Extempore Speech

What If I get a simple and common topic, should I take extra time to explain more?

Keep it simple! Don't worry about making it longer. Clear and concise is better than stretching it unnaturally.

What body language should I maintain? Standing, Hand closed or not?

Stand tall, keep your hands open, and look confident. Your body language speaks volumes, so make it friendly and approachable.

What about my voice tone?

Speak clearly with some variation in your tone. Don't be afraid to express emotions. A conversational tone is your friend!

How to remove my fear of public speaking?

Fear not! Start small, practice regularly, and believe in yourself. It gets easier over time. Imagine you're just gossiping  with friends.

What if I don't maintain eye contact with GTO/candidate but my fluency is good?

Good fluency is a plus! Still, try to look at people when you can. It builds a connection and shows confidence.

What If I make grammatical mistakes?

No biggie! Focus on your overall message. Small mistakes happen to everyone. Just keep going with confidence

Can I throw questions at the time of an extempore speech to another candidate like a debate?

Usually not allowed. Stick to the speech format. 

Can I deliver my speech in Bangla?

Typically, it's in English.

Tips and tricks for this test?

Practice regularly, keep updated on current events, manage your time well, and most importantly, be confident. You've got this!