DP Viva

DP can ask me to prioritize their position in performance; why does he ask this question? Does he want to know if I am taking groupmates as a part of my competition or teamwork?

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He asks this question to know how good your judgment skills are. A leader should know how his subordinates are and also what his own shortcomings are.

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How to introduce myself to him?

Wait until the D.P asks you to. Once the D.P asks, here is a sample of how your answer can be:

Sir, my name is Ajwad Abir. I am the son of Md. Atiqur Islam and Rehana Amin. I passed my H.S.C from Govt. Public School and College in 2023. My hobbies mainly include outdoor games but I also like watching TV shows. I tend to think of myself as a very optimistic person; that is, I always look at the good side of things.

What was today's dinner/lunch menu?

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Say whatever you ate before you came into the viva room. so remember what today's menu was,at least the name of fish you ate Telapia or Rui. 

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Do they always ask questions related to porn or do sometimes! 

Not necessarily, but taking mental preparation is good for these questions. 

Should I prepare for pre-organized questions, so that I can answer perfectly? If yes then which are these questions!

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Yes. DP rapidly ask questions based on your answer. Just know yourself, your family, relatives, friends, interest, hobbies and Biodata. 

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How should I interact with DP, should I also greet him on my welcoming as he does?

Check whether the door says ‘Push’ or ‘Pull’. If there is nothing written then knock on the door and wait for permission. Before entering, give Salam and ask if you may go in. Once you’re inside, stand straight beside the chair and when provided permission, sit down without making any sound. Your footsteps must also make minimal sound or no sound if possible.

He may welcome you by saying Hello Amzad. I hope you are having a great time at ISSB. Your reply should be“Yes sir I’m enjoying being here with my beloved team members, hope you’re also having a great time.”

Afterwards continue the conversation in a sober manner. It is very important to note that you must maintain proper eye contact at all times.

How to introduce my family?

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Start with your father. Explain his profession(where he works, his rank/designation, what he does) and then do the same for your mother.

Then mention your siblings. 

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What if I gave you 50 thousand tk?

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 Sir, I would look for opportunities to invest this money into and save it for future purposes. 

Try to be honest and confident about your answer. Actually explain how you would use the money.

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How should my genuine response be with him?

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Your responses, at all times should be as honest as you can be with said responses. There is no wrong answer so speak with honesty and confidence and show the D.P that you are straightforward with your decisions and you do not falter under pressure.

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Should I share our family planning or long-term vision or too much seriousness about her?

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It is good to not go into too much depth about such information. You may however share that you are really serious about this person, you think he/she is the one and you wish to marry him/her one day in sha Allah.

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