Mutual Assessment

How can I identify demerits in others?

Observe their actions and performance during tasks. Focus on areas where improvement is needed.

What if other candidates write negative things about me?

Stay positive. If others write negative comments, use it as an opportunity. If you really do good it won’t affect. GTO has observed each one of you. And also a suggestion for you. Make friends in ISSB but do not open up your negative sides too much to other groupmates. 

May I leave the demerits options blank?

It's important to fill in all sections, including demerits. Leaving it blank may indicate a lack of observation or participation.

Why has this test been taken?

This test is conducted to understand your interpersonal skills, teamwork, and your ability to assess and provide feedback on the performance of your group mates.

Should I avoid writing actual demerits that could be harmful to another candidate?

Focus on providing constructive feedback that promotes improvement. Avoid harmful comments and prioritize the betterment of your group mates. Remember if you write highly negative words about others it shows you act false in your team while performing group task just to get greencard. Then GTO can realize who is showing fake manners. Simply keep in mind this is not a competition! Writing negative feedback won’t make you great rather write constructive demerits that won’t affect others. For example you know a secret demerit about one groupmate and you wrote this. This is how GTO is unconsciously making a negative impression about both of you, especially about you. Don’t rush here. Use your emotional intelligence to assess this part.

What if I choose the first person for myself even though doing bad?

It's advisable to position yourself where you are confident. Prioritize honesty, and it's okay to acknowledge your positive qualities even if you mention them last.

How do I give them a position correctly?

Provide a fair assessment by actively participating in the group tasks

Should I express highly negative things about others?

You should avoid expressing highly negative things. Always present your opinions in a respectful manner, focusing on constructive feedback.

What position should I choose for myself?

You should prioritize yourself based on your performance in group. Remember prioritizing you at first place doesn't mean you will get selected. Rather GTO knows your performance. He is trying to figure out your assessment ability as a leader. 

Is it beneficial for my selection if I write the actual truth?

Yes, honesty is valued. Write truthfully, as In this test you get only the chance to provide a demerit write something that GTO also observe in these candidates. That is how he will understand you’re also a good observant.