Why does ISSB conduct this test?

By analyzing the word association  of a person they get to know what kind of person you are, what are your beliefs or dislikes, how you behave to your surroundings and what is  inside you. This test aims at judging  personality traits and basic psychology of a candidate. It brings out attitudes, thoughts, desires, feelings and even negative aspects of one’s personality. 

What should I do if I don't understand the meaning of a word?

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Just skip it.  Write the “word” name only for example, “Lead” or keep it blank

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Can I use pronouns such as I, me, we, he, and she in the sentence?

It’s discouraged. Try to avoid these.

What is the cutoff mark for WAT?

There is no cut off mark for WAT but you've to pass the exam. Overall they can make an idea about your personality, beliefs and others factor. Actually as the exam is conducted in limited time so your genuine psychology reflets clearly on the scripts so it helps them to judge you. There is no marking on this test.

How much does poor performance in WAT impact the final result?

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How you perform in the Word Association Test at ISSB affects your final result, but it depends on how well you do in other tests too. Each part adds up to the overall evaluation, and ISSB looks at the candidate's abilities as a whole. Weak performance in one area can be balanced by strengths in others. But if you consistently perform poorly across multiple sections, including the Word Association Test, it may negatively impact the overall assessment and final result.

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 How do I write a short sentence?

Increase your handwriting speed, thinking capabilities  and try to cope up with time management.So practice as much you can. Example: subject+verb+object follow this but meaningful sentence. Look brother it is an opportunity to show them your psychology so try to improve writing meaningful and insightful sentences. It is not just a formality that you have to write a sentence just. Ensure the quality in writing and thinking. 

How can I practice WAT at home?

You can use the Mission Academy app for practicing WAT. Here, the maximum WAT covered on ISSB will bring you a better result to improve your expertise. 

Does there any sound like “beep” when words change?

Yes, you will hear a beep sound on each word beginning.

Should I overwrite a sentence if I think of a better one later?

It shouldn’t be done. Rather overwriting will have a negative impact on your test also there has no scope to edit the previous one due to time limitation. As you know each word will disappear after a certain time from the big projector. 

Do grammatical mistakes in WAT have a negative impact?

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In the Word Association Test, making grammatical mistakes can be a problem. Although WAT mainly looks at spontaneous and psychological thinking, the ability to express ideas clearly and grammatically is also taken into consideration. Grammatical errors might impact how well your communication skills are perceived. It's a good idea to aim for clear and correct sentences during the WAT to give a well-rounded and effective response.

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