Essay Writing

Yaba destroy our soul

"Yaba destroys our soul" is a poignant statement reflecting the devastating impact of Yaba, a powerful and highly addictive drug, on individuals and communities. Yaba, a combination of methamphetamine and caffeine, is infamous for its destructive effects on physical health, mental well-being, and social fabric.

Physically, Yaba wreaks havoc on the body, leading to severe health problems such as heart palpitations, high blood pressure, weight loss, and dental issues. Chronic use can result in long-term damage to vital organs and even death.

Mentally, Yaba induces intense euphoria, followed by debilitating crashes and psychological distress. Users often experience anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, and mood swings. Prolonged use can lead to psychosis and irreversible damage to cognitive function.

Socially, Yaba tears apart families and communities, fueling crime, violence, and instability. Users become isolated and disconnected from loved ones, prioritizing their next fix over responsibilities and relationships. The drug trade thrives on exploitation and suffering, perpetuating cycles of poverty and despair.

Indeed, Yaba's destruction extends beyond the individual to encompass entire societies, undermining social cohesion and economic development. Addressing this crisis requires a multi-faceted approach encompassing prevention, treatment, law enforcement, and community support. By raising awareness, providing accessible treatment options, and implementing effective policies, we can combat the scourge of Yaba and restore hope to those whose souls have been ravaged by its grip.

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Western Culture

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Culture is the way of life. It embraces the philosophy of life, taste, tradition, mentality, skills, etc. Actually, a society or community’s culture is reflected in its art, music, literature, etc. It is also a superior work of intellectuality and is regarded as a social distinction. At present, two sharply distinguished cultures-Eastern and Western- are dominating in two parts of the world. The Eastern culture is based on religions like Islam, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. These religions exercise such an impact upon its followers that they are too reluctant to accept or follow any other dictate, culture and instruction. Eastern culture dominates over the countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Burma, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Middle East. 

On the other hand, the western culture is that of the USA, the UK, the European countries and so on. Western culture is based on individual’s rights, needs, privileges, attitudes and ways of life having more scientific and materialistic notions. Now Western culture is intruding and influencing Eastern culture through globalization and satellite TV channels. The violence, fighting, wrestling, boxing, band music, pop music, indecent dance sequences and especially obscene on TV through the satellite channels have an irresistible attraction for the young generation of these countries. Thus, religious values, truth, work and moral virtues are getting destroyed day by day. So the time is up to be serious against this evil power and to protect our traditional religious values. Otherwise, we’ll be swept away by this evil power. But we must take up the good things and thus enrich our culture.

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Value of Time

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Time is the most valuable thing on this earth; nothing can be compared with it. Once it goes, never be back. It always runs only in forward direction and not in backward direction. Everything in this world depends on time, nothing happens before time. Everything requires some time to get done. If we have not time, we have nothing. Loss of time is considered as the worst thing on this earth because wasting time, wastes us and our future. We never acquire lost time again. If we have lost our time, we have lost everything.

Most of the people value their money more than the time however it is true that nothing is as valuable as time. It is time which gives us money; prosperity and happiness however nothing in this world can give time. Time can only be used; one can never buy or sell it. Most of the people live their life in useless way. They enjoy their time by only eating, playing or other lazy activities with their friends.

In this way they spend days and years. They never think that what they are doing, in what ways they are living their time, etc. Even they never regret their ways of time wasting and never become sorry. Indirectly they have lost their lots of cash and most importantly the time which they never get back.

We should learn from the mistakes of others as well as should inspire from the success of others. We should use our time in doing some useful works so that time may bless us, not destroy.

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Use of Modern Technology

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Technology is the most useful form of science for the general population. In simple words, technology is when we take the concepts of science and transform them into gadgets and devices that are useful to us as human beings. When we look around us, almost everything is a result of or a form of technology. For example, the device you are using right now is a form of technology made for communication, or the refrigerator in your kitchen is a use of science that helps to keep your food fresh and cool. With these examples, we see how dependent we are on technology and how important it is for us in our daily lives. It isn’t easy to imagine our lives without using any form of technology. For the smallest of communications, we tend to turn to our mobile phones. Even most of the food we eat is packaged in factories using various technologies. Thus, imagining a life without technology is impossible. It is not only a fact of life but also a necessity for all of us. In fact, the smartphone, that is, a mobile phone which can connect to the internet, is becoming one of the fastest-growing and most accessible forms of technology around the world. On a smartphone, you can click photographs, browse the internet, listen to music, and use social media. With the advent of smartphone technology, the practical purpose of not only communicating with your friends is met, but also so many others, as mentioned.

Thus, in today’s world, the importance of technology becomes more and more as the years pass. Scientists have done so much to advance humans using technology, and we still have a long way to go.

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In the year of 1945 United Nations Organization came into being as the successor of League of Nations. It began with fifty nations as its members but now it has 185 member nations accounting for almost all the countries of entire earth except Switzerland. The nations are the members of the UN General Assembly, the world body's chief deliberate organ. All the other wings are answerable to it through annual and special periodical reports submitted for its consideration. The General Assembly, discusses the reports and gives its approvals, elects General Secretary and the judges of the International court of Justice, admits new members to the Assembly, and also elects the non-permanent members of various councils. There are Economic and Social Council, The Trusteeship council besides the International Court, General Assembly and the Security Council. The General Secretary is the Chief Administrative Office of the world body who heads the UN Secretariat. He presides over the General Assembly meetings and those of other organs of U.N.

In addition to the above main organs, the UNO has several other specialized agencies like ILO (International Labour Organization), UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), UNCTAD (United Nations Council for Trade and Development), WHO (World Health Organization), etc. These agencies help the parent body in working out agreements on various- related matters to them and in achieving different objectives and goals. WHO, for example, plans step to achieve the highest possible level of good health of the entire human population of the earth.

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Unemployment Problem

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Underdeveloped and developing countries are more afflicted by the problem of unemployment than the developed countries in present times. Claims about unemployment in poorer countries have widened as the study by the World Bank in 2004 stated that the unemployment rate in sub-Saharan Africa is at around 30% because people there do not have access to basic amenities. The university graduates in an African country of Tunisia are facing massive unemployment as many students survive on less than $3 in a day.

This miserable state leads many to unsuitable jobs and forces them to work under a despairing work environment. Some even work at places that are dangerous for their lives, such as the factories where the vast machines can cause grievous accidents. The labor can end up being handicapped. The lack of social and physical protection persuades men to remain unemployed rather than losing their lives.

The unemployment problem is also mainly caused by discrimination between men and women, and this is mostly widespread in third world countries. The employers set job criteria according to gender so that the least number of people can get employed. He fixes the nature of a particular job that is only suitable for men and neglect talented women. Moreover, women face discrimination in the distribution of wages. This social inequality is existing for centuries and is the least addressed issue.

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Transit System

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Dhaka Metro Rail is a rapid transit system currently under construction in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is a mass rapid transit system that will serve as a convenient mode of transportation for the city’s residents. The project was launched with the aim of improving urban transit and reducing traffic congestion.

Once completed, the metro rail will offer a safe and efficient means of transportation, helping to ease the burden on the existing road network. The metro rail project is expected to have a positive impact on the economic growth of Bangladesh, providing indirect benefits to the country.

With the country’s economy growing and the urban population expanding, the metro rail will play a crucial role in transforming urban transportation and contributing to the overall development of the country. Despite the advantages, there are some disadvantages of metro rail such as overcrowding, the time required for construction, and the high cost of infrastructure.

However, the benefits of the metro rail system far outweigh these drawbacks. The opening date of the metro rail is yet to be announced.

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Trade Fair

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Nowadays trade fair is traditional. Many countries of the world arrange to show their produced goods to the international market. The people of others country can know about the industrial goods of the country. It can attract the foreign buyers. It helps to earn foreign exchange. It is a large affair. It is normally held once a year. A great publicity is done for this purpose. And this publicity is made through advertisement in the national and international dailies to draw the attention of industrialists and producers. These fairs are generally organized on a massive scale through the initiative and patronage of governments. The host country invites friendly countries to participate in the fair and give them scope to make stall in the fair. They display their exportable goods to the importers of the host country. Works of arts, crafts, handicrafts, agriculture, and industry are placed at different corners of a trade fair. There are also arrangements for recreation, food etc.’for the visitors.’ A host country can know the other parts of the globe through a trade fair. The foreigners can know also the culture of the people of a host country. So a trade fair should be held every year to encourage importers of foreign countries to import goods from our country.

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Tele Communication

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Telecommunications are of increasing importance in the world of today, and India must develop fast in this sector if it has to achieve competitiveness in the international market.

India operates one of the largest telecommuni­cations networks in the world. It includes communication through telephone, mobile and Internet.

The provision of world class telecommunication-infrastructure is the key to rapid economic and social development of the country. It is also anticipated that in the near future, a major part of the GDP of the country would be contributed by this sector.

In India, telecommunication services were introduced soon after the invention of telegraph and telephone. The first telegraph line between Calcutta and Diamond Harbour was opened for traffic in 1851. By March 1884, telegraph messages could be sent from Agra to Calcutta.

By 1900, telegraph and telephone had started serving the Indian Railways. Telephone service was also introduced in Calcutta in 1881-82, barely six years after the invention of the telephone. The first automatic exchange was commissioned at Simla in 1913-14 with a capacity of 700 lines.

The telecommunication services in India have improved significantly since independence. With the opening of telecom sector to private investment and establishment of an independent regulator, the matter of separation of service provision functions of the Department of Telecommuni­cations (DOT) and providing a level playing field to various service providers including the government service provider, has been achieved.

Initially, the telephone exchanges were of manual type, which were subsequently upgraded to automatic electro-mechanical type. In the last one-and-a-half decade, a significant qualitative improvement has been brought about by inducting digital electronic exchanges in the network on a very large scale. Today all the telephone exchanges in the country are of electronic type.

By the end of 2003-04, India was the tenth largest telecom network in the world, measured in terms of number of phones. The cellular customer base has been growing at a rapid rate.

Fully automatic International Subscriber Dialing (ISD) service is available to almost all the countries. The total number of stations connected to National Subscriber Dialing (NSD) has increased substantially.

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Social economic condition of Bangladesh

Bangladesh faces significant social and economic challenges alongside notable progress in recent years. The country has made strides in reducing poverty and improving access to education and healthcare. However, issues such as income inequality, unemployment, and inadequate infrastructure persist. The economy relies heavily on the garment industry and remittances from overseas workers. Agriculture also plays a crucial role. Challenges include vulnerability to natural disasters, limited access to clean water and sanitation, and environmental degradation. Efforts to address these issues include government initiatives, international aid, and private sector investment. Despite challenges, Bangladesh shows resilience and potential for continued development.

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