Group Discussion

Pen is mightier than the sword 

The “pen is mightier than the sword” signifies that words are notably effective. Author Bulwer Lytton stated that, though the pen is smaller in size, it can achieve more things than a sword. The capability of writing is more significant than the power of hatred and war. A sword or a pen does not work on its own; we are the ones who operate them. We are the ones who can make a difference in whether to fight or to write. For example, during India’s independence, some people took up swords to fight against the British, while some took up the pen to inscribe the history and tragedy. Both the pen and the sword had equal contributions towards it. However, the fight against the pen has often been very influential.

A pen shapes and presents something valuable to the readers. For decades, we have observed the development of the world and how the power of writing creates a charm. Writers have fought against Sati Pratha, education barriers for girls, child abuse and child marriages, girl child killing, slavery and many other social causes and were able to stir the whole world with the fight of their writing.

The paragraph on the pen is mightier than the sword illustrates the omnipresence of the written word. We see that a pen can be used to display public opinions and views. The primary goal of writing is to relate one’s mind with another and to convince the reader to take up the writer’s views. However, the reader is free to hold his views. He may either agree or differ with the author. Thus, the pen symbolises friendly means of generating ideas.

The proverb infers that the writers, authors or scholars invisibly exert a greater impact on people than conflicts. The art of writing is more significant compared to the sharpness of a sword. This is because the fame of the sword causes pain and does not last forever, while the impact of writing is pre-eminent, influencing nations for years ahead.

The great ideas and opinions that transpire through a writer's pen have transported men from Brutality to Compassion. People can think and embed their views on a piece of paper and propel profound this position in society. Writers have proven to be more powerful than the mighty warriors. Many great writers have destroyed dictatorships and monarchies of the world with the strokes of their pen. Writing has created conflicts and reconciliation. A war may affect thousands of people, but a book can change the entire nation. A war always ends in miseries and destruction, whereas writing is a boon to humankind.

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Our population is not a liability but and asset

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Having a large population can come with its challenges, like putting pressure on resources and infrastructure. But here's the thing: our population is also full of potential and opportunity.

Think about it this way: more people means more brains, more ideas, and more creativity. It's like having a big team where everyone brings something unique to the table. With the right support and investment in education and healthcare, our population can be a powerhouse of innovation and productivity.

Plus, having a diverse population can enrich our society in so many ways. Different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives make for a vibrant and dynamic community. It's what makes our country unique and special.

And let's not forget about the economic side of things. A larger population means a bigger market for goods and services, which can stimulate economic growth and create job opportunities.

So, while it's important to address the challenges that come with a growing population, let's not overlook the potential and opportunities it brings. Our population is not a liability – it's an asset that, with the right support and investment, can help us build a brighter future for everyone.

Yes, our population may pose challenges, but let's focus on harnessing its potential and turning it into a positive force for progress and prosperity.

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Only working mother is the main obstacle of developing the children

There's no denying that a mother plays a crucial role in a child's development. From nurturing them in their early years to providing guidance and support as they grow, a mother's influence is undeniable. But here's the thing: it's not just about whether a mother works or not.

There are many factors that contribute to a child's development, and the presence of a working mother is just one of them. What's more important is the quality of the time spent with the child, rather than the quantity.

Working mothers often juggle multiple responsibilities, but that doesn't mean they can't be present and engaged in their child's life. Many working mothers find ways to prioritize quality time with their children, whether it's through shared activities, meaningful conversations, or simply being there when their child needs them.

Moreover, having a working mother can also be beneficial for children. It can teach them important lessons about independence, responsibility, and the value of hard work. Plus, it can serve as a positive role model, showing them that they can pursue their own ambitions and goals.

So, while having a working mother may present its challenges, it's not the main obstacle to developing children. What's most important is the love, support, and guidance that a parent provides, regardless of their employment status.

Yes, having a working mother may bring its own set of challenges, but it can also have its advantages. Let's focus on supporting all parents in their efforts to raise happy, healthy, and well-rounded children, regardless of their work situation.

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Only intelligence, not hard work makes a man successful in life.

Intelligence can be a valuable asset. It can help us understand complex concepts, solve problems, and make informed decisions. But here's the thing: success isn't just about being smart. Hard work, determination, and resilience also play a huge role.

Think about it this way: even the most intelligent person won't get far without putting in the effort. Success often requires perseverance, grit, and the willingness to push through challenges, even when things get tough. It's about setting goals, taking action, and persisting in the face of setbacks.

Moreover, hard work can sometimes compensate for a lack of natural talent or intelligence. Someone who is willing to put in the hours, learn from their mistakes, and keep pushing themselves can often achieve great things, even if they don't start out as the smartest person in the room.

Plus, success isn't just about individual intelligence or hard work – it's also influenced by factors like opportunity, privilege, and support from others. Not everyone has access to the same resources or opportunities, which can impact their ability to succeed, regardless of their intelligence or work ethic.

So, while intelligence certainly has its advantages, it's not the only factor in determining success. Hard work, determination, and a willingness to keep going, even when things get tough, are just as important.

Yes, intelligence can help, but it's hard work that often makes the difference between success and failure in life. Let's remember to value both qualities and understand that success is achievable for anyone willing to put in the effort.

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Only foreign investment can develop our nation

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the belief that only foreign investment can develop our nation. It's a topic that sparks a lot of debate, so let's break it down.Foreign investment can indeed play a crucial role in a nation's development. When companies from other countries invest in our country, they bring in new resources, technology, and expertise. This can help create job opportunities, improve infrastructure, and boost economic growth.But here's the thing: while foreign investment can be helpful, it's not the only way to develop our nation. We also need to focus on domestic investment, education, healthcare, and supporting local businesses.Relying too much on foreign investment can sometimes have downsides. It may lead to dependency on other countries and can sometimes result in exploitation of our resources. Plus, the benefits of foreign investment may not always reach everyone in our society.So, while foreign investment can be part of the solution, it's essential to have a balanced approach. We need to consider both foreign and domestic investment, ensuring that development is sustainable and benefits everyone.Yes, foreign investment can contribute to developing our nation, but it's not the only answer. Let's work towards a comprehensive approach to development that considers the needs of all our citizens and ensures a brighter future for everyone.

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Only Drivers are main responsible for road accident

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The idea that drivers are solely responsible for road accidents. It's a common belief, but let's dig a little deeper into it.

Sure, drivers have a big responsibility when it comes to road safety. They're the ones steering the wheel and making decisions on the road. Speeding, not paying attention, or disobeying traffic rules can definitely increase the chances of accidents happening.

But here's the thing: Road safety isn't just about drivers. There are other factors at play too. For example, road conditions and infrastructure play a huge role. If roads are poorly maintained or if there are unexpected hazards, it can make driving more dangerous, even for careful drivers.

And let's not forget about the condition of the vehicles themselves. If a car has mechanical issues, like bad brakes or worn-out tires, it can make accidents more likely, no matter how cautious the driver is.

Plus, there are other road users to consider, like pedestrians and cyclists. If they're not following the rules or being cautious, it can also lead to accidents.

So, while drivers definitely have a big responsibility, they're not the only ones to blame when accidents happen. Road safety is a team effort that involves everyone – drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and even city planners- working together to make our roads safer for everyone.

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Only by active anti-corruption commission can remove corruption from society

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Having an anti-corruption commission is definitely important. Its job is to investigate and punish corrupt behavior, which is crucial for maintaining fairness and justice in society. When corrupt individuals are held accountable for their actions, it sends a strong message that corruption won't be tolerated.

But here's the thing: Removing corruption isn't just the job of one organization. It's a team effort that requires cooperation from all levels of society – from government officials to ordinary citizens.

For starters, laws and regulations need to be in place to prevent corruption in the first place. This means having transparency in government operations, strong enforcement of anti-corruption laws, and harsh penalties for those who break them.

But it's not just about laws – it's also about changing attitudes and behaviors. Education and awareness campaigns can help people understand the consequences of corruption and the importance of honesty and integrity.

And let's not forget about the role of ordinary citizens. By speaking out against corruption, reporting suspicious activities, and refusing to participate in corrupt practices, we can all help combat corruption in our own communities.

So, yes, having an active anti-corruption commission is important, but it's not the only solution. Removing corruption from society requires a comprehensive approach that involves everyone – from government officials to ordinary citizens – working together towards a common goal of transparency, integrity, and fairness.

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Nothing but only family is responsible for moral degradation

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Family is super important when it comes to teaching us right from wrong. Parents, grandparents, siblings – they all play a big role in shaping our values and behaviors. From saying "please" and "thank you" to learning about honesty and kindness, our family is where we first learn about morals.

But here's the thing: It's not just about family. There are lots of other things that can influence our morals too. Think about school, friends, and the media. They all have an impact on how we see the world and what we think is right or wrong.

For example, at school, we learn about things like teamwork and respect for others. Our friends also play a big role – they might have different values than our family, and that can affect how we behave too. And let's not forget about the media – TV shows, movies, and social media can all send messages about what's okay and what's not.

So, is family the only thing responsible for moral degradation? Well, not exactly. It's more like a team effort. Family is super important, but so are all these other influences. They all play a part in shaping our morals and values.

Yes, family is a big part of it, but it's not the only factor. It's all about finding a balance and being mindful of the influences around us. By being aware of how different things affect our morals, we can make better choices and be the best versions of ourselves.

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Not only traffic but also the drivers are more responsible for the road

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Drivers have a big responsibility when they're behind the wheel. It's not just about getting from point A to point B – it's about doing so safely and responsibly. This means following traffic laws, staying focused on the road, and being considerate of other drivers and pedestrians.

When drivers speed, drive recklessly, or ignore traffic signals, they put themselves and others at risk of accidents and injuries. Even seemingly small actions, like texting while driving or not using a seatbelt, can have serious consequences.

But it's not just about avoiding bad behavior – drivers also have the power to make our roads safer by being proactive. This means staying alert, anticipating potential hazards, and practicing defensive driving techniques. It also means being courteous on the road, like letting other drivers merge or giving pedestrians the right of way.

Traffic conditions certainly play a role in road safety, drivers are equally – if not more – responsible for ensuring safe travels. By driving responsibly and being mindful of their actions, drivers can help make our roads safer for everyone. And ultimately, it's up to each and every one of us to do our part to prevent accidents and make our roads safer places to be.

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Money earns money

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It's a simple concept that holds a lot of truth. When you have money, you can use it to make even more money. Think of it like planting a seed. When you invest your money wisely, whether it's in stocks, real estate, or starting a business, it has the potential to grow over time.

For example, let's say you invest in the stock market. If you choose the right stocks and they increase in value, your initial investment can multiply, earning you more money in return. Similarly, if you buy a property and its value appreciates over time, you can sell it for a profit.

But it's not just about making big investments. Even small savings can add up over time. Putting your money in a high-interest savings account or a retirement fund can help it grow steadily over the years.

"Money earns money" because it has the potential to generate returns and grow over time. The key is to be smart about how you manage and invest your money to make the most of its earning potential.

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