Group Discussion

Can I suggest changing the Group Discussion topic?

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It’s not possible. 

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If everyone opposes my point but i have  proper logic . What should I do ? 

If they cannot agree with your point at any cost, you should consider agreeing with their perspective and logic. Remember you’re in a team. Group decisions should be prioritized.

Am I allowed to skip group discussions?

No, you are not allowed to skip group discussions.

Should I assist someone who's trying to speak but can't get a chance?

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If someone is trying to speak but is having a hard time, it's nice and helpful to offer assistance or create space for them. You can say, 'What's your opinion, chest number 73? Is it okay if we make this decision?' Remember to use your own words and avoid copying me in addressing the situation.

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What does ISSB actually check during a Group discussion?

The ISSB Group Discussion (GD) is meant to evaluate different aspects of a candidate's personality, communication skills, and their ability to work well in a group. Here are the main elements that ISSB usually assesses during a group discussion:

Communication Skills 

Language Proficiency


Smartly presentation way 

Knowledge and awareness

Teamwork and cooperation

Behavioral and traits.

Who will conduct the group discussions?

Ground Testing Officer in short GTO 

Should I start first or in the middle or is there any advantage starting at first?

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There's no big advantage in starting or joining a group discussion at a particular time. What matters is how well you take part, talk, and contribute to the group. Be observant, confident, and actively involved, no matter when you jump in. Just make sure your discussion is effective; it shows others that you can express yourself well.

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 What if I start last?

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It's not just about when you talk, but about how good your ideas are and how well you work with the group. Even if you speak last, you can still make a valuable impact by observing, summarizing, and adding fresh insights to the discussion.

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Is it beneficial to take more time?

It's generally not beneficial to take more time than necessary. 

What if I take less time than others?

No problem. Just clarify your perspective and give your logic. Remember sometimes less is more. Hope you heard a novel  "For sale: baby shoes, never worn." by Ernest Hemingway. In fact, the novel comprises of only those six words!