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Online news portal

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An online news portal is a digital platform where users can access news and information from various sources. These portals often cover a wide range of topics including current events, politics, business, technology, entertainment, sports, and more. They provide users with up-to-date news articles, opinion pieces, analysis, videos, and sometimes interactive features like polls or forums.

Online news portals offer several advantages over traditional print newspapers or TV news broadcasts. They provide instant access to breaking news and allow users to customize their news consumption based on their interests. Additionally, many online news portals offer multimedia content such as videos and podcasts, providing a more engaging and dynamic news experience.

Some examples of popular online news portals include CNN, BBC News, The New York Times, The Guardian, HuffPost, and BuzzFeed News. These portals often have mobile apps as well, allowing users to access news on their smartphones and tablets wherever they are.

Overall, online news portals play a crucial role in the modern media landscape, providing a convenient and accessible way for people to stay informed about current events and issues.

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Old songs

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"Old songs" typically refer to music from past decades or generations. These songs often hold nostalgic value for listeners and are cherished for their timeless melodies, meaningful lyrics, and cultural significance.

Old songs span various genres, including classic rock, jazz, blues, country, folk, soul, R&B, and pop. They may evoke memories of specific moments in history or personal experiences for listeners. Many people enjoy listening to old songs as a way to connect with the past, feel a sense of nostalgia, or simply appreciate the artistry of earlier generations of musicians.

Some examples of well-loved old songs include "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen, "Imagine" by John Lennon, "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong, "Hotel California" by Eagles, "Respect" by Aretha Franklin, and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" by Judy Garland.

Old songs continue to be celebrated and enjoyed by people of all ages, serving as a testament to the enduring power of music to transcend time and bring joy to listeners around the world.

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National ID card

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Identity card means a card with a person's name, date of birth, photograph etc. on it. National identity card refers to a voter's ID card given by the Election Commission of Bangladesh. A permanent citizen of Bangladesh who is not below eighteen years of age is eligible to become a voter and will become the bearer of voter ID card. Under the UNDP project in collaboration with Bangladesh Army. the Election Commission launched a massive programme to prepare the voter list with photographs with a view to holding free, fair and credible elections. Nine major development partners through a UNDP project provided the financial support to this issue. There is an agreement between UNDP and Election Commission and ERD (Economic Relations Division). The UNDP project helps establish the technical infrastructure and other requirements necessary to complete the voter list with photos. The project includes funding the ICT equipment like laptops, webeams and fingerprint scanners, required for completing the nation wide digital voter registration. This gigantic effort of the Election Commission has come true. Initially it raised a big question in the minds of the countrymen whether the voter list would be completed within the scheduled time. But it is astounding that the full co-operation of Bangladesh Army and the peoples participation in the process of the new voter list has immensely helped the Election Commission complete it in time. This photo attached to voter ID card will work as a national identity card for every voter. The card holders are entitled to certain advantages by the state. The Election Commission successfully made the voter list within the limit across the country. The National ID card will serve twenty two types of advantages including land purchase, bank loan and passport etc. During the introduction of national identity cards there were some bitter experiences such as the unavailability of the voters and the communication gap. Eventually the obstacles have been minimized. The Introduction of voter ID or National ID card is a landmark in the history of Bangladesh. Since a voter ID card is approved by the Election Commission, it is valid for voters only. The Election Commission tries heart and soul to hold free, fair and credible parliamentary polls with the introduction of voter ID or national ID cards. It's a challenging task to implement it successfully.

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National Icon

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The national icon of Bangladesh is the Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), also known as the Royal Bengal Tiger. This majestic animal holds significant cultural and symbolic importance in Bangladesh, representing strength, courage, and national pride.

The Bengal Tiger is the largest tiger subspecies and is native to the Indian subcontinent, including Bangladesh. Historically, tigers roamed freely across the region's forests, symbolizing the country's rich biodiversity and natural heritage. However, due to habitat loss, poaching, and other threats, the Bengal Tiger population has declined significantly, making its conservation a priority for Bangladesh and the global community.

The Bengal Tiger is not only a symbol of Bangladesh's natural beauty but also embodies the nation's struggle for independence and sovereignty. During the Liberation War of 1971, the image of the Bengal Tiger featured prominently in nationalist propaganda and was adopted as a symbol of resistance against oppression.

Today, the Bengal Tiger serves as a national emblem and appears on various official emblems, logos, and symbols of Bangladesh, including currency notes, government seals, and military insignia. Efforts to conserve and protect the Bengal Tiger's habitat are ongoing, with initiatives aimed at preserving Bangladesh's rich biodiversity and ensuring the survival of this iconic species for future generations.

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National Flag

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Our national flag is the symbol of our independence and sovereignty. We got independence through a bloody liberation war and we have lost millions of lives in the war. That is how we earn our national flag. This is a matter of our emotions and pride. Every independent country in the world has its own national flag. We also have our national flag which is rectangular. There is a certain ratio to make our national flag. Its length and width ratio should be 10:6. It can be made of different materials like cotton, silk or linen. The rectangular background is green in color. There is a circle inside the rectangle and that is red in color. There are some reasons for this color scheme. The green background reminds us of our green motherland. As we are a country with green lands and crops everywhere, this green background is the symbol of our land. It is also the symbol of our evergreen youth that want to take the country far. It also reminds us of the valiant struggle of our evergreen youth that gave us independence. The red circle in the middle is the symbol of the glowing sun that gives energy to all of us. It also has another symbolic meaning that is tragic. We have lost millions of lives during our liberation war and our motherland has been freed from the oppressors in the cost of their blood. This is remembered while designing our national flag and Kamrul Hasan is the designer of our national flag. This red circle reminds us of the bloodshed that happened to give us an independent and sovereign country. There are certain laws regarding our national flag. It should always be made in proper ratio and it should never be torn. Our national flag is hoisted on top of all government buildings, courts and offices, educational institutions. It is hoisted in the morning and retracted in the evening. Our national flag must not be hoisted at night. Our national flag remains half-mast during any national holiday and no other flags should be hoisted on top of our national flag. It is a great honor and pride for us to have an independent country and our national flag as the symbol of our independence. We should always be careful to keep its honor upright and bear the moral.

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My village

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Bangladesh is a country with a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Its villages offer an enchanting scenery of trees, fields, rivers, and forests. Actually, Bangladesh is a country of villages. There are more than 87,000 villages in Bangladesh, each with its unique geography, culture, and traditions

The village beauty of Bangladesh lies in its simplicity, authenticity, and hospitality. The villages in Bangladesh are filled with green vegetation, ponds, canals, and small villages made of bamboo and thatch. The houses are usually made of mud and clay, giving them a rustic charm.

The daily lifestyle of the villagers is very peaceful and close to nature. They rise early in the morning to take care of their livestock and crops, and the evenings are spent relaxing with family and friends. The villagers’ way of life is a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity as they use their time-honoured knowledge and experience to adapt to modern innovations.

Aside from the stunning natural landscapes, the village people are an added factor that complements the beauty of the region. Bangladeshis are famous for their hospitality and warmth, and this can be experienced in full force when one visits the village areas. The villagers are always happy to welcome guests, making them feel at home with their smiles and excellent cooking skills.

Lastly, The village beauty of Bangladesh is undoubtedly a unique experience a canvas portraying the serenity of nature and the gracefulness of simple living. It is an opportunity to retreat from the city’s chaos and immerse oneself in a way of life that has remained unchanged for years. A visit to Bangladesh’s rural areas is a must for anyone who desires to connect with nature and appreciate the simple things of life.

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My parents

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My parents are the pillars of my life, guiding me with unwavering love, wisdom, and support. From the moment I entered this world, they have been my protectors, my teachers, and my greatest champions. Their selfless devotion and sacrifices have shaped me into the person I am today, instilling in me values of kindness, resilience, and perseverance.

My mother, with her nurturing embrace and boundless patience, has been my source of comfort and strength through life's trials and triumphs. Her gentle words of encouragement and unwavering faith in my abilities have empowered me to pursue my dreams with confidence and determination.

My father, with his steady presence and unwavering resolve, has been my rock, guiding me with his wisdom and leading by example. His tireless dedication to providing for our family and his unwavering commitment to integrity and hard work inspire me to strive for excellence in all that I do.

Together, my parents form a formidable team, complementing each other's strengths and supporting each other through life's challenges. Their love is a beacon of light that illuminates my path, guiding me through the darkest of times and celebrating with me in moments of joy.

I am forever grateful for the gift of my parents, whose love knows no bounds and whose sacrifices have laid the foundation for my happiness and success. They are my role models, my confidants, and my greatest blessings, and I am blessed to call them my own.

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My mother

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My mother is my guiding light, the embodiment of love, strength, and grace. From the moment I took my first breath, her unwavering devotion has been my constant source of support and inspiration. Her nurturing embrace has been my sanctuary, providing comfort in times of sorrow and joy in moments of triumph.

My mother's love knows no bounds; it is unconditional and boundless, transcending time and space. Her selflessness knows no limits; she sacrifices her own desires and dreams to ensure my well-being and happiness. Her wisdom knows no end; she imparts invaluable lessons with every word spoken and every action taken.

Through her gentle guidance and unwavering belief in my potential, my mother has empowered me to navigate life's challenges with resilience and determination. Her words of encouragement echo in my mind, fueling my ambition and instilling in me the confidence to chase my dreams.

But beyond her role as a caregiver and mentor, my mother is my confidante, my cheerleader, and my best friend. She celebrates my successes with unwavering pride and offers solace in times of despair. Her laughter is infectious, her hugs are comforting, and her presence is a source of immeasurable joy.

As I journey through life, I am blessed to have my mother by my side, guiding me with her love and wisdom every step of the way. She is my rock, my anchor, and my greatest blessing, and I am eternally grateful for the gift of her presence in my life.

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My memorable experience

The most memorable day of my life was when I went on a school trip to Cox’s Bazar beach in Bangladesh. It was my first time going to the beach, and I was so excited. We woke up early in the morning and got on a big bus with all of our classmates. The journey was long, but we played games and sang songs to pass the time.

Finally, we arrived at the beach, and I was amazed at how beautiful it was. The water was so blue and clear, and the sand was so white and soft. We changed into our bathing suits and ran into the water, splashing and playing with our friends. We built sandcastles and played beach volleyball.

After spending the morning at the beach, we had a picnic lunch. We had sandwiches, fruit, and juice. We sat on the sand and ate our lunch while listening to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. It was so peaceful and relaxing.

In the afternoon, we went for a walk along the beach. We collected seashells and took lots of pictures. We also went for a boat ride on the ocean, which was so much fun. We saw lots of fish swimming in the water, and some of us even got to touch them.

As the sun began to set, we sat on the beach and watched the sky turn orange and pink. It was so beautiful, and I felt so happy to be there with my friends. We sang songs and danced on the sand until it was time to go home.

That day was so special to me because I got to experience something new and exciting with my classmates. It was a day full of fun, laughter, and adventure. I will always remember that day and the memories we made together. It was truly the most memorable day of my life.

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My leader

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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, affectionately known as Bangabandhu, was a visionary leader who played a central role in Bangladesh's independence. His leadership, marked by courage and dedication, inspired millions during the struggle for liberation from Pakistan. As Bangladesh's first president and later prime minister, Bangabandhu laid the foundation for the nation's development. His legacy continues to inspire generations, symbolizing the spirit of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

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