality doctors is crucial for providing good healthcare. When people can't access skilled medical professionals, it can lead to all sorts of problems, from misdiagnoses to delayed treatment.

But here's the thing: the issue goes beyond just the number of doctors. It's also about where they're located and how accessible they are to everyone, especially in rural or underserved areas.

Another thing to consider is the quality of medical education and training. Making sure that doctors receive the best possible education and ongoing training is essential for maintaining high standards of care.

Plus, there's the whole issue of healthcare resources and infrastructure. Having enough hospitals, clinics, and medical equipment is crucial for delivering quality care to everyone who needs it.

So, while the shortage of quality doctors is definitely a concern, it's just one piece of the puzzle. To improve healthcare for everyone, we need to address a whole range of issues, from education and training to access and infrastructure.

Yes, ensuring that people have access to quality doctors is important, but let's remember that it's part of a larger effort to improve healthcare for all. Let's work together to find solutions that ensure everyone gets the treatment they need, when they need it.

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