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My hobby

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A hobby is not a man’s main business. It is a favorite subject of a man. So, I have also hobbies) It is gardening It does not hamper my normal work. I have made a garden in a front of my house. (After school and on the holidays. I look after my flower garden.) I planted different kinds of flower plants in the garden/ I did not plant vegetable plants. The rose. the Champa, the balee, the Malati, the Kamini, and the night-queen are the main flower of my garden. They give away a sweet scent. Regular working in the garden improves my health. Gardening is a source of pleasure to me.

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My first love letter

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Writing a love letter is like capturing feelings in a bottle, a simple yet profound act of pouring one's heart onto paper. When I penned my letter, I spoke of shared laughter, stolen glances, and the warmth of their smile. I expressed admiration, affection, and gratitude for their presence in my life. It wasn't about fancy words; it was about honesty and sincerity. As I sealed the envelope, I felt a mix of nerves and excitement. Regardless of the response, I knew I had spoken my truth. Love isn't about grand gestures; it's about vulnerability and authenticity. In the end, my simple love letter was a testament to the beauty of expressing feelings from the heart.

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My First love

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My first love, my mother, is a beacon of light in my life, illuminating my path with unwavering love, guidance, and support. From the moment I entered this world, her love enveloped me like a warm embrace, nurturing and comforting me through every joy and sorrow.

Growing up, my mother was my first teacher, my first friend, and my greatest champion. She taught me to walk, to talk, and to navigate the complexities of the world with grace and resilience. Her patience knew no bounds as she answered my endless questions and listened to my childhood dreams with unwavering attention.

As I journeyed through adolescence, my mother became my confidante, my rock, and my source of wisdom. She offered words of encouragement in times of doubt, and her unwavering belief in my potential gave me the courage to pursue my dreams.

Through her actions, my mother taught me the true meaning of love—selfless, unconditional, and boundless. Her sacrifices and tireless devotion to our family were a testament to her strength and resilience, and her love knew no limits.

As I reflect on my first love, I am filled with gratitude for the countless ways my mother has shaped my life. Her love has been a constant source of comfort and inspiration, guiding me through life's challenges and celebrating with me in moments of triumph.

Though my first love may not fit the conventional definition, the bond I share with my mother is one of the purest forms of love I have ever known. It is a love that transcends words, a love that is felt in the depths of my soul—a love that will endure for eternity.

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My family member

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My family member, my sibling, holds a special place in my heart, shaping my life with their presence, love, and companionship. From shared childhood memories to the support and understanding we offer each other as adults, the bond between us is unbreakable and deeply cherished.

Growing up, my sibling was my playmate, my confidante, and my partner in crime. Together, we navigated the ups and downs of childhood, sharing laughter, tears, and countless adventures along the way. Their presence brought joy and warmth to our home, creating a sense of camaraderie and belonging that I will always treasure.

As we journeyed through adolescence and into adulthood, our relationship evolved into a deeper, more profound bond. We became each other's pillars of support, offering a shoulder to lean on during times of struggle and celebrating each other's successes with genuine pride and joy.

Through it all, my sibling has been my constant companion, my sounding board, and my closest friend. Their love and understanding have been a source of comfort and strength, helping me navigate life's challenges with courage and resilience.

In their presence, I find solace and security, knowing that no matter what life throws our way, we will always have each other. My sibling is not just a family member; they are a cherished companion, a confidante, and a source of unconditional love and support—a treasure that I hold dear for a lifetime.

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My college library

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A library is the place where various kinds of books, newspapers, magazines, etc are kept for readers. It is very necessary for the students. It provides the students with a greater opportunity for study. By studying in a library regularly, a student can do well in the examination. Mostly students need it to enrich their knowledge. We have a library in our college compound. It has a good collection of books. We can study various types of books in the library and prepare notes. We use it also to pass our leisure hours. The college library is situated on the first floor of our college. It is spacious and well-ventilated. It has books from different branches of knowledge like-literature, history, science, commerce, geography and so on. The books are well arranged subject wise. In the library, we have librarian who is well mannered and keeps the library neat ans clean.  Every student has a library card. We can borrow two books at a time. We can keep the books for seven days. In the library, discipline is strictly maintained. There is an environment of quietness in the library. Our college library is very helpful to increase our knowledge. It also provides us with daily newspapers. Every college should have a college library. As the number of students of our college is increasing day by day, the library should be enriched with more books.

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My childhood memories

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As I look back on my childhood, I am flooded with a mix of fondness and nostalgia. Those early years were filled with simple joys and precious moments that have left a lasting impression on me.

One of my favorite memories is playing outside with my friends until the sun dipped below the horizon. We would run around the neighborhood, playing tag, hide and seek, and all sorts of imaginative games. Our laughter echoed through the streets as we created our own adventures.

Weekends were always special because that meant family time. I remember waking up to the smell of pancakes sizzling on the stove, and gathering around the table with my parents and siblings to enjoy breakfast together. We would spend the day exploring nature, going for hikes, or having picnics in the park.

Some of my most cherished memories are of bedtime stories. Every night, my parents would tuck me into bed and read to me from my favorite books. Those moments of storytelling sparked my imagination and instilled in me a love for reading that continues to this day.

Of course, there were challenges too. I remember the occasional scraped knee from falling off my bike or the frustration of learning something new. But even in those moments, I had the support of my family and friends to cheer me on and help me through.

Looking back, I realize how lucky I was to have such a happy and carefree childhood. Those memories have shaped who I am today and serve as a reminder to cherish the simple joys in life.

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My bitter experience

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Bitter experiences are tough times we face in life that are not pleasant but teach us important lessons. Imagine you are playing with your favorite toy and it breaks because you were not careful. You feel sad and regret not taking good care of it. This is a bitter experience. It’s like tasting a bitter fruit. You don’t like the taste, but it makes you realize that not all fruits are sweet. Similarly, not all experiences in life are happy or fun. Some are bitter, and they teach us to be more careful and responsible. Just like the broken toy teaches you to take better care of your things. Sometimes, we make mistakes, and we face problems because of them. These problems are our bitter experiences. But remember, these experiences are not bad because they help us learn and grow. They make us stronger and smarter. So, next time when you face a bitter experience, don’t be sad. Instead, think about what it teaches you and how you can avoid making the same mistake in the future.

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My birthday

One thing that makes us excited to the core about birthdays is the celebration that happens. We don't celebrate our birthday alone but we celebrate it with our friends and family. This makes it a day to party hard! It is to cherish that we successfully finished a year and stepped into the future with more maturity. 

We have parties thrown at our home or at some restaurant. Friends and family will gather together and make the celebration fun. Dance and music will be everywhere. Talking about birthdays and celebrations, we cannot forget the tasty birthday cake. For most people, birthday cake is the entire celebration. It is a boon to have every breath and to be alive every moment. Birthdays make us remember to be grateful for this beautiful life we have. 

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My best moment

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There is always that one moment that everyone had in their lifetime. Whether it would be a life changing moment emotionally, physically, or just the peaceful moments you have to yourself to think, and wonder about your life in a whole. It is important to capture and keep those moments safe with you throughout your life so you can think back to them, and know that is what got you where you are right now. For me, my biggest moment was the time I was offered to go into the Gifted and Talented program. It was a life changing moment for me and I will never forget it.
It all started in the fourth grade when my teacher noticed that I was excelling at a fast pace and I seemed to understand concept more quickly than others. So at the end of the year, she was offering to sign me into the gifted and talented program. Of course I would have said yes but there were some cons. I would have to move to another school because the school I was currently at didn’t offer any gifted and talented programs. Also, I would have to make new friends, which was a big deal. After thinking about it, I finally decided to go through with it. I was excited to see what I was getting myself into.
At the start of the 5th grade at my new school, I already knew that this was for me. The pace was a lot faster, and the work was more challenging. It was going great, but I still did not have any friends. I was quiet for the first semester, I isolated myself from the others when I finally decided that I was going to have to make new friends. We were assigned new seats and I started to talk to the kid who was sitting right in front of me. We started to talk over lunch as well and we soon realized that we thought alike. It was like we were the same person. He liked the same stuff I did, we both were into sports, and we loved to have fun. The class was really cool too. For field trips, we did not go to the Museum of Art and Science like any old boring class does, we went to New Mexico and West Virginia. We got to travel! How cool is that?
Soon, middle school came around the corner, and because I was in the gifted and talented program, I had to take a test over the summer to see if I would qualify to be in the gifted and talented team at the school. And sure enough, I made the cut. I’d have to say though, it was difficult. Middle school was a tough time for me. It seemed like I did not understand a thing and everything sped by. I tried to catch up but I barely made it out. But high school came along, and although I wasn’t able to make it into the IB program, I still made it into honor classes and that is good enough for me.
I am a lot happier now than I was before and then I realized, if I wouldn’t have token that offer into the gifted and talented program, I would not be where I am today nor will I have the friends that I currently have now. The gifted and talented program has put me on a journey that I will never regret taking. That, was the moment of my life.

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My best friend

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Friendship is a precious bond that adds immense joy and support to our lives. Among all the people I have had the pleasure of knowing, my best friend holds a special place in my heart. We have been friends for as long as I can remember, and our friendship has stood the test of time.

My best friend Ramesh is a remarkable individual. They possess qualities that make them stand out from the crowd. They are kind, caring, and always ready to lend a helping hand. Whenever I need someone to talk to or seek advice from, my best friend is there for me. They listen attentively and offer thoughtful insights, helping me see things from different perspectives.

One of the reasons why our friendship has thrived is our shared interests and hobbies. We enjoy spending time together, whether it’s going on adventurous outings, watching movies, or simply having deep conversations. Our laughter echoes in the air whenever we are together, and we create memories that I will cherish forever.

What sets my best friend apart is their unwavering support and belief in me. They encourage me to pursue my dreams, pushing me to overcome challenges and strive for success. During times of difficulty, they provide a shoulder to lean on and offer words of encouragement that uplift my spirits.

In moments of celebration, my best friend is the first person I want to share my joy with. They celebrate my achievements with genuine happiness and make even the smallest victories feel significant. Their presence adds an extra sparkle to every milestone I reach.

my best friend is a true treasure in my life. They bring warmth, laughter, and support, making every day brighter. I am grateful for their friendship and the beautiful bond we share. They have become an integral part of my life, and I cherish the moments we spend together. I am truly fortunate to have such an incredible My Best Friend by my side... Read more at: https://www.adda247.com/school/my-best-friend-essay/

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