Incomplete Story

Mr. Halim is a cashier of Padma bank. One day -------

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when he was working the manager of his branch called him and said that he needs to get IT training because their bank will start Mobile Banking and all programming will be run by computer. Mr. Halim is agreed with his boss and starts training as soon as possible.

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Rahim and Jamal are two friends. One day they are watching a football match ⸻⸻

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and they decided that they needed snacks and so they went to the nearby store to buy snacks.

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নিজে নিজে চেস্টা করো।

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Shahanaz is working in a reputed company. But ⸻⸻

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he lately feels that he deserves a promotion s he goes to his boss

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নিজে নিজে চেস্টা করো।

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A boy and girl were through a forest. Suddenly ------

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a few owl started charming. It was too hot on that day. The circumstances were so roughness. The leaves were rustling under their steps. They were realizing that it was just look a hot summer day though it was the winter season. Behind the forest there was a river but now it seemed rough. They also noticed that a cowboy was sitting under a Banyan tree and there was a few cows and also goats. The cowboy has left these on the bard land. It was an amazing sight that they were enjoying. Actually, they came from Dhaka to their village after many years. And for this reason, by seeing of this amazing sights they became surprised. They came here to enjoy the nature of their village.

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Sumon and Sumi are university students. They are ------

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classmates. They love each other very much. Sometimes, they get pastime besides their study. The go to Chinese or park and spend their pastime. They are talking about their study and future plan. They encourage each other about their study. They taka the decision about their life. After establishing in life, they will get married. Actually, now they are attentive in their study.

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Rumon reads in class five. Once he came to his school road. Suddenly ------

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he looked an old women walking along the road. At a time her stick fall down. Then he came close and raised her stick and showed her the right path. Then he went house with the old women. Actually, we should help these old man and women. It is our responsibility. We should try our best to obey the social responsibilities

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Tomorrow is hartal. But Rakib has to ------

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go to Dhaka. Because, tomorrow is his interview of BMA long course. Tomorrow he could not start journey for Dhaka because of hartal. For this reason, he decides to start his travel by the night course. Then he will be able to reach Dhaka while it's going to be the morning. Then he can take the help from the police station to reach at the spot where his Viva will happen. By the help of police, he can take part at his viva and he will do well because he has taken the preparation not only seriously but also hard and sourly.

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Shakib and Apu are very close friends. But they -------

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support different team. One day they went to stadium to enjoy a football match. And while they reached at the stadium, they noticed that the match will be started within 15 minutes. So, they take their seats and when the football match get started all of the viewers were very excited. Before the half an hour the team which is supported by Shakib has given a goal to their opponent team. But Apu didn't worry about that because both of the two team were performing their best.

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Mr. Rahim is a poor farmer. He has no land ⸻⸻

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and works at a neighboring farm but he still managed to continue his son's education.

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নিজে নিজে চেস্টা করো।

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Arif and Safi are two friends. One day they are going to see an exciting cricket match. Suddenly ⸻⸻

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Arif realized that he left the tickets at home.

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নিজে নিজে চেস্টা করো।

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