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A Young Leader Can Provide Better Leadership Than an Older One

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Young leaders bring a stronger spirit of inquiry to every encounter.

Older leaders have such a deep and broad base of experience to draw from, its more likely they are tapping that base than listening carefully to the current issue being raised.

Young leaders have to develop that expertise and therefore are hungrier to learn from every encounter.

Older leaders have had the chance to enjoy rewards and recognition, and the hunger for these is less strong.

Older leaders will typically have vast experience and wisdom, both in the arena of politics and without. They are also coupled with patience, verve, and no short order of connections. They’ve been playing the game long enough to know all the players, the rules, and the field.

Younger leaders lack a lot of those traits, but they make up for it with tenacity, enthusiasm, idealism, and energy. They can also relate to the bulk of the nation, age and life experience wise, better than someone who is much older and from several generations ago.

What I mean is that the world Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, etc etc grew up in is much different than the world 99% of the U.S. did

They experiment more and open to take risk and try new things.

In my training days, once a senior person from leadership group visited our class. He asked one question from us. Why do we hire freshers when we have to give training and everything to you guys and during that period company do not get any revenue from you guys. Seems very simple question. Isn't it?

The simplest of all is they do not give more salary to freshers(service based company) and after training company can utilize the resource and cover up the money/loss.

But that day he told us something which got stuck with me. He gave us one example. What will happen if I give new sport/racing bike to you guys or senior person like me?

In most cases the senior person will ride that bike safely and will not utilize its features and abilities fully. In short he plays safe safe and does not experiment. But the same bike given to any youngster, he will ride that bike fast, experiment on it and will know each and everything about that bike like maximum speed, capacity, mileage,engine stability etc.

Same way a young leader infuses fresh ideas, energy in the team. Of course there are some drawbacks too but here we are only discussing about advantages.

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Foreign aid should be discouraged for our self-sufficiency

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While foreign aid has historically played a role in addressing immediate crises and funding development projects in Bangladesh, relying heavily on it can hinder the journey towards self-sufficiency. Self-reliance is crucial for national dignity, economic stability, and sustainable development. Encouraging local industries, investing in education and technology, and fostering innovation can create a robust economy less dependent on external support. This does not mean rejecting foreign aid altogether but rather strategically using it to build capacities that enable the country to stand on its own in the long term. Developing a strong domestic economy and improving governance can attract foreign investment, not as aid but as partnerships that contribute to mutual growth.

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Impact of social media on young generation

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Social media platforms facilitate easy and instant communication, allowing young people to connect with friends and family globally.

Information Access:
Social media serves as a source of information, news, and educational content, providing a platform for learning and staying informed about current events.
Self-Expression and Creativity:

Social media platforms allow young individuals to express themselves creatively through sharing photos, videos, and art, fostering self-expression.
Networking Opportunities:
Social media can be a valuable tool for networking, creating opportunities for career advancement and personal growth.
Awareness and Activism:
Young people can use social media to raise awareness about social issues, promote causes, and participate in activism.
Negative Impacts:
Social Comparison and Low Self-Esteem:
Constant exposure to curated and idealized content on social media may lead to social comparison and contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
Social media provides a platform for cyberbullying, negatively impacting the mental health and well-being of young individuals.
Addiction and Time Management:
Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and may interfere with academics, work, and real-world relationships.
Privacy Concerns:
Young people may expose personal information online, raising concerns about privacy and potential security risks.
Filter Bubbles and Echo Chambers:
Social media algorithms may create filter bubbles, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives and reinforcing existing beliefs.
Impact on Mental Health:
Excessive use, online harassment, and exposure to negative content can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
Distorted Body Image:
The prevalence of edited and filtered images on social media can contribute to distorted body image perceptions and unrealistic beauty standards.

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New Technology is reducing our job sectors 

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With the rapid advancement of technology, we're seeing automation and artificial intelligence taking on tasks that used to be done by humans. From self-checkout machines at stores to algorithms that can analyze data, technology is changing the way we work.

And while this can bring efficiency and innovation, it also means that some jobs are becoming obsolete. Machines can often perform tasks faster, more accurately, and sometimes cheaper than humans, leading to job loss in certain sectors.

For example, in manufacturing, robots are increasingly used to assemble products, reducing the need for manual labor. Similarly, in the service industry, automated systems are taking on roles like customer service and data entry, displacing human workers.

But it's not all doom and gloom. While technology may eliminate some jobs, it also creates new opportunities. New industries emerge, requiring skills in areas like software development, data analysis, and digital marketing. And as technology evolves, so do job roles, opening up possibilities for retraining and upskilling.

We can say, new technology is indeed reducing job sectors, but it's also reshaping the job market and creating new opportunities. The key is to adapt to these changes, embrace new skills, and stay ahead of the curve to thrive in the ever-evolving world of work.

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Natural disaster is the gift for us not curses 

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In Bangladesh, natural disasters are a frequent occurrence, with cyclones, floods, and droughts posing significant challenges to communities and the economy. While these disasters undoubtedly cause immense destruction and hardship, they can also serve as catalysts for positive change and resilience.

Natural disasters as a curse:

Bangladesh's geographical location along the Bay of Bengal makes it highly vulnerable to cyclones, which can bring devastating winds, storm surges, and heavy rains. These cyclones have caused widespread damage, including the loss of lives, homes, crops, and infrastructure.

Floods are another major challenge for Bangladesh, with rivers regularly overflowing their banks during the monsoon season. Floods can displace populations, contaminate water sources, and damage agricultural land, leading to food insecurity.

Droughts, while less frequent, can also have severe consequences for Bangladesh's agriculture-dependent economy. Water scarcity can impact crop yields, leading to food shortages and price hikes.

Natural disasters as a gift:

Despite the immense challenges they pose, natural disasters can also trigger positive outcomes in Bangladesh.

Firstly, they serve as stark reminders of the country's vulnerability to natural hazards, prompting efforts to enhance disaster preparedness and mitigation measures. This includes building disaster-resistant infrastructure, developing early warning systems, and educating communities on disaster risk reduction.

Secondly, natural disasters can foster a spirit of resilience and collaboration among communities. As people come together to rebuild their lives and homes, they develop stronger bonds and a shared sense of purpose. This resilience can be harnessed to address other challenges and promote community development.

Moreover, natural disasters can spark innovation and creativity in disaster response and management. Communities may develop new technologies, protocols, or approaches to address the specific challenges they face. This can lead to improved disaster preparedness and response capabilities.

Harnessing the powerDiscrete vs. continuous of disasters:

The key to turning natural disasters from curses into gifts lies in effectively managing their impact and leveraging the opportunities they present. This requires a holistic approach that includes:

Strengthening early warning systems and evacuation plans: Early detection and timely evacuation can significantly reduce the loss of life and property during natural disasters.

Prioritizing disaster-resistant infrastructure: Building structures that can withstand the forces of nature can minimize damage and ensure the continuity of essential services.

Promoting community preparedness and education: Educating communities about disaster risk reduction, evacuation routes, and safety measures can empower them to protect themselves and their families.

Fostering innovation and technology development: Encouraging the development of new technologies and approaches to disaster management can enhance response capabilities and reduce the impact of future disasters.

By understanding the potential for positive change amidst the devastation caused by natural disasters, Bangladesh can build a more resilient and disaster-resilient society.

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Moral values of our young generation are influenced by western culture 

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Now a day‟s every country in this world is treated as village, you can imagine whatever you can.That‟s the way people are communicate easily to each other make things differences. Globalization has only one overarching feature – integration. It is all about collectiveness and everincreasing interconnectedness. It in effect influences everything, whether it is a company or acountry. But here is a fact, is globalization all the way keeps help to connect to each other or build a strong communication in “borderless world”? If it is a question, then how it impacts in our society as well as in our culture?The Cable television has made different attraction in around the world as well as in Bangladeshihousehold. Foreign movies have come and have reflected their culture in it. This has made ahuge impact on the minds of the Bangladeshi people. Not to mention the easy availability ofInternet whose reach even extends till rural areas? The internet has opened up opportunities for people to learn more about foreign cultures and places. It has made Bangladeshi more acceptableand open-minded towards change. Globalization has broken all borders. As a result, the newgeneration of Bangladeshi is more knowledgeable, more aware and more interested in the worldaround them.In our society, women who were once the exploited and ignored part of the population, nowassert their rights of being a woman. Women now have more access to education and know moreabout their rights and their identity as a woman. Nowadays, you find women in the society whowork alongside men. Men-dominated fields see the coming up of the woman. Men and womenare slowly being treated equally. However, this does not mean that all Bangladeshi women arefully free. In many places, exploitation still continues.  Positive impact of westernization Due to globalization, westernization is spreading out all over the world. Westernization has been placed in different countries because of globalization and needless to say, it has had an impact onthe Bangladesh way of life. It has out-rooted the traditional Bengali culture and the rate at whichwesternization is happening to Bangladesh is surprising. Regional languages are on the processof redefined. In many ways instating of regional language people have been used to Englishespecially in urban areas youngsters. It had started get fixing with western clothing, westernlanguages, western mannerisms and everything else westernized. Beside, the festival of Pohela Baishak people is now celebrating like other western culturalfestivals especially in young group such as- Valentine's Day, Friendship Day, Mother's day, Father's day. And other international celebrations. Now a day people are concern about how we think about globally, what the other country aredoing in their cultural issue, just we observe and absorbing them. There is lot of issues that weautomatically know about it; even he/she has a little knowledge about westernization. But, people are moving with it in all the way. Negative impact of westernization At the side of the positive, Bangladeshi people are involving day by day with negative activitieswhich our own culture because of following western culture. However no matter have occurred by this way, what people are doing in our society.With Globalization and westernization of our culture, Bangladesh now has access to things likeadult movies, pornographic material, sex toys and other sexual content from all around the world especially in young group of people. Bangladeshi‟s population has been corrupted thanks by easy access which has been brought about by westernization. In fact, this has gone to such limits thatnow pornographic material is even made in Bangladesh also. These perverted habits have raiseda population who sometimes are so full of hunger for that they choice to rape. It is a fact thatrape cases have risen since the spread of globalization.So that, western dress is another factor that creates an imbalance in our society especially forwoman group (whenever girls wear a shirt, t-shirt, and pant in our society, due to feel orsensation of comfortable) which does not permit within our culture as majority of Muslimnationality. For wearing that kind of dresses men are mostly thinking in negative sense.

More Information:

he pervasive influence of Western culture, particularly through media and popular culture, has undoubtedly impacted the moral values of Bangladesh's younger generation. While this exposure to global trends and perspectives can be beneficial in fostering openness and understanding, it has also raised concerns about the erosion of traditional values and ethical norms. One of the most significant impacts of Western culture on Bangladeshi youth is the shift towards individualism and self-gratification. Western media often glorifies consumerism, materialism, and personal fulfillment, promoting a culture of self-promotion and instant gratification. This emphasis on individual desires can clash with traditional Bangladeshi values that emphasize family, community, and collective responsibility. The rise of social media has further exacerbated this trend, providing platforms for self-expression and validation through likes, comments, and follower counts. Young people may become preoccupied with curating an online persona that aligns with Western ideals of beauty, success, and popularity. This pursuit of external validation can lead to a distorted sense of self-worth and a disregard for deeper values such as compassion, empathy, and integrity. Another area of concern is the increasing acceptance of Western attitudes towards sexuality and relationships. Western media often portrays casual hookups, premarital sex, and open relationships as normal and desirable. This can lead to a disconnect between the values instilled in Bangladeshi families and the messages conveyed by Western media. Young people may question traditional norms of modesty, fidelity, and respect for elders, potentially leading to risky behaviors and unhealthy relationships. Moreover, the influence of Western culture can contribute to a decline in respect for authority and tradition. In Bangladesh, there is a strong hierarchical social structure with respect for elders and established norms. However, Western media often portrays rebellious and non-conformist behavior as admirable. This exposure can lead to challenges in upholding traditional values of respect, obedience, and deference to authority figures. Despite these concerns, it is important to understand that Western culture also offers positive influences. Exposure to global trends and perspectives can broaden young people's horizons, promote tolerance, and foster a more inclusive society. It can encourage critical thinking, open-mindedness, and the exploration of diverse ideas and perspectives. Therefore, the key lies in striking a balance between embracing the benefits of global exposure while maintaining the core values that define Bangladeshi culture. Parents, educators, and community leaders play a crucial role in guiding young people towards a well-rounded understanding of both traditional and contemporary values. By fostering a culture of open communication, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making, we can empower our youth to navigate the complexities of a globalized world while preserving the essence of their cultural heritage. 

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Money is the root of all happiness  

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Lately, I found myself caught in between the social ethics of whether money is the root of all evil. Or is it the root of all happiness? I look around me, and wonder “how on earth does anyone be remotely happy without money?”

I’m guessing that the first thought that pops into our heads is monks.

Monks, whom we all believe to isolate themselves from the world and all material possessions in seek of innate peace and solitude and doing good.

Now unless you’re telling me that the land, the temple, the furniture and the statues are handmade, are you sure they are all not bought?

Most of us, I mean the 20 somethings who are struggling with financial burdens, be it the lack of allowance, or the consistent running out of money, we find ourselves cooping up at home in the hopes that the bank balance would remain the same and not decrease.

Yet, money is seeping out from everywhere while we’re at home, just that we’re not wearing the financial spectacles of where the money is going.

The computer electricity, the wireless subscription, modem electricity, water and utilities bill, the oil when we cook …

These are just some of the simple things where our parents are bearing the financial brunt of our idea of saving money.

Whoever said money can’t buy you happiness didn’t know where to shop – Blair Waldof
Now, is she wrong?

If you knew where to shop, you would be able to get yourself the best goods at the best price, assuming that the best goods refers to necessities ie refrigerator, bed, mattresses, wardrobes.

I spent my college days reading up and arguing about how money is the root of all evil and I’ve always been battling with the questionability of this concept.
I mean, who said this?!

So now I’m feeling really sour about money because I am currently a really broke student, who wants to get married in, possibly the next 5 years, and by then secure an apartment BUT not being able to do so because guess what, money isn’t enough and I haven’t started saving.

To all my fellow broke 20 somethings, let us all mourn over our lack of money and continue living in financial blindness till our parents throw us out, but in the meantime, try to work a little harder, put some of that screaming-to-be spent cash into the bank and perhaps one find day, when money no longer is an issue ….

Oh wait, unless I’m a celebrity, I will possibly be nowhere near even saying ‘I have enough money’.

I always knew this life was sad.

In conclusion, money is the damn root of all happiness.

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Modern science is blessing or curse

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Nothing has shaped the trajectory of human existence quite like modern science. From the simplest household tasks to the most intricate facets of our lives, science has orchestrated a complete overhaul of our surroundings. It has empowered humanity to unravel the enigmatic mysteries of the universe and venture into realms that were once deemed inconceivable.

Modern science not only bestows personal empowerment but also stands as a linchpin in the progress of entire nations. Much like the Renaissance period that pulled Europe out of the abyss, science acts as a guiding light, catalyzing societal transformation. The gift of instant communication exemplifies one of science's myriad benefits. Messages that once traversed vast distances over months now traverse the globe in mere seconds. Bullet trains and airplanes have compressed what used to be months-long journeys into mere hours. Diseases that once ravaged entire populations are now tamed with the efficacy of a single vaccine.

However, amid these triumphs, science has ushered in its own set of challenges. In this era of cutting-edge technology, with the creation of formidable arsenals like nuclear weapons, the human race teeters on the brink of self-destruction. The emission of toxic gases imperils the ozone layer, posing a threat to billions of lives globally. Contemporary issues such as glacier melt, rising temperatures, and sustained flooding loom large on our collective horizon.

Yet, as a tool, science itself is neutral—it is neither inherently good nor bad. Its moral compass is guided by the intentions of those who wield it. The responsibility lies with humanity to harness the power of science for collective upliftment and ensure a brighter future for generations to come. Instead of leaving behind a legacy of destruction, let us wield the force of modern science to build a world that thrives on progress, compassion, and sustainability.

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Misuse of electricity is the main cause of Load Shedding

The term "load shedding" refers to the controlled interruption of electricity supply to certain areas to prevent a complete blackout. This is typically done when there is a shortage of electricity generation or transmission capacity to meet the demand. While misuse of electricity is indeed a contributing factor to load shedding, it's not the sole cause. Other factors also play a significant role in causing power outages.

1. Inadequate Generation Capacity: The primary cause of load shedding is often a shortage of electricity generation capacity. When the demand for electricity exceeds the supply, power stations may not be able to generate enough electricity to meet the needs of all consumers. This can lead to load shedding as a way to balance supply and demand.

2. Transmission and Distribution Losses: Electricity lost during transmission and distribution can also contribute to load shedding. Transmission losses occur when electricity is transmitted over long distances, and distribution losses occur when it's distributed to homes and businesses. These losses can reduce the available electricity supply and increase the likelihood of load shedding.

3. Unplanned Outages of Power Plants: Unplanned outages of power plants due to equipment failures, maintenance issues, or natural disasters can also lead to load shedding. These outages can disrupt power supply and necessitate controlled interruptions to prevent a complete blackout.

4. Increased Electricity Demand: Growing electricity demand, particularly during peak hours, can put a strain on the power grid. If demand exceeds available supply, even for short periods, load shedding may be necessary to prevent a collapse of the grid.

5. Weather Events: Severe weather events such as storms, floods, and extreme heat can disrupt power generation, transmission, and distribution, leading to load shedding. Damage to power infrastructure, outages caused by downed power lines, and disruptions to fuel supplies can all contribute to power outages during these events.

6. Inefficient Energy Usage: Misuse of electricity, such as excessive use of air conditioners, appliances, and other energy-intensive devices, can exacerbate the problem of load shedding. When consumers overuse electricity, it puts more strain on the grid and increases the likelihood of power outages.

7. Lack of Infrastructure Maintenance: Inadequate maintenance of power infrastructure, including power lines, substations, and transformers, can increase the risk of outages. Outdated equipment, corrosion, and poor maintenance can all contribute to disruptions in power supply.

8. Corruption and Inefficiency: In some cases, load shedding may be used as a political tool or to conceal inefficiencies in the power sector. Corruption, mismanagement, and a lack of transparency can contribute to these issues.

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Lack of sports facilities at school level is the only cause for failure in international sports 

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Bangladesh has made significant strides in developing its sports infrastructure and programs in recent years. However, the country still faces challenges in achieving consistent success in international competitions. While lack of sports facilities at school level is a contributing factor, it is not the sole cause for Bangladesh's limited performance in international sports.

Here are some of the additional factors that contribute to Bangladesh's challenges in international sports:

Lack of access to quality coaching: Bangladesh has a limited pool of qualified coaches, particularly in specialized sports such as swimming, gymnastics, and athletics. This lack of expertise hinders the development of young athletes and limits their ability to reach their full potential.

Inadequate training facilities: While the government has made investments in sports infrastructure, many training facilities are still inadequate or outdated. This lack of access to high-quality training facilities puts Bangladeshi athletes at a disadvantage compared to their counterparts in developed countries.

Lack of funding and support: The overall funding for sports development in Bangladesh is relatively low. This limited funding affects the ability to provide adequate coaching, training, equipment, and travel expenses for athletes, hindering their ability to compete at international levels.

Cultural attitudes towards sports: Sports are not always highly valued or encouraged in Bangladeshi society. This can discourage young people from pursuing sporting careers and limit the pool of talent available for international competition.

Competition from other priorities: In a developing country like Bangladesh, education and financial stability often take precedence over sports participation. This can lead to fewer young people pursuing sports as a career option, reducing the pool of talented athletes.

To address these challenges and improve Bangladesh's performance in international sports, the following measures can be implemented:

Invest in coaching programs: The government and sporting organizations should prioritize investing in coaching programs to train and develop qualified coaches. This includes providing training opportunities, mentorship programs, and incentives for experienced coaches to work in Bangladesh.

Develop high-quality training facilities: The government should continue to invest in developing high-quality training facilities, particularly in specialized sports. This includes building new facilities, upgrading existing ones, and ensuring that they are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.

Increase funding for sports development: The government should increase funding for sports development programs to provide adequate resources for coaching, training, equipment, and travel expenses. This can be achieved through increased government allocations, sponsorships, and fundraising efforts.

Promote sports culture: The government and sporting organizations should actively promote sports culture in Bangladesh by encouraging participation in sports from an early age. This includes organizing tournaments, school sports programs, and public awareness campaigns.

Balance academics and sports: The education system should encourage balance between academic pursuits and sports participation. This can be achieved by incorporating sports into the school curriculum, providing time for physical education, and encouraging extracurricular sports activities.

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