Essay Writing

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Importance of rural upright in Bangladesh

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Rural life in Bangladesh is like a colorful picture filled with green fields and blue skies. Most people live in small villages surrounded by nature. They wake up early to the sound of birds and the sun rising. Farmers work in the fields growing rice, vegetables, and fruits. These fields look like a giant patchwork quilt made of different shades of green and yellow. Many villagers also have animals like cows, goats, and chickens. The rivers are full of life, with people fishing in small boats. Children play simple games in the open air, and they often help their parents with chores like fetching water from wells or looking after the animals.

Houses in the villages are usually made of mud and bamboo with straw roofs. People sit outside and chat with neighbors, sharing stories and smiles. Life moves slowly here, with everyone knowing each other and celebrating festivals together. They share their food and happiness with everyone around. When the day ends, the sky turns orange and pink, and the air fills with the sweet smell of the earth. Village life in Bangladesh may be simple, but it’s full of joy, hard work, and the beauty of nature.

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Illiterate problem in Bangladesh

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Illiteracy means complete inability to read and write. This illiteracy is a social curse. It is the root of ignorance, superstition and backwardness. Most people in Bangladesh are illiterate. 68% of the population is deprived of minimum education despite compulsory primary education. Our national life is retarded and beset with innumerable problems—problems created by illiteracy and superstitions. The poverty-stricken people dishearten their children to take education rather they engage their children for craning. As our farmers are illiterate, they cannot grow more production because they are unaware of the latest technical instrument. Not only in agriculture but also in mills, factories we cannot get proper output due to illiterate, non skilled workers. In fact, it is responsible for poor health and bad sanitary condition.

Curse of Illiteracy

It is the spirit of education that can help to eradicate the curse of illiteracy. It is the duty of every Govt. to remove illiteracy from the grass root level. At present education has been made compulsory up to primary level. But lots of children can’t go to primary schools because they have to work for their families. Besides, a large number of boys and girls are compelled to give up education after free primary level. So they forget very soon what they have learnt.

Steps to Remove Illiteracy

There should be adequate arrangement for education. Night schools must be set up. In addition Radio and TV can play a vital role in this regard. Students, teachers, youngmen, women and other responsible persons of the society can do voluntary services to teach the illiterate people and can make them feel the importance of the education.

In fine, illiteracy is a fundamental problem in our country. In order to give our development program a permanent shape, there is no alternative to eradicating this problem as early as possible.

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Honesty as code of life

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Honesty is the best policy refers to the importance of honesty in life. It is vital to be honest in life as it defines your real character. We all are different from each other and what defines our individual character is our real persona and ethics in life. People identify the real you only if you are honest and real with them. If you believe in yourself and value yourself then you would voice your true opinion and express yourself.

In every aspect of life it is important to be honest. Often we might find ourselves in a situation where we find it difficult to follow the path of honesty and feel the urge to lie but once you start lying, you develop a habit. One can cheat or betray others but how can one lie to oneself. Following the path of honesty is worth it as it leads you to a positive life.

We all know lying whether to parents, teachers or anyone else is wrong and at the end of the day the consequences of lying may adversely affect not only those we lie to but also to our self. So, it is always vital to be truthful in life and never lie or cheat anyone.

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Historical Place of Bangladesh

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Bangladesh has an enriched historical background. There are many places of historical interest all over the country. We the students of class twelve of our college, got an opportunity to visit such a place. The name of the place is the Buddhist Vihara also known as the Somapura Mahavira. It is situated at Paharpur in Rajshahi Division. It is 200 kms northwest of Dhaka. We went there by public bus. Before we booked seats in a local hotel. After reaching the hotel we took some rest and had some snacks. Next morning we started for the largest single Buddhist monastery in Indian subcontinent. We came to know many surprising things about the place form the officials.Pala emperor Dharmapal founded the Vihara in the 7th century. Renowned Buddhist Sri Atish Dipankara lived several years here. It has 177 rooms. It covers 22 acre courtyard. It was renowned as an intellectual center from 7th to 17th century. Architecturally and historically is is a treasure of the world. So it has been declared as a world heritage site. After seeing the whole area we became very hungry. So we took a slight refreshment in a restaurant. In the evening, we experienced a huge gathering around us. Because people from different parts of the country visit this place to see and enjoy those starling things, now it is in a ruinous condition. So it is our responsibility to save this from being ruined.  I spend eight hours there and saw many historical things and enjoyed myself. I left the Buddhist Vihara but the memory still haunts my mind. It was a nice visit on my part in two ways. On one hand, it was full of pleasure. And on the other hand, it was very educative. So I will never forget the place and the visit.

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Globalization is a phenomenon that has reshaped the world in numerous ways. It refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of nations through the exchange of goods, services, information, technology, and ideas. As borders become increasingly irrelevant, globalization has led to an acceleration in international trade, resulting in economic growth and development.

It has facilitated the movement of capital, labor, and knowledge across borders, enabling businesses to expand their operations globally. Moreover, globalization has increased cultural exchange and awareness, fostering a sense of interconnectedness among people from different parts of the world.

However, it has also presented challenges, such as cultural homogenization and inequality. Nevertheless, the impact of globalization cannot be denied, as it continues to shape our economies, politics, and societies in profound ways. As our world becomes more interconnected, it is imperative to embrace globalization and adapt to its opportunities and challenges.

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Food Adulteration

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Food is called human fuel. This is one of the fundamental needs of human life. To grow up and survive on the earth, every human being needs food. But, unfortunately, some dishonest businessmen are responsible to make this life-leading food into an adulterated product. Food adulteration has become nowadays a national issue. When a substance is added to any food item to increase its quantity, not quality is called food adulteration. Any kind of food item including fruits, vegetables, oil, fish, milk products, fast foods, and baby foods is being contaminated with poisonous chemicals.

The main reasons behind this food adulteration are high profit and to remain a fresh good look for a longer period. Some greedy, immoral and dishonest businessmen are behind the behind-scene in this social crime. Contaminated foods contain destructive substances such as Aldrin, DDT, formalin, Chlordane, etc. Several kinds of research there are hardly any food products from vegetables to milk, meat to fish, juice, or biscuit that are not adulterated.

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Festival of Bangladesh

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Festivals have always been integral parts of our tradition and culture. We have a number of national festivals and we celebrate them throughout the year with traditional festivities. People from all walks of the society take part in these festivals with national fervour Independence Day and International Mother Language Day are the two most important national festivals which are related to our history of Independence and the Language Movement. 26 March is the Independence Day and it is the biggest national festival of our country. On this day we remember the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our freedom by offering floral wreaths at the National Mausoleum. 21 February is the International Mother Language Day and it is celebrated all over the world to remember the language martyrs and give equal importance to all languages. The national festivals which are related to our religions are Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha, Durga Puja, Christmas, Buddha Purnima etc. Although these festivals are related to different religions, they are declared as public holidays and people enjoy them with religious harmony. Pahela Baishakh(the first day of Bangla New Year) on 14 April, Birth anniversary of the noble laureate Rabindranath Tagore on 25 Baishakh and that of the National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam on 11th Jaystha are observed throughout the country as national festivals. We also observe some other national festivals relating to our culture and tradition.

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A social network service is a website where people can connect with other people by sharing information. Many Social Networks are available on the internet. Facebook is the most popular social network site on the internet. It was launched in February 2004 by former-Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg. Registered users are allowed to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages. They can keep it in touch with their friends, family, and colleagues. Facebook also facilitates us to be connected with friends and family members. The site is available in 37 different languages. Facebook is an entirely free service. But this great blessing of modern science is not out of demerits. Many young generations often become addicted to it. They give more time to it than studies. Though facebook states that it does not allow offensive content, few senseless people post nude pictures or videos. Facebook encourages members to report if they find any content offensive. Overall, Facebook has great importance for the communication of modern people.

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Effect of GPA System

The GPA system provides a standardized measure of academic performance, motivating students to excel and setting goals for achievement. It fosters competitiveness, accountability, and self-evaluation while serving as a quality assurance tool for educational institutions. GPA influences eligibility for scholarships, awards, and admission to higher education, creating a psychologically impactful environment. It incentivizes learning by rewarding mastery and guides students in identifying areas for improvement. Despite its benefits, it's crucial to ensure fair and supportive implementation to promote student success and well-being.

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Economic development

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The difficulties and obstacles faced by the poorer nations of the global economy on the path to development are extremely diverse. It is the aim of this thesis to address some of the interesting questions related to the key obstacles. As such, this thesis is neither wholly empirical or theoretical, macro or micro and instead may be viewed as an eclectic mix of approaches and ideas that go some way toinvestigating the challenges faced by the world's least developed economies. The first chapter explores the varying effects of aspects of institutional quality on different categories of economic volatility, introducing a unique exogenous instrument for political aspects of the institutional bundle. The second chapter investigates the theory behind the largely failed policy of import substitution industrialisation and promotes a policy of diversification across production in the primary commodity sector within developing countries; specifically that this type of diversification can insulate developing economies from the effects of highly volatile primary commodity prices. The third chapter develops the general equilibrium model of appropriation and production of Grossman and Kim (1996) in order to investigate the effect that the pointiness of the contested resource can have on conflict intensity. The fourth and final chapter extends the discrete time, overlapping generations model of Chakraborty and Das (2005), demonstrating that the inclusion of child mortality reinforces the persistence and prevalence of child labour.

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