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A country you want to visit

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In my inquisitive mind, I want to visit every single country in the world, but it is not possible as I don’t have a limitless flow of money or all the time in the world to fulfil this wish. So, bringing my expectations to a practical level, I have plans to visit at least 5 to 6 countries in the next couple of years, and Switzerland stands at the top of this wish list.Switzerland is, undoubtedly, one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and I marvel at the sheer beauty of the wide-green fields and snow-capped mountains that I have seen on TV or in magazines. I have a school friend who lives there with her family and it was her who stirred my interests in this country. I have heard about her skiing on the mountain slopes, exciting experiences in the countryside, and experimenting with different cuisines. Even though those are just stories and experiences, it ignited my imagination on how beautiful the country would be and how much I would enjoy exploring it.I’ll visit Switzerland sometime in the middle of the next year if everything goes according to my plan. I have already shared my ideas with my parents and they would be okay with me travelling there with one of my close friends. So, I will possibly visit this country which is famous for its celestial beauty, delicious chocolates and finest watch, with Elizabeth, who also wants to visit Switzerland with me.I believe visiting Switzerland would be once in a lifetime experience for me. It will offer exciting and exhilarating adventures while also materialising my dreams. I’ve also heard a lot about high-quality Swiss watches and the punctuality of Swiss people, which I would like to witness myself. I would also like to enjoy beautiful landscapes, culture, foods and things in their way while in Switzerland.

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Stamp collection

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Introduction: stamp-collecting is the act of collecting postage stamps as curiosities. It is a favorite hobby with many.

Two-fold considerations: stamp-collecting involves mainly two-fold considerations. Some take to it as an n interesting pastime. They collect stamps of various denominations and of various countries only to drive pleasure from them. They collect stamps, old and new, both local and foreign and put them in albums. They allot a page to each country and try to ascertain and put the dates bellow the stamps as accurately as possible.

Educative value: stamp-collecting is of great educative value. Stamps are issued generally on occasion of great national importance or in commemoration of great historic events. Thus they have great historical value and significance. They also contain pictures of various things, events, rare animals and beautiful sights which are not only interesting but also of both historical and geographical value. As one Goes on collecting stamps, one comes in direct touch with historical, and geographical of many countries of the world. Thus stamp-collecting is both interesting and instructive.

Commercial value: the other aspect of stamp-collecting lies in its commercial value. Some take it as a profession. They collect stamps and out of their collection sell the rare ones at a very high price. Thus they earn a lot buy stamp-collecting. There are instances when rare stamps are sold as invaluable curiosities for fabulous sums of money.

Philatelic society: Those who are interested in collecting stamps become members of the philatelic society. This society has its organization all over the world. It helps the stamp-collectors in procuring rare stamps of different countries of the world. Some collectors collect stamps on their own initiative also. A collector of stamps also can acquaint the foreigners with his own country, culture and way of life by sending selected collection of stamps to foreign countries.

Conclusion: Stamp-collecting is an interesting hobby. It also pays handsomely by bringing in sufficient money. Thus to a votary, Stamp-collecting is a source of pleasure and wealth.

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Early rising

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There is a proverb which tells us about the benefit of early rising: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”.

Early rising is a good habit. It leads to improvement of health and prolongation of our life. It is the best time for prayer to God. The greatest advantage of early rising is that it gives a good start of a hard day’s work, while the others are still in bed. We can complete the day’s work without having to rush through it.

A little exercise at this time will keep the early riser fit for the day. Walking in the open air at this time is also very pleasant. The birds sing, the air is fresh and there is serenity all over. Nature which is fresh and peaceful has a beauty of its own at this time.

All these refresh the mind and body of an early riser and make him fit for working hard. Early rising should be made a regular habit as it leads to happiness and good health.

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Solar panel

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All life on Earth receives its energy from the sun. Solar energy is what we get from the sun; it comes to us in the form of tiny light particles called photons. All types of microorganisms and single-celled organisms were created with the help of solar energy, and plants have been using this energy since the beginning of time. As a result, every living thing on Earth is directly or indirectly dependent on the sun. Since solar energy is entirely renewable, it is available as long as there is sunlight. Because no harmful gases, chemicals, or fly ash are produced, it is also pollution-free. Using photovoltaic cells, solar energy can be transformed into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy has no production costs. 

But there are some drawbacks to solar energy. For instance, solar energy can be harnessed for various activities only during the day when there is sufficient sunlight available. When compared to conventional power plants with the same capacity, the cost of installing solar energy panels is very high, and the amount of energy produced here is very low. However, as science and technology advance, we can harness solar energy and use it as our primary energy source.

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Social media

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A popular and quickly growing knowledge and interaction outlet are social media where people are free to gain information and express their thoughts. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are social media platforms dominant internationally. 

In our fast-paced, busy life, social media brings a breadth of relief and enjoyment for a few minutes, which makes us energized to focus on what we were doing afresh. One of the best aspects of social media is that it helps people re-connect who once lost touch, but the only limitation is that both of them must have an account on social media.

Just like truth spreads precisely and fast through social media, so does fake-news and rumors as well. It is our duty as respectable netizens to focus on the truth and stop the spreading of fake content as much as possible by avoiding or revolting.

In the age of social media, people have also gained power over mass communication, which means a greater audience can be reached in a very short time and very fewer efforts. And the development of social media was possible because of the surging communication information. 

The boons and banes are debatable when it comes to the matter of social media. But we need to use social media advantageously and avoid toxic means. Social media should be used to create awareness for good purposes like drawing attention to that news which needs justice but does not get enough attention from the public.

Seldom have we realized that social media is an addictive pit, and soon this addiction leads to us mindless either scrolling or posting or involving in dumb conflicts that in no way will benefit us.

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SAARC stands for the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. It's an organization of eight South Asian nations, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. SAARC was established in 1985 to promote regional cooperation and development in South Asia.

The main goals of SAARC include enhancing economic and regional integration, promoting peace, stability, and prosperity, and improving the quality of life for the people of South Asia. The member countries collaborate on various issues such as trade, investment, agriculture, health, education, and environmental protection through dialogue, agreements, and joint initiatives.

SAARC organizes summits where leaders from member countries meet to discuss and address regional challenges and opportunities. Additionally, it facilitates exchanges, collaborations, and partnerships among governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in the region.

While SAARC has made progress in certain areas, such as trade facilitation and cultural exchanges, it has also faced challenges, including political tensions between member countries, differences in priorities and interests, and limited financial resources. Despite these challenges, SAARC remains an important platform for fostering cooperation and dialogue among South Asian nations to address common concerns and work towards shared goals of peace, stability, and development in the region.

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Road accident

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A road accident is never a pleasant experience. It can be traumatic and can leave you with lasting scars. If you’re unfortunate enough to be involved in a car accident, you should not panic. You should find the ways to contact the government helpline or the insurance company.Every year, thousands of people are killed or injured in road accidents. It is a serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently. The main cause of road accidents is human error, and it is important to know how to avoid them. 

There are many things that you can do to protect yourself if you’re involved in a road accident. You should always wear a seat belt and avoid using your phone while driving. If you are involved in a car accident, don’t try to drive away. Make sure that you get help from the police or the ambulance service as soon as possible.

Every day, we see accidents on the roads. Some are minor and can be easily fixed, while others are more serious and can lead to death. According to the World Health Organization, road accidents kill more people than war! Road accidents are also the leading cause of disability worldwide. There are many causes of road accidents, but the main ones are human error and poor road design. Poorly designed roads encourage people to drive too fast and take unnecessary risks. People also make mistakes when they’re driving because they’re distracted by music or phone use, they’re tired, or they’re impaired by drink or drugs. In order to reduce the number of road accidents, we need to make some changes. 

The Government needs to improve our road design so that it’s safer for drivers and pedestrians, and The Government needs to make sure that drivers are properly trained. The Government also needs to install technology that can help drivers avoid collisions.A road accident can be an incredibly traumatic experience for any person involved, whether they are the victim or the perpetrator. So be responsible and obey the traffic rules.

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Political unrest

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Political unrest happens when people aren't happy with their government or leaders. It can be protests, strikes, or even fighting. This unhappiness comes from many things like not having enough money, being treated unfairly, not having enough freedom, or when leaders are corrupt and don't listen to people.

One big reason for political unrest is when some people are very poor and can't get what they need to live a good life. When this happens, they get angry at the leaders who aren't helping them.

Another reason is when some groups of people are treated badly because of things like their race, religion, or where they come from. When this happens, they feel like it's not fair, and they want things to change.

People also get upset when they can't say what they think or do what they want. When governments stop people from speaking out or doing things they believe in, they feel like they're not free.

Corruption, which means when leaders use their power to get things for themselves instead of helping people, also makes people very angry. When leaders are dishonest or take money for themselves, people lose trust in them.

Lastly, when leaders are too controlling and don't let people have a say in how things are run, it can cause a lot of upset. People want to have a say in their own lives and be treated fairly.

In short, political unrest happens when people are unhappy with their leaders or government. It can be because they're poor, treated unfairly, not free, dealing with corruption, or not allowed to have a say in how things are done.

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Physical exercise

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Physical exercise is essential for maintaining physical fitness and can contribute to maintaining a healthy weight, regulating the digestive system, and building and maintaining nutritional bone density.

Various Kinds of Physical Exercise

There are numerous ways to exercise, including walking, riding a bike, swimming, and playing various outdoor sports. Following are some of the activities that people can do to remain physically fit—


Yard work (mowing, raking)




Climbing stairs or hills.

Playing outdoor sports.


People without good health cannot enjoy the abundance of wealth. Physical exercise improves our memory and brain function among all age groups. It protects against many chronic diseases. Physical activity helps in weight management and improves heart health. Most importantly, it reduces feelings of anxiety and depression and improves our quality of sleep.

Disadvantages of Not Exercising

Circulatory System Problems

Weight Gain

Joint and Bone Fragility


Lack of Endurance

Lack of Physical Strength When You Need It.

Loss of Balance

Loss of Flexibility

Loss of Mobility

Engaging in regular physical activity always produces improvements in physical health and psychological well-being. Physical exercise reduces the risk of diseases, improvements in physical functioning, and fitness, and overall improves quality of life.

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Road accident is a common phenomenon in the Dhaka city. A large number of people die every year while they try to cross the road ignoring the traffic rules. They cross the road in front of moving vehicles and consequently fall victims of fatal accidents. The government and pedestrians both should think that lives are most valuable and nothing should be compared with it. To save lives we need to be social; we need to follow the traffic rules because life will not come for the second time.
The authorities should take the necessary steps to prevent these road accidents. Traffic police and the citizen should be more aware of the problem. Rules and regulations should be followed more strictly. When there is a VIP on the road, the traffic police are very conscious. However, they should be conscious all the time, and make sure no one can jaywalk through the busy roads.  People who break the rules should be punished, possibly via fines. The foot over-bridges should be cleared of all vendors. The authorities needs to improve the over-bridges to encourage people to use them. The first and most important step is to ensure people are using them. The media should highlight the importance of their use by pointing out the many accidents that are occurring due to jaywalking. The roads in our city should have signs for pedestrians not to jaywalk. Overall, this should be practised by all classes of people. Otherwise, the foot over-bridges will remain unused and accidents will continue. It is now time to make your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours conscious about the negative effects of jaywalking. Textbooks can be a useful tool in educating people about their use. Print and electronic media can play a vigorous role to educate the masses about the necessity of using footbridge, and avoid jaywalking.

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