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Winter season

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Winter season is like a grand show that nature puts on, turning everything quiet and white with snow. It starts when the leaves fall from the trees, and the air gets cold enough for you to see your breath. In many places, snowflakes come down from the sky, dressing the land in a thick, fluffy blanket. This snow changes the way everything looks, from the tallest trees to the smallest houses. Days are short and nights are long, with the sun often hiding behind clouds, making it seem like the world is taking a slow, deep breath before the busy spring. People wear jackets, hats, gloves, and boots to keep warm when they go outside. Children get excited about making snowmen, having snowball fights, and sledding down hills. Even the sounds are different in winter; they are muffled and quiet, except for the crunch of snow under your feet. Animals behave differently too. Some, like bears, sleep through much of the winter, while others, such as birds, fly far away to warmer places. Families come together, sharing warm drinks and meals, telling stories, and enjoying holidays that bring lights and cheer to the darker days. While winter can be tough because of the cold and sometimes slippery roads, it’s also a time for rest and fun. It’s a season that wraps up the year and prepares us for the new growth and warmth that comes with spring.

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First day at college

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My first day at college has become an ever-memorable day in my life. When I was in school, I longed for this day. At last, it came. I passed the SSC Examination with credit in 2012 and got myself admitted into Karnaphuli College. My memorable day was July 20, 2012. I put on new clothes and started for college at 9 a.m. with my parents’ blessings. I reached my College campus on foot. It took some twenty minutes to reach there. No sooner had My feet touched the ground. I found myself in a new world. I saw some students in front of a board. I went there and found our class routine. It was at 10 a.m. According to routine, I entered the room numbered two. I sat down on the second bench of the middle row.

After a few moments, a smart gentleman entered. He was our English professor Mr Kamal. We all stood up and honoured him. He advised us to be punctual and regular in class, to be obedient to teachers, to be sympathetic and to be friendly with our classmates, etc. The bell duly rang. The teacher left the class. The second period was off-period. I went to the student’s common room. The bell rang. I entered the classroom. It was our accounting class. The class is over, I left the college. I returned home with a joyous mind. Really, I cannot forget this special day of my life.

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When you get up from bed

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Favourite person of family

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'My mother' is the most important person in my life. She does everything for me. She is very adorable and caring. My mother is a housewife. She is one of the people I respect and love the most. For me, my mother is the best mother in the world.

My mother is a kind-hearted woman. She takes time for me from her busy schedule. She helps me in studies .

My mother teaches me more than any one else. She struggles a lot but never loses her patience and always makes a faith in herself. She not only inspired me the strength to overcome hardships in my life, but also provided me with valuable lessons of life.My mother always shown me the right path for me. She is a diligent and determined woman. She always helps me in need. She loves me very much and supports me in everything I do or think to do. The most important thing is that she has helped me and I know that she will also do it further because she loves and bothers me a lot as compared to anyone. My mother gave me a lesson to appreciate this life as precious gift of ordinary life and enjoy it with happiness as she is the only one who brought me to this beautiful world.

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Why you can select a good friend?

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A true friend is the person who is believed to be the closest and dearest one for any boy or girl. Without any friend life is just meaningless and dull. To find a good and best friend is just like to win the half of the world.

A good friend‘s company always matters a lot in the success of a person. A child learns good or bad habits from his or her friend but if one gets good company as friend he is the luckiest person in word. Never lose those friends who were always besides you in your bad time.

We can’t live our life alone we need a friend on every stage of it. Any relation can be stronger if it adds friendship in to this for example a father or a mother can be the first friend of their child who helps them in growing with best upbringing for the better way of life. Friendship is the relation where friends listen and try to understand each other’s problems. Thus we can say that this relation is about good listeners. Therebefore there is nothing can be hidden among true friends and friends never lies to their best buddies. This is the greatness of true friendship.

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Favourite person

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There are many people around the world who are very famous and are celebrities. But my favorite personality is my father. He is a kind polite and very friendly person. He is always in support of those who need help. 

He is a very religious person and always reminds me that life Lis a great gift given by God. He tells me to fully enjoy my life and to never hurt anyone intentionally. 

He believes in simple living My father is a keen helper of poor kids and people. the invests some of his income in charity to help poor children with schooling. 

He even distributes my old books to them, I feel very comfortable around him because The talks to me as a friend as well. I am never afraid of sharing my true feelings with him. 

He also teaches me to deal with various tough situations that happen in my life. He always motivates me to achieve success in life through hard work. Moreover, he also acts as a guiding light to me and shows me the right path to success. 

He teaches me how to be a better person in life. I am very thankful to God who gave me a father like him. I pray for his long life and health.

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Education from abroad

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Nowadays, many students wish that they could study abroad, especially in western countries. For many people studying abroad is a very exciting prospect.

If someone decides to study abroad, the road to expansion, growth and fun awaits them. Although the experience of studying abroad is one in a lifetime, still many are not able to afford it.

Studying abroad give not only experience but also makes an individual independent. An individual will become more mature while studying abroad as they not only will absorb new knowledge, but they also will have to broaden their mind in terms of cultural and social issues.

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Discipline is an attribute that involves a definite set of rules, parameters and behavioral patterns. When combined and applied together, these help to maintain the social and personal order of events in life.

Discipline can start developing from a very young age right at home. This in turn spreads and develops to affect different areas of life. Maintaining a proper sleep schedule, a healthy diet, exercise, pursuing a passion or a hobby, practicing a sport regularly all come under personal discipline. Social discipline includes behaving in a particular manner in gatherings, meetings or events. Whereas professional discipline mostly involves time management, meeting deadlines, greeting seniors appropriately, maintaining healthy relations and so on.

Discipline is an inherent part of society and the very beginning of its role starts in our educational institutes. But nowadays people often lose track of time and have to make significant efforts to maintain a disciplined lifestyle. Some ways to maintain discipline in school, workplaces or even at homes include:

Being aware of the guidelines and rules of an institute

Being considerate and understanding with co-workers

Maintaining strictness but being fair

Setting clear consequences and punishments

Devising family or personal rules

Keeping up with a planned schedule

The above measures can be the guiding principles to lead a disciplined life devoid of commotion and regrets. We must always remember that with the right quality of discipline all our ventures are certain to succeed!

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When I feel uncomfortable

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I believe in being uncomfortable. 

Being uncomfortable means that you have escaped the cushy everyday life that modern times have afforded those who want it. It means doing something out of the ordinary. It means not knowing a soul when you first get to college. It means travelling halfway across the world with 25 strangers. It means poison ivy all over your aching legs from a 14-mile hike. It means always looking back and feeling like you are a different person than you were before your experience, whatever it may be. 

This philosophy sprung from a belief in not saying “no” to anything when I was in college. This of course stopped at illegal activities (mostly), but extended to the rest of my life. Join a fraternity? Yep. Impromptu road trip to Charleston, SC? Absolutely. Hike part of the Appalachian Trail? For sure. Learn to sail? Blind date? Party on a Tuesday morning? Yes, yes, yes. What this eventually led me to was the realization that each time I tried something new and out of my comfort zone, whether I liked it or not, I grew as a person. I was more confident, met new people, had a great memory, or just had another skill that might be useful one day. Even when I got bad poison ivy all over from a hike, at least I had been outside doing something rather than wasting time on the Internet. 

One of the biggest commitments I made to being outside my comfort zone was my trip to Australia to study for a summer. I went with 25 people I had never met before we met at various airports or actually in Sydney. Over two months these people became some of my best friends. People I still keep in touch with despite not having seen them in years. I learned a lot about them and the country I was in, but despite how cliché it sounds, I learned more about myself. I became more confident and more open to others as well. I still look back at that experience as one of the defining moments of my life. 

I won’t say that this belief has made me a great people person, or immune to awkwardness around new people, or made me an expert camper, hiker, or anything else. I just started at a new school and 120 new people scared the crap out of me. But I do know that I am a better person today than I would have been had I never gone out of my comfort zone, and that’s a good enough reason for me to continue being uncomfortable.

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Water pollution

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Earth comprises about 70% of water, where humans and animals consume only 1% of fresh and healthy water for drinking. Humans consume freshwater for daily activities, so we should be serious about protecting it from pollution.

Water pollution is a serious environmental problem prevailing in our society. Human-made activities like intensive agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, and industrialization have escalated water bodies’ pollution.

The disposal of industrial wastes should be meted through the dumping of biologically decomposable wastes and recycling of non-decomposable waste at an industrial and household level. 

Restrictions on activities such as dumping of feces, washing dirty clothes, and bathing domestic animals is an important step towards water protection. Eutrophication is not a big issue but cannot be left unattended. Government officials should take appropriate steps and check-ups to prevent and protect water bodies from pollution.

We need to conserve and prevent water pollution. The use of methods like filtration, sedimentation, sterilization, and other scientific methods can remove the toxins and pollutants from water.

One can conserve water through small steps like turning off running tap water- this prevents water contamination and prevents water shortage. Avoid littering water bodies like rivers, oceans, and lakes. One can help clean the litter on beaches or in lakes and rivers and throw it in the nearby garbage can.

Planting more plants and trees prevents contamination of pesticides and insecticides from running off the nearby water sources. Certain fishes keep the water fresh by consuming toxic substances and plants. Thus by taking small measures, the water stays healthy and fresh, and people can use it for any purpose.

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