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Water pollution

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Earth comprises about 70% of water, where humans and animals consume only 1% of fresh and healthy water for drinking. Humans consume freshwater for daily activities, so we should be serious about protecting it from pollution.

Water pollution is a serious environmental problem prevailing in our society. Human-made activities like intensive agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, and industrialization have escalated water bodies’ pollution.

The disposal of industrial wastes should be meted through the dumping of biologically decomposable wastes and recycling of non-decomposable waste at an industrial and household level. 

Restrictions on activities such as dumping of feces, washing dirty clothes, and bathing domestic animals is an important step towards water protection. Eutrophication is not a big issue but cannot be left unattended. Government officials should take appropriate steps and check-ups to prevent and protect water bodies from pollution.

We need to conserve and prevent water pollution. The use of methods like filtration, sedimentation, sterilization, and other scientific methods can remove the toxins and pollutants from water.

One can conserve water through small steps like turning off running tap water- this prevents water contamination and prevents water shortage. Avoid littering water bodies like rivers, oceans, and lakes. One can help clean the litter on beaches or in lakes and rivers and throw it in the nearby garbage can.

Planting more plants and trees prevents contamination of pesticides and insecticides from running off the nearby water sources. Certain fishes keep the water fresh by consuming toxic substances and plants. Thus by taking small measures, the water stays healthy and fresh, and people can use it for any purpose.

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Corruption free society

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Creating a corruption-free society in Bangladesh, or any country, is a formidable yet essential task for sustainable development and progress. Corruption, like friction in an engine, saps the vitality of a nation's resources, hindering economic growth, eroding public trust, and perpetuating inequality.

In Bangladesh, as in many other nations, corruption manifests in various forms, from petty bribery to embezzlement of public funds. It thrives in environments where transparency and accountability are lacking, and where institutions meant to uphold the rule of law are weak or compromised.

To achieve a corruption-free society in Bangladesh, several strategies must be employed:

Strengthening Institutions: Building robust institutions with effective oversight mechanisms is crucial. This includes enhancing the independence and capacity of anti-corruption agencies, such as the Anti-Corruption Commission, and ensuring their ability to investigate and prosecute corrupt practices without fear or favor.

Promoting Transparency and Accountability: Transparency in government processes, decision-making, and public expenditure is essential for preventing corruption. Implementing measures such as open data initiatives, whistleblower protection laws, and mandatory disclosure of financial assets for public officials can help foster accountability and deter corrupt behavior.

Enhancing Legal Frameworks: Enacting and enforcing stringent anti-corruption laws is fundamental. This includes laws to prevent conflicts of interest, regulate political financing, and ensure the integrity of public procurement processes. Additionally, establishing specialized anti-corruption courts can expedite the adjudication of corruption cases and send a strong deterrent message.

Educating and Empowering Citizens: Empowering citizens with knowledge of their rights and responsibilities is vital. Civil society organizations, media outlets, and educational institutions play a crucial role in raising awareness about the detrimental effects of corruption and advocating for ethical conduct in both public and private spheres.

Fostering a Culture of Integrity: Cultivating a culture of integrity and ethical behavior requires concerted efforts across all segments of society. This involves promoting ethical leadership, encouraging ethical business practices, and instilling values of honesty, fairness, and accountability from an early age.

International Cooperation: Corruption often transcends national borders, necessitating international cooperation to combat it effectively. Bangladesh can benefit from collaborating with international organizations, neighboring countries, and global initiatives aimed at preventing corruption, sharing best practices, and recovering stolen assets.

Creating a corruption-free society is a long-term endeavor that requires sustained political will, collective action, and the engagement of all stakeholders. While the task may be daunting, the benefits of a corruption-free Bangladesh – including enhanced economic prosperity, improved public services, and strengthened democratic institutions – make it a goal worth pursuing relentlessly.

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Village fair

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A village fair is a time of amusement for the villagers and a time away to unwind from their monotonous routine. A village fair helps small-scale trade flare up their business, encourages the local industry and agriculture to grow more. Village fairs usually have temporary markets put up where the shops sell sweets, fruits, and toys. Often, there are hawkers selling various items like those for household or personal use. Children often purchase things like toys and kites. People relish sweets like ice cream, kulfi, faluda, and more in village fairs. However, the attending villagers often need to stay careful since pickpockets taking advantage is a common occurrence in such crowded events.

The most anticipated event is a village fair, especially for children. Village fairs are like exhibitions with a lot of hustle and bustle. Weavers, artisans, blacksmiths, and carpenters often set up stalls at village fairs to sell their products and earn money. For the people of the village, a village fair is a source of enjoyment. Village fairs are an indispensable part of village life and culture. It offers not only the village where it is held, but also the adjacent communities, great entertainment options. Visitors to the fair from nearby and distant villages could be seen coming with their families and friends.

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Viewing a Sunset

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It is really very charming to enjoy a sunset scene in a cloudless sky in Bangladesh. It marks the end of the day. The sun goes down and sheds its mild rays from the western sky. It looks like a dish of gold. We find a brilliant show of colors in the western sky. Seven colors make the western sky look charming. The whole earth and the sky seem to be painted with colors. The golden rays of the setting sun fall on the water of ponds, rivers, on top of trees. The western horizon appears exquisitely beautiful. The sky is then covered with the red glow of the setting sun and all the objects of nature put on an alarming appearance. The ripples of the rivers look purple in the red glow of the departing sun. Gradually the sun sinks down below the horizon and the red tinge of the sky begins to fade away. Darkness then covers the whole earth. The cowboys return home with their cattle. Birds are seen flying back to their nests. Nothing but a few stars are seen in the western sky. A sunset scene is really enjoyable.

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A Book Fair

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 A book fair is a kind of fair where books are displayed and sold. In recent years book, the fair has become a traditional festival in our country. Last February I went on a visit to the Bangla Academy Book Fair. It is the biggest and most gorgeous book fair in the country. The Academy complex is the venue of this book Fair However, I went to the Fair with my parents. Every year my parents visit the Fair at least once. There were thousands of visitors coming to and going out of the Fair. There were a lot of rows of bookstall beautifully decorated. The premises of Bangla Academy took a festive look. Visitors were moving from one row to another just like the rows of an ant. There were hundreds and thousands of books in the stalls. People were looking for their favorite and chosen books/Some visitors were looking for new publications This Fair has special significance in this regard. Anyway, we visited a lot of stalls and bought a number of books: Of the books, there were storybooks, science fiction, and autobiographies. My father is particularly fond of autobiographies and he suggests we read these books. My younger brother and mother bought some books for the children. While we were about to finish our visit, I noticed that the great writer Humayun Ahmed was sitting on a chair in front of a stall. I also noticed that the great poet Al Mahmud was also sitting beside him. Two great personalities were talking with each other and curious people were gathering around them for taking their autographs. At last, we finished the visit to the Fair but came back home with a permanent impression of the Fair in my mind.

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Blood Donation

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A blood donation is a procedure when individuals give blood to others to assist them with their ailments. Giving blood is an actual existence sparing and philanthropic motion that shows solidarity with others and worries for their issues and languishing.

There could be a few distinct purposes for an individual’s prerequisite of blood. The requirement for blood could emerge because of a disease or a mishap. At all, the explanation could be; blood gift is the main achievable arrangement. Blood gift isn’t just useful for the beneficiary yet, also helps the benefactor and the general public.

Giving blood is a demonstration of worry for individuals who are needing life-sparing blood. Nothing could esteem more than blood for an individual who requires it for sparing his/her own life or for the life of somebody he/she thinks about.

Any solid person, who isn’t experiencing any sickness, can give blood; nonetheless, there should be a hole, in any event, three months between two continuous blood gifts.

It is additionally prudent that people under 18 years or over 60 ought to abstain from giving blood. Likewise, it is profoundly fitting to don’t disguise any data concerning your wellbeing history and meds, from the specialist regulating the blood gift.

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Birds of Bangladesh

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Introduction: Bangladesh is a country full of trees and forests. These trees and forests are the abodes of thousands of birds. These birds give us much joy and make our country beautiful.

Different Types of Birds: There are different types of birds we find in this country. These birds have been described in the following categories:

1. Some Familiar Birds: The crow is one of the most familiar birds. We find it everywhere in the country. Though we dislike it for its black color and harsh voice, it is very useful to us. It cleans our environment by eating up dead animals and dirty things. The sparrow and pigeons are also very familiar birds. They build houses in the nooks and crannies of our houses.

2. Song Birds: There are many songbirds in Bangladesh. Among them the cuckoos, the nightingale, the robin, the Bulbuli, Bau Kotha Kau, the Mayna, and the Shyama are famous.

3. Tailor Birds: There are some birds that can build their nests skillfully. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, the Babui, the Tuntuni, and the Bulbuli are tailor birds.

4. The Game Birds: The heron, the stork, the water hen, the quail, and Pankauri are well-known game birds. They are hunted for their flesh.

5. Birds of Pray: The kite, the hawk, and the vulture are birds of prey. They have keen eyesight and sharp paws. They live on flesh and fish.

6. Domestic Birds: There are also some domestic birds in Bangladesh. They include the hen, the duck and the pigeon. Domestic birds give us eggs and meat.

7. Migratory Birds: Bangladesh also provides shelter to a great number of migratory birds. Most of them come from Siberia in winter and take shelter in our lakes and forests.

Conclusion: Birds are charming to look at. They are very important for maintaining ecological balance. They eat up insects and help our agriculture. They also help in the pollination of different species of trees. So we should protect our wealth of birds.

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Uber’s innovative format of transportation services affects companies in the taxi market. Specifically, its pricing strategies and the ability to damage the reputation of taxi drivers deserve attention in this regard. This essay will examine the cause-and-effect connections between Uber’s activity in the transportation industry and its meaning for more traditional taxi companies.

Uber’s growth can have direct influences on taxi service providers’ success since the company emphasizes affordability and dynamic pricing. The investigations of the Uber platform’s policies based on dynamic price calculations reveal that Uber’s transportation fares are lower than those of taxis in most cases (Pepić 124). Uber offers a novel way of calculating prices, with price surges linked to the levels of demand for services and the supply of vehicles (Santos et al. 248). Its real-time algorithm adjusts prices to maintain the right balance between demand and supply, but price surges do not take away from Uber’s affordability (Pepić 124). These factors make Uber’s activity a threat to taxi companies. 

The facts above produced various negative effects on taxi companies in different countries. By introducing its ride-booking application, Uber made its already low-cost services even more convenient, thus threatening traditional taxi companies’ competitiveness (BBC News Staff). Uber’s tremendous popularity severely affected the demand for traditional taxi services in the UK, which finds reflection in local cab firms’ protests against Uber’s operation in the transportation market of Oxford (BBC News Staff). Aside from citizens’ demand for traditional taxi services, Uber’s attractive prices and drivers’ proximity to clients also strengthened the marginalization of taxi drivers in the media (Phung et al.). Historically, taxi driving has been perceived as a stigmatized job, and Uber’s entry into the Canadian taxi market took that contempt to the next level (Phung et al.). It reinforced taxi users’ tendency to associate traditional taxi companies with illiterate immigrants and poor hygiene conditions, which could not go unnoticed for taxi operators’ profits (Phung et al.). Thus, Uber’s negative influences on taxi companies are reputational and financial in nature.

In summary, Uber’s price levels and an emphasis on convenience affected taxi companies’ position. The company’s success caused a decreased demand for competitors’ services while also reinforcing the target audience’s negative and discriminatory attitudes toward taxi drivers. Such effects resulted in trade unions’ attempts to reduce Uber’s market presence.

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Bird flu

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Bird flu, also known as avian influenza, is a viral infection that primarily affects birds but can also infect humans and other animals. The virus occurs naturally among wild aquatic birds but can spread to domestic poultry, such as chickens and turkeys, through direct contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces. There are several strains of bird flu virus, some of which can cause mild illness in birds, while others can be highly pathogenic and lead to severe outbreaks with high mortality rates.

In humans, bird flu infections are rare but can occur through close contact with infected birds or their droppings. Symptoms of bird flu in humans can range from mild, flu-like symptoms to severe respiratory illness and even death in some cases. The risk of human-to-human transmission is generally low, but certain strains of the virus, such as H5N1 and H7N9, have raised concerns about the potential for widespread outbreaks and pandemics.

Preventing bird flu requires strict biosecurity measures in poultry farms and markets to limit the spread of the virus among birds. These measures include proper sanitation, quarantining sick birds, and controlling movement of poultry and poultry products. In addition, vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic strains of bird flu can help reduce the risk of outbreaks.

In humans, reducing the risk of bird flu involves avoiding direct contact with sick or dead birds, practicing good hygiene, and following food safety guidelines when handling and cooking poultry products. Health authorities also monitor bird flu outbreaks closely and may implement measures such as culling infected birds, restricting movement of poultry, and conducting surveillance and testing in affected areas to control the spread of the virus.

While bird flu remains a concern for both animal and human health, continued vigilance, surveillance, and collaboration among governments, health authorities, and the poultry industry are essential for preventing and managing outbreaks of this potentially serious disease.

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The worst day of your life

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It was August 20th 2005 on a Friday morning. I woke up and I was feeling alright. I did what I usually do on Fridays. I cooked, cleaned, took a shower, brushed my hair, and then sat in the living room to watch T.V. Next, my favorite show came on and I was happy and excited to watch the new episode. Later, the phone rang while I was watching the T.V, then I got up and then answered the phone. It was my sister in law calling, to tell us that our father had passed away about an hour ago.
I could not believe what I was hearing; I throw the phone on the floor, fell to my knees and started crying. My mother and everyone else ran towards me, asked me what was wrong and what I found out over the phone. I could not talk at all; I was out of breath from crying. But they all knew something terrible had happened. My mom picked up the phone from the floor and then talked with my sister in law, to find out the sad truth. My mom was shocked like me when she heard what I heard. When my siblings found out, we all fell apart and started to cry and hug each other. We prayed and asked god to get us through the tough time we were going through. After we prayed I went and sat in the corner with my brother and older sister. Three of us kept sitting and crying. After that my mother was trying to comfort us, but she could barely talk because she was crying so much. Unfortunately crying wouldn’t change the reality. My mother had to break the news to everyone over the phone. It was very painful hearing my mom breaking the news to the rest of the relatives, but we had no choice. In conclusion, our life has changed dramatically ever since my father’s death because my mother had to take all the responsibilities. Life was never the same for us, for we are missing the head of the household. Since the loss of our father is a fact, we had to live with the pain and get used to it. And every time that date passes we remember the grief of losing our father.

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