DP Viva

Why should I give you a green card?

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Sir, I have the qualities that are required of an officer. I live my life with principles and try to integrate honesty, integrity and courage within myself and with the things I do. I am also a fast learner and can. I believe I have the potential to be much better than how I am now and hence I can be trained. 

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What if you don’t get a green card, how should your response be?

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Sir, if I don’t get a green card, it will be disheartening for me. But I trust in Almighty God that He has something good in store for me. With that in mind, I shall pursue other career options. 

If your answer is, you will try again and again. It will show you desperate to have a greencard and this leads you to show an imaginary character to DP. Look bhaia DP want to see your perspective what's important in your life has other than this Greencard. Sometimes few officer cadets get injury that time it's hard for them to overcame after academy life. If you've no bigger goal in life in your uncertain Academic life it will break you more after any injury. 

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Which quality do you have that I should give you a green card?

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Sir, I have courage, tenacity and integrity. And I am also a fast learner and adapter.

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Will you die if your officer commands you to die?

Depends on situation. What if he says to die you for no valid reason!

What will you do if your commander is wrong in planning or imposing a task that is really unbearable and illogical?

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Sir, I will still to my best abilities try to carry out that task as long as it is a legal order since it would be my duty as a subordinate to carry out any order given to me by my superior officer.

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Overall how can I impress DP?

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Be quick and straightforward in thinking. Answer respectfully and honestly. 

You should view the D.P as a father figure so be free with him, but not too free with him. Keep within limits and show confidence in everything that you say without getting nervous.

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DP to candidate at the end of viva ”Is there anything you want to ask me?". How should I respond to this question?

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It is best to reply no. Sometimes the D.P may ask “Do you want to say anything?”. In those cases, you may reply saying, “Just this sir, please pray for me”.

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Why did you choose the Navy/Airforce/Army? Why not others?

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For the Navy: Give one personal reason. Then say; 

Sir, the scopes and opportunities provided in the Bangladesh navy will be very helpful for me. I can go for various national and international courses and I can also continue my higher education. Besides, Bangladesh Navy is a 3 dimensional force, and I would have an opportunity to serve in both land and sea.

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What if I’m now admitted to a Public university and also planning to prepare for IELTS by leaving my current university and starting to go to Other countries. Should I share this? I share what impact can fall on me?

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It will not have a negative impact upon you. Share this only when you are asked to. There is no need to provide extra information regarding this. 

D.P will actually appreciate a candidate who is conscious about his own life and career.

However, heads up on this issue that after you say the above in response, the next question from the D.P will most likely be, “Why do you want to join the military?” And here, you must provide a compelling answer.

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