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The food I like most

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My favorite food is Biryani, a delicious and popular dish that is enjoyed by people all over the world. It is a type of rice dish that is usually made with meat, fish, or vegetables, along with a variety of spices and herbs. Biryani has its origins in the Indian subcontinent and is believed to have been brought to the region by traders from the Middle East. Over time, the dish has evolved and adapted to the local cuisine, with different regions having their own unique variations of the dish. I love Biryani because it has a perfect combination of flavors and textures. The combination of rice, meat or fish, vegetables, and a variety of spices and herbs creates a unique taste that is both flavorful and comforting. I also appreciate the fact that it is a versatile dish, and can be enjoyed with different meats like chicken, beef, lamb or even seafood. The way the ingredients are layered and cooked together, creates a unique flavor and aroma that is hard to resist. The soft, fluffy rice paired with the tender meat or fish and the flavorful spices, makes for a perfect meal. Biryani is a dish that can be enjoyed on any occasion, whether it’s a special celebration or a casual get together with friends and family. It’s a dish that brings people together and is always a crowd-pleaser. Overall, Biryani is a delicious and satisfying dish that I can never get enough of.

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Air Pollution

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Air pollution is a concern for people all over the world. Air pollution is most often caused by burning fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, and natural gas. The exhaust fumes released by vehicles fill the air with toxic particles. Pollution can cause health problems, such as asthma, headaches and other symptoms of allergies.

The World Health Organisation has classified air pollution as an environmental risk to human health. Many countries have taken action concerning air pollution. After reading the air pollution essay 100 words and learning about air pollution, let us now move on to understand the causes.

Causes of Air Pollution

Air pollution is caused by vehicles, factories, power plants, and trash burning. Vehicles cause air pollution by burning gasoline or diesel. The most significant cause of air pollution is burning fossil fuels to create energy like coal and oil. Air pollution can be considered a contributor to global warming, a major challenge we face today.

You can keep your little ones engaged in learning by asking them to write an essay on air pollution and create a pictorial representation of the same.

Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health

There are many harmful effects of air pollution. It causes respiratory problems and other health issues in people. It also causes lung diseases and cancer. Like any other type of pollution, the health risks of air pollution are high for any living being.

People are more likely to die from respiratory disease and lung cancer in heavily polluted areas. Air pollution causes conditions that make people more susceptible to respiratory infection and inflammation. The body can also absorb harmful substances in polluted air easily.

These are the adverse effects of air pollution that we come across in the air pollution essay pdf. There are a few preventive measures and remedies to reduce air pollution for these harmful effects. Let us understand how to reduce air pollution by referring to the air pollution essay.

How to Reduce Air Pollution?

Air pollution has been a critical issue for many countries. It is the second-largest contributor to drastic climate change after carbon dioxide. BYJU’S air pollution essay in English helps us learn some new ways to control air pollution.

Planting more trees is one of the significant ways to reduce air pollution. Afforestation is a much-needed action to protect our planet from further damage.

Increasing the usage of eco-friendly materials and renewable energy play a vital role in combating air pollution. In addition, eco-friendly fuels, such as compressed natural gas (CNG), biogas, liquid petroleum gas (LPG), etc. play an essential role in reducing air pollution.

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A sweet dream

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A dream is not a new thing for us. When we are asleep, we dream a lot of things. Some dreams are happy but some are unpleasant. When we have a sweet dream, we feel happy. One night I had very pleasant dream. The memory of that dream is still fresh in my mind. I feel that I shall not forget it for a long time to come.

In my dream I found myself at an aerodrome. I saw a wonderful airplane. There was no pilot in it. I had never seen the inside of an airplane. The inside of the airplane was like a well-furnished room. I saw a button in a corner. As soon as I pushed it the plane gave a jerk. I felt like rising up in the air. I was filled with excitement. I enjoyed the thrilling experience. The plane rose up higher and higher. When I peeped through the window, the earth looked like a Hugh ball. After a few hours I saw a round object shining in the sky. I felt that it was the moon. I was thrilled when I realized that the plane was flying towards the moon at a terrific speed. Strange ideas came into my mind but I was not frightened.

After some time the plane landed. When I came out of the plane, I saw some strange people. They were like human beings but they had wings. One of them came near me and spoke something but I could not understand him. I made a sign that I was hungry. He understood me and made a sign that I should accompany him. He took me to his house. I was filled with wonder when I saw that the house was made of gold and silver. After taking food I went out for a walk. I saw magnificent buildings which were made of gold and silver. I roamed about for a long time. I liked the place so much that I made up my mind to settle there.

In the meantime someone gave me a jerk. I woke up and saw my mother in my room. Suddenly my dream was shattered and I found myself on the earth.

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A rose

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Rose is a beautiful flower with a sweet fragrance. It is a very popular flower that can be found commonly in gardens. It is my favourite flower because it is the epitome of beauty and purity. Rose signifies many emotions, like love and joy. That’s why we gift roses or bouquets of roses to the ones we love.

Roses can be grown in flower beds as well as flower pots. It can be found in many parts of the world, when grown under the right conditions. They require some sunlight, cool climate and regular watering. Even in cities where these weather conditions are not met, roses can be grown in special arrangements like greenhouse.

Origin Of Rose Flower
Initially, rose flowers were known to be wildflowers, and they came from many parts of the earth. They are found in many continents, like Asia, Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. According to research, there are over a hundred species of roses that have been discovered in the world. Research then found means to grow these wildflowers in the vicinity of houses especially in gardens.

Importance And Uses Of Rose Flower
Rose is most popular for its good scent. This is because, naturally, the rose flower produces a beautiful fragrance. This fragrance comes from its petals, as there are tiny perfume glands on them. So, rose extracts are used as natural perfumes.

Similarly, rose water extracted out of rose petals is used in many cultures for many purposes. It has many beneficial effects on the skin when applied directly, thus, it is part of many cosmetic products.

Rose petals can be eaten even in their raw form, thus, rose is used as a natural flavouring ingredient. In the simplest form, the rose essence is used to make syrups which is used in preparations like rose falooda, rose sherbet and rose milk. Rose petals mixed with sugar are also used to prepare a sweet preserve known as gulkand, which is eaten for a cooling effect in the stomach.

Rose flower has a symbolic significance in different cultures. For example, the red rose is a symbol of love. No other flower is as popular as a red rose when it comes to conveying feelings of love. This is evident from the huge number of red roses used on special occasions like weddings, anniversaries, engagements and Valentine’s Day. Not just that, there is a special day dedicated to expressing emotions by gifting roses. Rose Day is observed every year on February 12.

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A lonely road

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Imagine walking on this road, just you and the rustling leaves. It's not just a walk; it's like a journey through your thoughts and dreams. The road becomes your buddy, your partner in exploring what's inside your head and heart.

Sometimes, when things get noisy around us, this lonely road is a peaceful escape. It's like a blank canvas where you can paint your feelings, your stories, and your adventures. Every step you take is like a sentence in your own life story.

And you know what's really cool? This road isn't really lonely; it's just quiet. It's a good listener, soaking in the sounds of nature and your own footsteps. It's a place where you can have a chat with yourself, sort out your thoughts, and discover things about yourself.

Sure, it might seem a bit quiet and lonesome, but it's in this quietness that you find your own music – the rhythm of your own heart and the melody of your thoughts. It's a bit like having a secret garden just for you.

So, fellows, don't be afraid of the lonely road. Embrace it. Enjoy the simplicity of your own thoughts and feelings. Every step you take is a little adventure, and every moment is a page in your own storybook. Happy walking! 

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Teen age love

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Love is a potent emotion and it is easy to be judgemental about teenage love, dismiss it as ‘puppy love’ and not the so-called real thing since a body and mind as yet undeveloped and unmatured, to process the complexities and intricacies of such an evolved and onerous emotion, is as yet unprepared.

The power of love is infinite. It can lead, inspire and turn ordinary folks into poets, writers, artists and muses. It can make the most laid back of us plod to the end of the earth to attain the impossible but such kind of love needs time, passion and concerted effort to make it work. Youngsters who are still grappling with the rapid changes in their own mind, body and hormones need time to figure this out and any haste might lead to a lot of setbacks, heartbreak, anxiety related disorders, dip in academic performance, a dilution of their career goals and in worst of circumstances lifelong scars.

With the onslaught of internet, young minds are exposed, before time to love,sex and passion. Getting in and out of relationships has become more of a contest between peers rather an organic process of falling in love. Where the tag of being single invites derision, humiliation even ridicule, it is not surprising to find youngsters keen to jump into the bandwagon of dating, just to keep pace with their friends, throwing all good sense and caution to the winds.

Their minds who have yet to realise the profundity of this emotion, fails to sift out love from a mere attraction towards opposite sex. Too many heartbreaks and separationslater, they might be wiser but unnecessarily scarred. Their minds, which is yet evolving, is not equipped to churn out logical, sane responses to bubbling emotions and jealousy, over-possessiveness and dejection may make them prone to over-anxiety, depression, violent outbursts , even suicidal contemplations.

Their emotional ineptitude makes them unaware of how resilient the heart can be. Where every dejection seems to be an assault f their identity, where every break-up might seem catastrophic, where every new attraction might seem the love of one’s life, dating on a one-to-one basis, at such a tender age is bound to have serious ramification, if unguided and unsupported.

Where the only emotion which makes the world go round seems to be love for the opposite sex, an entire chunk of growing up phase is deeply compromised. Camaraderie with friends, bonding with parents, rapport with siblings, relationships with mentors take a backseat and some very beautiful moments of growing up phase in life is left  unformed and incomplete. Academic performance is bound to suffer in the wake such major emotional and mental upheavals and career goals compromised.

Getting physical on a one-to-one dating is but a natural progression. But a youngster whose body is still in the process of growing up is largely unaware of the safe methods of precautions to be observed in order to have a healthy relationship and a small margin of error in such circumstances lead to irrevocable consequences financially, physically, mentally and emotionally the consequences will be way out of league for a young one to handle.

Wouldn’t it rather be a better option to indulge in a lot of free interactive sessions with the members of the opposite sex without the awkwardness and burden of one-to-one dating? Getting to know the opposite sex, mingling with them as friends, hanging out with them and then perhaps as time progresses and adulthood seeps in, gradually coming to realization what one actually seeks in a partner and how committed and responsible one can be, to take the next logical step forward through a one-to-one dating to hopefully land up with one’s soul-mate.

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A journey by boat

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Bangladesh is a riverine country. These rivers give us ample opportunity for a journey by boat. In some respects, a journey by boat is more pleasant than a train journey. Whenever I get a chance, I avail of it and enjoy a journey by boat.
During the last autumn vacation, I went by boat to the village home of a friend. My friend’s house is situated on the bank of the river Karnafully named Charandwip.
We were five in number. We took a guitar and a Yashica Camera. We took some light food too. We hired a boat with one manjhee and two oarsmen. Taking breakfast, we started at 8 a.m. It was a fine morning. A gentle breeze was blowing. The river was calm. There were ripples in the river. When we were in the middle of the river, we saw many beautiful sights on both sides of the river. We took snaps of corn fields. We saw many boats and steamers plying to and fro on the river. We saw many ships sometimes we met trawlers. There were fishermen’s boats with nets spread in the water.

The river was full to the brim. The murmuring sound of the river charmed us. We saw some bathing ghats. Men and women were bathing and children were swimming and splashing in the water. In the meantime, one of my friends played on his guitar. Birds of various kinds were flying then. All these sights created a profound impression on our minds.
The manjhee began to sing a ‘Bhatiali song.’ The sun was setting. It was evening. But the river became loveliest in the evening when the waves danced and sparkled under the crimson rays of the setting sun. We recalled the poetic line of Keats-

At 7 p.m. we reached the ghat. My friend came to the ghat to receive us. At about 8 o’clock we reached his house.
Indeed, the journey by boat is pleasant and thrilling. Such a journey refreshes our minds and provides us with joy and pleasure. It removes our monotony and widens our knowledge. However, our journey by boat came to a happy end. It will be always memorable for me.

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The Sundarbans, located on the coast of the Bay of Bengal in the southwest part of Bangladesh and in West Bengal, India, is one of the largest mangrove forests in the world. Spread across an area of about 3,900 square miles and comprising thousands of streams, creeks, rivers, and estuaries, it is a unique blend of natural beauty and biodiversity.

The name of the forest is derived from the abundant Sundari trees that grow within its boundaries, making it an ideal habitat for a wide variety of species, including the Royal Bengal Tiger and the spotted deer.

The Sundarbans has been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and it attracts visitors from all over the world who come to admire its beauty and observe the wildlife that calls this place home. Additionally, the forest also provides valuable resources for wood-based industries, making it a critical part of the national economy in both Bangladesh and India.

However, this stunning natural treasure is facing a serious threat in the form of river erosion, which is causing the forested coastline to retreat by up to 200 meters a year. If erosion continues at this alarming rate, the Sundarbans will disappear in the next 50 years in Bangladesh and within 20 years in India, along with the majestic tigers and other wildlife that inhabit the area.

It is therefore imperative that we take urgent action to protect this unique and valuable ecosystem before it is too late. This is not just a local issue, but a global concern that requires a concerted effort from all of us. The world needs to come together to save the Sundarbans, the Royal Bengal Tigers, and all the other species that call this forest home.

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Students politics

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Introduction: Student life is the time to acquire knowledge and to prepare oneself for the challenges of future life. The main job of a student is to study. Being aware of the social, economic, and cultural matters of one’s country is also important for a student. It is necessary for a student to have proper knowledge about problems related to his society and country and to prepare himself for solving those problems in a constructive way.

Justification of Student Politics: Whether student politics is justified is a matter of debate. Student politics has played a pivotal role in the liberation movement of this country. Still, considering the role of student politics in the present situation of Bangladesh one can hardly support student politics. It should not be an exaggeration to say that student politics has been criminalized in Bangladesh. Students are consistently being used in criminal and terrorist activities. Student wings of the political parties have become a safe haven for evil-doers. Considering this situation, it is reasonable to assume that student politics is not admissible in a country like Bangladesh.

Present Condition of Student Politics: There are many reasons behind the lamentable condition of student politics in Bangladesh. First of all, political leaders are misleading students in the name of politics and using the students to fulfill their narrow interests. The leaders provide money and arms to the students and take them away from active study. Secondly, the educational system of the country has failed to provide proper education and guidance to the students.

History of Student Politics: We have a glorious history of student politics. Under the occupation of the British and the Pakistanis, the students of the country have always worked actively to safeguard the interest of the mass people. They were like the conscience of the nation. They had remarkable contributions to the movements of liberation against British rule and the later Pakistani rule. The language movement of 1952 was basically organized by the students. Many people including students died in the movement to uphold the dignity of the mother language on the 21st February 1952.

Corrective Measures: The following measures may be undertaken to purge student politics. They may be as follows:Student wings of the political parties should be abolished and students should be dissociated from the affiliation of political parties.The scope and activities of student politics should be kept limited to personal awareness programs, and non-political student unions in the educational institutions.Measures should be taken to prevent students from taking part in the crime. To this end, the environment of educational institutions and the quality of education need to be improved. Besides, the overall law and order situation of the country also needs improvement.

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A historical place you have seen

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Being a “Bangladeshi”, I take pride in many of the historical heritage of my country, including a number of historical places, which has carried a very rich and eventful past of my country for centuries. Today, I would like to talk about one such historical place, called the “Panam city”, which is unique in every true sense.

“Panam city” sits in the city of “Sonargaon”, located about 29 kilometres north of the capital “Dhaka”. Covering an area of almost 20 kilometres, “Panam city” once used to be the capital of the 15th century “Bengal” and thrived as the major inland port and centre of commerce and politics. Later in the 17th and 18th century, it also became the centre of trade for “muslin” (a special but “plain weave” of very fine cotton fabric which was very popular in the European market, the middle east and other markets all over the world for its “very special quality”).

The “lost city”, as it is called by many and is also known to be the only abandoned city of its kind in the whole world, has about 50+ old houses on the same street. But, even the houses are centuries old, they still bear the regal signs on their ancient walls, bricks and the terracotta on the black stones. Another very significant and unique aspect of this “lost city” is that it marked the end of the line of the “Grand Trunk Road”, one of Asia’s oldest and longest major roads, which had linked the Indian subcontinent with Central Asia for almost 2500 years.  

Anyway, as I was strolling through the “old ruins” of one of the most distinguished cities of the “old world”, I couldn’t help but feeling both the energy and aristocracy sustained from a very “bustling city” of a bygone era. Besides, the medieval houses and monuments under the sunny weather looked like they had a lot of stories to share with us if only they could talk, and we had time to listen and learn from the past that nothing really lasts forever.

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