Essay Writing

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Early Rising

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Waking up early in the morning is truly a blessing. As the first rays of the sun break through the darkness, the world is filled with a sense of calm and serenity. The chirping of the birds and the cool breeze that blows across the fields create an ambiance that is truly unique. Early rising not only provides us with an opportunity to witness the beauty of nature but also allows us to start our day with a fresh and positive outlook.The early riser is often able to accomplish more in a day than those who prefer to sleep in. They have the luxury of time to plan their day, prioritize their tasks, and complete them without the distractions of the world around them. The quiet time in the morning can be used for self-reflection, exercise, meditation, or even catching up on some reading.Furthermore, early rising has been linked to better mental and physical health. It is an excellent way to combat stress and improve overall well-being. By waking up early, we are able to regulate our circadian rhythm, which can lead to improved sleep patterns and better rest at night.In conclusion, the benefits of early rising are numerous, and it is a habit worth cultivating. By waking up early, we can experience the tranquility of the morning and set ourselves up for a productive and fulfilling day ahead. So let us rise with the sun and embrace the day that lies ahead.

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Digital Bangladesh

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Digital Bangladesh is a goal set by Bangladesh government to develop our country using technology. This means we will use more computers and everything will be connected through the Internet. It will benefit our country a lot. A major benefit is that it will reduce corruption by making things more transparent and accountable.

Digital Bangladesh will help us connect with other countries in business, politics, education and culture. It will improve our banking and financial system. Going digital will benefit every sector like agriculture, health, education, commerce.

For this, the government has to take important steps. First, we need a good supply of electricity for computers to function properly. Computer network should be built across the country. People should be trained to use computers and everyone should have access to digital services. In schools, students should have easy access to computers so that they can learn.

If we achieve the goal of Digital Bangladesh, it will help us become a developed country in the world within the next decade. It will make our lives better and make our country better. We will be able to easily connect with other parts of the world and use technology to improve many aspects of our society. Let's work together to make Digital Bangladesh a reality!

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Cyber crime

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Cybercrime is a criminal activity done online using a computer, network and internet. With the increasing use of the internet and mobile phones, the number of criminal activities has also gained pace.  These criminal-minded people steal the personal details of a person, which leads to financial losses and damages the reputation of the victims. Various scams and fraudulent schemes are offered on the internet like online auctions, advance fees, or any investment scam, which are all aimed at deceiving individuals into parting with their money.

Cybercrime is not limited to financial losses or reputational damage, a more discrete term has emerged; cyberbullying.  In cyberbullying, a person is harassed, humiliated, or threatened online. This can have severe psychological and emotional consequences. Ethical hackers or white hat hackers can help organizations identify vulnerabilities in their systems before malicious hackers exploit them. 

Cybercrime doesn’t have any boundaries and is an international issue and international cooperation is crucial for tracking and prosecuting cybercriminals who operate across borders. To combat cybercrime effectively, a multi-faceted approach is required, involving education, technology, legislation, and international cooperation. As technology continues to advance, our efforts to combat cybercrime must keep pace to protect our increasingly interconnected world.

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Childhood Memories

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Memories are some special visualization on our brain that helps us to recall some past incidents that happened to our life. It shapes our personality for the future. Sometimes we remember our long-ago past memories and it makes us happy. 

Childhood memories are the best example of that. We all have lots of childhood memories and these are golden. These memories are vivid in our minds always. I know some memories could be hard to remember but most of them are vivid in our brain.

My Childhood Memories:

I have so many memories that I can remember now. Most of them are related to my family, parents, and siblings. Because I have spent most of my childhood times with them. My father was a government worker then and he had very little time to spend with his family.

But still, he managed to spend a huge time with us. I loved his activities. He took us to different places for a picnic. My mom used to cook very delicious meals for us. I can remember, we were staying at a village in Bihar and it was the house of an uncle. We went for a long drive from there. 

There was an amazing side view on the road. I loved the villages of Bihar. The people were friendly. I spent an amazing time with my cousins there. These memories are very bright on my mind and I love to think about all those days. 


I know your childhood memories are also amazing and you love to think about these memories a lot. These memories make us happy. I love to think about these amazing days. 

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Child labor

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Child labor, an unfortunate reality for many children in the United States, is a multifaceted issue influenced by many factors. Key causes of juvenile exploitation often stem from economic circumstances, societal pressures, and gaps in the legal and regulatory framework.

Poverty is a predominant catalyst, forcing families to send their children to work to survive. It's a vicious cycle where the immediate financial gain from child labor trumps the long-term benefits of education.

Moreover, cultural and societal norms sometimes condone underage drudgery. Some communities, particularly in agricultural or family-run businesses, consider it a part of a child's upbringing, blurring the lines between teaching life skills and exploitation.

Finally, despite stringent labor laws, some industries exploit legal loopholes. For example, exemptions exist for family farms and certain age groups in agriculture, a sector with a high prevalence of juvenile exploitation.

Measures To Stop Child Labor

Tackling child labor necessitates holistic measures that address its root causes. Improving access to quality education, particularly in underprivileged areas, can divert children from the labor market. Implementing stricter enforcement of labor laws and closing regulatory loopholes would make it harder for industries to exploit child labor.

Moreover, societal awareness plays a crucial role. Public education campaigns about the detriments of child exploitation can shift cultural perceptions and norms. Finally, providing financial support to impoverished families could decrease the economic necessity for child labor.

Through these measures, it is possible to safeguard the rights and futures of children across the United States.

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Blue Economy

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The Oceanic Economy popularly known as blue economy has emerged as a crucial development issue for optimum use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Among the sustainable development goals (SDGs), SDG-14 focuses on sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Ocean assets provide food and energy which are essential ingredients of human life. By overlooking the three-fourth proportion of the surface of earth, it is tough to achieve sustainable economic development by 2030. Given this, Bangladesh has adopted steps to ensure sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources attaining inclusive development and goal related to SDG-14. Bangladesh has 710 km long coastline with an exclusive economic zone of 200 Nautical Miles inside the Bay of Bengal. Marine fisheries contribute 19.40 per cent of the total fish production of the country. Besides, on an average, 81.0 per cent of the international tourists visit Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh. The ocean of Bangladesh is contributing a noteworthy role to its overall socio-economic growth through enhancing the economic activities across the country and especially to the coastal zone at southern part. The country has so far, explored only a few number of Blue Economy sectors such as fisheries and aquaculture, shipbuilding, ship breaking, salt generation and port facilities. Besides, most of these sectors are following traditional methods. Therefore, there still remains ample opportunities as well as challenges for exploring large number of blue economy sectors, safeguarding mangrove and ocean grass, addressing environmental changes and managing carbon discharge, and introducing innovative technology for further development to contribute in achieving sustainable development goals.

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Bay of Bengal

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Bay of Bengal is the northern side expansion of the Indian Ocean. In the east, it is attached to India, in west Sri Lanka, and in the north with Bangladesh and north eastern with Burma. The Bay of Bengal is 1,600 kilometer in breadth and an average depth of 2,600 meter. There are several seas uniting in the Bay of Bengal, Ganga and Eravati are also among these seas. It has heavy monsoons in both summer and winter seasons, and because of these heavy monsoons the climate of the Bay of Bengal Sea is always bad. Southern Bangladesh is especially affected of the bad climate of the Bay of Bengal.

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Bangladesh Cricket

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Cricket in Bangladesh has gained popularity in recent times. Bangladesh hit the spot one day after winning the ICC trophy a few years ago. It is a big recognition for Bangladesh to enter the global competition. After a long and sustained development, we have finally reached experimental state, the most glorious state in world cricket. Bangladesh cricket team needs to be more organized. Batting line as well as bowling need to be further strengthened against strong opponents. The Bangladesh team can be improved with proper training and practice. A good coach can make a big difference. A world-class coach may be employed and more rigorous training sessions must be arranged. Only a non-stop practice can lead our cricket team to reach the desired level. Telented players must be searched nationally and selected for the national team. National cricket tournaments should be held regularly. In order to promote young talents, tournaments should also be held in schools, colleges and universities. Talented young cricketers will emerge from these tournaments and some of them should be selected for the national team. We should take steps to keep politics out of our cricket. Cricket should not get involved in politics and the Cricket Control Board should consist of real professionals. Any form of political interference can lead to poor player selection and consequent formation of a weak team. If effective management and teamwork are maintained, our cricket team can go a long way to world-class standards and repeat victories.

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